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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Inge on 2007 October 27, 13:28:41

Title: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 27, 13:28:41
I posted this on MTS2 two days ago but no reply so far.  I think it's justifiable for me to try elsewhere after this time :)

Are the default nude skins (for someone with all EPs) still in the basegame Sims07 file?   I couldn't find them in the Bon Voyage equivalent.   Anyway my problem is I edited the textures in situ in Sims07, because I was lazy and not intending to share them anyway (they're not that carefully done) but my in-game sims are still wearing their old horrid orangey skins, and the new ones are not offered in CAS either.

What's my mistake?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 27, 13:51:36
Far as I know, any component of the base game is not duplicated in any expansions, so it should still be there. All the default-replacements I've seen are expansion-independent and have continued to function with each expansion. Not sure why your sims are ORANGE, though. Is your monitor fragged?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 27, 14:13:33
:giggle:  It's just an orangier tone than I think right for skin.  So I made S1 much paler and pinkish (less yellow) while S2 is also pale but yellowish and S3 is a darker S2, and S4 I made darker with slightly more blue.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 29, 01:35:42
:giggle:  It's just an orangier tone than I think right for skin. 

It's all that Ambre Solaire!

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 29, 10:40:50
So nobody on the whole of MTS2 or MATY knows how to get this to work?!?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 29, 10:44:03
I still don't understand what it is that you've done. Default replacement skins are old, old news, so surely you're not having problems with that. So what exactly have you done, and what do you mean by your sims still being orange? Was the orange the default replacement? If so, try removing it.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 29, 16:15:35
All I can suggest is to restore the original file and clone the resources you want to replace.  I think there are some copies of the skin textures in later EPs.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 29, 18:36:37
I tried putting them in my downloads folder first - they didn't show up on the sims from there.  That's one of the reasons I went on next to edit the file directly.  Is there maybe just something I haven't understood, like existing sims and CAS templates have their textures already stored in their files?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Emma on 2007 October 29, 19:36:23
Some default skins need the non-default versions installed in addition to the default skins. Sorry if you've already tried this.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 29, 19:50:05
The thing is these are literally imported at the .png level - I didn't even change the names or instance numbers of the texture resources.   

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 29, 20:07:14
No that can't be it.  I've made and switched lots of texture replacements over the years and it always affects exsisting sims.

What exactly are you doing?

Are you replacing all textures?  All sizes?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 29, 20:32:28
In C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D\Sims07.package  I replaced afbodynaked(various endings) and afface for S1 and S4.  I only did the women cos I wanted to compare them with their same-coloured partners to see if it had worked.

I replaced the Image 256x256 downwards, but not the lifos cos they only had grey and white checked images so I didn't know what they were for.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 29, 20:48:59
It might be the LIFOs overriding then.  They only appear to be blank, the real LIFOs are in Sims08-13.package
I usually just replace the TXTR with one 1024x1024 PNG and remove all the other sizes.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 29, 20:59:01
Just to be clear, are you saying I should update the LIFOs in the sims08-13 files, or just put the huge image into the relevant resources in Sims07?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: maxon on 2007 October 30, 23:06:00
Are you sure the files/textures you need aren't actually somewhere else?  One of the Maxis base skins was broken, if people remember it, the baby skin was missing which caused 'one eyed baby' syndrome.  This bug was fixed in several patches (because Maxis naturally unfixed it with subsequent EPs).  Inge would know better than me about the game mechanics about how the game finds textures but if the default skin textures have been fixed, is it not likely that the location of the textures is no longer in the base game files and therefore the instructions to find the textures are pointing to a different address?

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 30, 23:54:47
Just to be clear, are you saying I should update the LIFOs in the sims08-13 files, or just put the huge image into the relevant resources in Sims07?

Put it in the texture resource, the sims 07 one.

Title: Re: replacement skintones
Post by: Inge on 2007 October 31, 17:44:13
It's a possibility, Maxon.  It's complicated a bit by the fact that although the game only runs the very latest Objects.package, it does seem to refer the past stuff in the 3D folders.

Ok I tried putting editing the Sims07 again using the larger image as advised, but it's still not appearing in my game :(   If I want to do this I will probably have no choice but to follow one of those tutorials for editing someone's default skin package.  Seems silly to have to have some huge files when editing the original should have done the trick, so my enthusiasm is waning a bit :)