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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sorina on 2007 October 27, 16:12:25

Title: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Sorina on 2007 October 27, 16:12:25
The topic title tells it all.

So, what would be safest way to do that without any serious consequences?

Just asking before I do it, because I really, REALLY don't wanna mess up my game for the 100th time.  :(

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 27, 17:53:50
The only safe way:,6205.msg274636.html

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 27, 19:58:49,6205.0.html (,6205.0.html)

That's where the instructions are.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Alexx on 2007 October 27, 20:36:08
How about saving hood data without new SimPE  BV version or SimPE QA?Seems it can mess game more than anything else.Your hoods simply crash on loading. :(
My opinion : safest way - don't delete nothing without new SimPE or latest QA version.
Also,I know which persons sure must know something about safest way to delete sim-it's EAxis team code programmers.
You may ask them about it,if you'll find them at first. :)(don't poke me...I'm joking)

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 27, 23:47:35
You can't open a BV-game 'hood without the QA version of SimPE. It errors into oblivion. There's a few posts here with links to it.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 28, 00:10:50
It would be ever so awesome if there were a Sim-Deleting plug-in for SimPe. 

(It would also be really neat if there was a SimPe for BV, but that's another issue already profusely addressed.)

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Alexx on 2007 October 28, 02:15:23
You can't open a BV-game 'hood without the QA version of SimPE. It errors into oblivion. There's a few posts here with links to it.
Thanks for notice and sorry for my ignorance about it.I've not tried to open BVhoods with 0.62 yet(since have QA),and havenot time
to browse all topics here like you  :)
But,in any case any works with hoods data in SimPe seems not very safe for non advanced SimPE users.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 28, 02:26:26
If it's just that you don't like these particular sims, why not just have them killed?  Admittedly, this does not completely get rid of their character files and leaves memories of them intact, but there has not been a character file overpopulation problem since Uni.  Unless you want the particular sims never to have existed, it's perhaps more trouble than it's worth.  I would suggest you make sure you have hacks like nocorruptdeath and nounlinkondelete installed beforehand, of course.

Other than that, it's very safe to simply delete the entire neighbourhood and start over (joke).

I'm lazy and don't want to muck about with all those steps in Deleted 2.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 28, 05:03:57
Can't actually see why you need nounlinkondelete if you're going to kill them.  When Angela died, Lilith kicked her tombstone to bits, and Angela became unlinked - but from what I remember, nobody lost their memories of her.  Unlinking dead sims you don't want helps to keep the file sizes down - have you noticed how many dead EAxis sims have progressively become unlinked and it doesn't seem to do any harm.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Sorina on 2007 October 28, 12:17:05
Thanks guys, for your quick answers!  :)

I looked up the instructions and it seems that I have a lot of work to do.

*chills going up and down in spine*

I hope that I do everything right..

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Sorina on 2007 November 08, 10:42:17
BTW, just crossed my mind - can I use the non-compatible SimPE in the process of deleting the sim?

I happen to have BV and as far as I know, the latest SimPE isn't compatible with BV, am I right?

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 November 08, 15:30:46
Don't do anything to the neigbourhood with an outdated simpe.  Get the alpha release.  There are links around here.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: veilchen on 2007 November 08, 15:50:48
Here you are:,9907.0.html

I use it, and it works nicely. So far, no complaints.

I would still go with Jolrei though. I have the insim object, so it doesn't interfere with other things. It gives you killing options as well. Delete II is far too much mucking about. I would do it my hood becomes too huge, but that's not a problem for me - personally - now.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: nil on 2007 November 08, 18:18:07
just get insim or wardrobe guns to kill the sims and then sell the satellites or tombstone or urns for extra budget for the family.

My poor uni students sold off the dorm's furniture and electronics to earn money fast.  Yet, killing a mascot with a satellite is the best choice for economic cause based on the game's ethics.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 November 08, 22:47:08
I guess now is the time to beg.
I am completly SimPe retarded.  From what I've gathered from those instructions, Pescado is using two versions of SimPE, New Fandangled and Ye Olde.  (Is that right?).

Is anyone able to write up retard friendly instructions for Deleted II that uses just New Fandangled? I get hella confused.

*Tigerlilley puts up Poking Sticks Shield.

Edit: I offer cakes a muffins for this. Maybe even a cyber hug.  See that's how desperate I am.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: notovny on 2007 November 09, 01:02:25
From when I did it, If I recall correctly,  the primary difference in QASIMPE is that the "Sim Creation Index" is labeled "Sim Creation Index" rather than "UNK:0xCCA6A34"

Also, I wound up using the  Google Calculator  to do DEC to Hex conversions, rather than using SIMPE. (e.g.,searching "140 in hex" sans quotes returns "0x8C")

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 November 09, 08:40:01
Windows calculator can convert to hex easily.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 November 09, 09:15:12
just get insim or wardrobe guns to kill the sims and then sell the satellites or tombstone or urns for extra budget for the family.
Selling urns is chump-change, and killing NPCs creates a mess out of your files. Just go with digging. It requires no skills and averages maybe 5K/day.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: nil on 2007 November 09, 15:05:34
Yeah, I did those things in exp. neighbourhood, so it's safe... :)
After all, I was being "sarcastic" if not "ridiculous". :D

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Marhis on 2007 November 09, 22:03:13
Actually, there is a plug-in for SimPE (sort of), by Theo here ( I usually delete sims with the lot debugger first, and then finish the work with that tool in SimPE; it speeds up the whole process and deletes the sim completely, character file included.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: jolrei on 2007 November 10, 00:22:23
Actually, there is a plug-in for SimPE (sort of), by Theo here ( I usually delete sims with the lot debugger first, and then finish the work with that tool in SimPE; it speeds up the whole process and deletes the sim completely, character file included.

Thanks Marhis - does this do everything that Deleted 2 steps do?  Additionally do you know if this works and plays well with the BV QA version of SimPE?

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Gwill on 2007 November 10, 11:03:32
I haven't been able to make it work with BV QA (the option just didn't show), but I haven't looked into why.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 November 10, 12:03:37
Actually, there is a plug-in for SimPE (sort of), by Theo here ( I usually delete sims with the lot debugger first, and then finish the work with that tool in SimPE; it speeds up the whole process and deletes the sim completely, character file included.


Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Marhis on 2007 November 10, 17:49:53
I think that it doesn't work with the QA version, because I assume that Theo is still working on that upgrade (or will wait for that SimPE's version official release, before upgrading his tool). However, it works like a charm in Seasons' version.

Yes, it deletes the same resources (I checked manually, and I spotted no differences between the two methods) as the lot debugger does, plus the SDSC resource and the corresponding phyisical character file.
The lot debugger is quicker in deleting related resources in game, and with Theo's tool you don't need the part of writing down the #ID of the character, etc.

Title: Re: The safest way to delete a sim from game?
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 November 11, 22:14:30
I think that it doesn't work with the QA version

And Tigerlilley is shotdown.