More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: nocomment on 2007 October 28, 10:02:51

Title: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: nocomment on 2007 October 28, 10:02:51
Stupid BV.  Stupid computer.  Stupid me.  Stupid EA.  Stupid everyone.

Ok, I feel better now.  I installed BV and played the test neighborhood in my main XP user account.

Then I tried to run BV on the user account I created for sims.  I got the stupid "insert the real CD, not a backup you monstrous pirate" error.  No matter how many times I tried to run it, no matter how many times I restarted, I got this error.

I downloaded the Fairlight no cd file.  Set everything up, ran from my main user account.  Works great, everything's fixed, unicorns are dancing in my front yard.

Back to my sims user account, make a new shortcut pointing to the no cd crack.  Double click and...nothing. 

I brought up the task manager and watched.  When I double click Sims2EP6.exe does briefly run.  Then it vanishes.  So the shortcut is pointing to the right place.

Please tell me this is a stupid question and everyone knows the answer.  Please tell me it's easy to fix.  I am so close to making little people out of pipe clearers and naming them after my sims.  It would have saved me two hours downloading the no cd crack on my horrible dial up.

Edited to add - the second user account that I'm having problems with has full adminstrator privileges.

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 28, 16:53:29
I blame Stupid Microsoft.

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 29, 01:43:29
And yet, when I had problems playing Seasons on my normal account using EALink and went for advice, I was advised to (a) manually uninstall EALink and then, because it probably broke something in my user account, to (b) create a new administrator account and then reinstall the Link.  Needless to say, I just got mad at the stupid answer (I'd been playing in such an account when the game crashed which is when the Link refused to load the game!)  But then they upgraded the Link, and everything started to work again.......

I wonder what the minimum/maximum IQ requirements are to be a member of the EA Help department?

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: neriana on 2007 October 29, 04:58:28
This is probably an extremely silly question, but did you delete the groups.cache file?

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: kewian on 2007 October 29, 05:16:55
Have you tried going to all programs?  I had to do that to get it to work until it showed up on start. It has a new way of starting.

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: nocomment on 2007 October 31, 05:06:11
Ok, it was stupid me.  Sigh.

neriana was right, I just needed to delete groups.cache.  Thank you so much for reminding me of that!  I got so distracted by the Securom nonsense I forgot the basics.  At least my game is working now. 

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 31, 14:49:14
I am so close to making little people out of pipe clearers and naming them after my sims.

Now that the issue seems to be resolved, may I just say that this has been the rofl moment of my day so far?  :D

Title: Re: BV runs in main user account, but not in other account
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 31, 15:13:57
I am so close to making little people out of pipe clearers and naming them after my sims.

Now that the issue seems to be resolved, may I just say that this has been the rofl moment of my day so far?  :D

I used to make them when I was a kid.  Once we made a theatre from an old orange box and had puppet shows with pipe-cleaner characters stuck onto lolly sticks.  We were creative in those days.