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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2007 October 26, 17:31:47

Title: Unable to extend house
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 October 26, 17:31:47
I'm having some problems extending the latest lot I built. Silly me forgot to make the kitchen wide enough to accommodate a dining table with a clear space all round it for easy access to all the chairs. No problem I thought, I'll just extend the kitchen-diner and that will be it and that's where I ran into the problem. I can add walls but am unable to lay a floor on the whole extension as only the centre four tiles are active:


I'm really not sure what has gone wrong as it was a straightforward build with no cheats. Here is a pic of the whole house showing extendible tiles where you'd expect to find them, except of course for the part of the house that I need to extend!  >:(


I have tried the obvious fixes like removing/re-adding the walls, using columns and flattening the terrain with/without CFE. I've also tried stuck object removers on the offchance there was something invisible causing problems. It could be my original construction that caused the problem as I seem to remember the ground outside was not even when I placed windows. Can anyone help please as I've run out of ideas?

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 26, 18:01:15
Isn't that a custom fence? (linky? Want) Have you tried removing the fence segment and seeing if the tiles then appear? Have you tried enabling the floor elevation cheat and dragging floor tiles from the existing deck to the new space? I know you've tried it at the terrain level, but have you tried it at the second floor level? Have you placed floor tiles on the available spots and seen if the others pop up?

Those are my only ideas.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 October 26, 18:22:10
The dragging suggestion worked and I didn't need to enable CFE. Thank you! The custom fence is from Holy Simoly: ( and there's a tall version on page 2.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 27, 21:02:08
There are matching gates too!

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 27, 23:40:29
Cool, I've been trying to curtail my downloads a bit...I have almost 2 gigs now. So I'm restricted to build mode and hairs.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 27, 23:51:52
Yea, I love those fences -- low polly, so they don't cause lot lag when you use them from one end to the other.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 28, 05:05:54
And the gates MATCH!

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 28, 22:07:30
Oooo -- I missed the matching gates!
/me goes off to download them...

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 28, 22:36:31
Any time I extend my house, I have to put in a tile ceiling (at least a temporary one). Then the roof will work.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: SilentDream on 2007 October 28, 23:03:42
I had this problem the last time I tried to build a lot. Today actually, ended up doing like dizzy and just putting floor tiles so I could get the stupid walls up. Maybe BV busted something.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 29, 01:24:50
I think Seasons broke it, and then fixed it in the patch, as I do remember having difficulty with walls when I played the Wan house.  And of course, Seasons also broke their own octagonal roofs - put one on an octagonal house, and lo and behold, snow falls and sims are complaining that there is "weather in my house"!

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 29, 14:48:52
Yea, Seasons broke a couple of roofs.  I have the 'Modern Marvel' house in my game (I forget which EP it came with -- might be from the base game, or maybe NL), and the slanted roofs on the two sides let snow into the upstairs bedroom.  I had to put a floor beneath the roof for it to not snow inside. Pity, because I basically like that house -- it's nice and roomy, with a good size yard.  Great for 'up and coming' sim families.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 29, 16:16:55
Yes, I know the house you mean (it's in the Base Game lotbin) and agree, it's a nice house, one of the few Maxis houses that work without too much remodelling.  I usually get rid of the internal kitchen walls as it's such a small kitchen, but otherwise, the house works pretty well.  It really annoys me about those lean-to type roofs, though, that they got broken, although since I mostly play with weather off it's not such a problem now as it was when I first got Seasons.  (My PC just wasn't coping with the weather, laggier and laggier games, so the only time I had weather on was for a few seconds to satisfy a want, so the snow or rain etc. was never around long enough for sims to notice.)

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 29, 17:05:34
The octagonal roofs, round roof, and spires are absolutely ridiculous as designed. They never fit well, and tend to be so dang steep that they look ungainly. And the slope can't be adjusted. The asian-style roofs are slightly have to extend them one tile less than the normal roofs and put a layer of tiles underneath, but they can work.

I haven't seen Winter since BV came out, but I do have a double Summer in Queen's Cove that's quite good at producing sunburnt tourists and deaths from heatstroke (though last round was a little mild and the body count didn't increase). The affluent section, Badger Square, has two houses that utilize the new asian roofs and two businesses that do the same, and all required the tile trick, as otherwise the roofs would have extended so far past the walls of the house as to look comical...especially on the tiny 6x6 convenience store.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 October 30, 02:28:10
It's been my experience, since installing Seasons, that you have to put a floor under ANY roof, or else the sims will freeze or overheat, depending on the season. There are different heights for the conical roofs, but I agree that they all look too steep, even the shortest ones.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 30, 03:45:50
And of course, roofslopeangle doesn't work on them......

Sims only overheat indoors if they are doing things like jumping on the couch etc., although that's just been my experience, and I do have a lot of houses with flat roofs anyway.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 October 30, 04:03:23
Sorry, I phrased that wrong. I meant that the sims' temperature bars indicate that they are either too hot or too cold. I've never actually had a sim freeze or overheat, due to JM's temperature-related mods, though two of my zombies did get sunburnt once from staying outdoors too long. At first I thought they'd somehow decayed and were about to start losing limbs or something until I figured out they were just sunburnt. :D

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 30, 04:13:15
Afraid I use Paladin's overheating hacks - they still get hot, they just don't combust.  I also have Inge's air conditioner, which warms them up if they are cold, and vice versa.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 30, 04:58:59
Even with JM's temp mods they can least outdoors. I have pictoral proof:

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 October 30, 06:37:21
Hmmm, I must have Paladin's mods, as well. It wouldn't surprise me, since I use many of his hacks.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 30, 06:54:04
I think Seasons broke it, and then fixed it in the patch, as I do remember having difficulty with walls when I played the Wan house.  And of course, Seasons also broke their own octagonal roofs - put one on an octagonal house, and lo and behold, snow falls and sims are complaining that there is "weather in my house"!
Oddroofs do not "cover" an area. This is readily apparent in, say, "Trepie's Budget Awesomesauce", where the area under the dome roof will get snow in it, but the area that is covered by the conventional roof won't: the odd roofs do not provide "weather" coverage, they are purely decorative structures. If you want to get weather coverage for them, you have to either put a floor-tile underlayer, or cover the thing with an actual "regular" roof.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 30, 11:56:58
Even with JM's temp mods they can least outdoors. I have pictoral proof:

This is why I use No Random Bursting Into Flames!

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 October 30, 14:35:34
Why? It's funny. The only reason I had Iyana extinguish Phyllis's butt is because it would have been one less target for Stella to pummel.

Title: Re: Unable to extend house
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 30, 18:24:28
Well, after Angela fried while making crepes souzettes (No fire alarm, silly me forgot to put in the one that Maxis forgot......) and no-one loved her enough to succeed with Grimmie, I get a bit nervous about fires!