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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MissDoh on 2005 October 16, 19:05:43

Title: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 16, 19:05:43
Well personally I think it is an improvement not a bug since now aliens that don't have the same mother (the sim male that gave birth) can now have romantic relationship between each other since they do not show as brother and sister anymore, unless I am mistaken.

I am far out and it is a bug?

What do you think?

Title: Re: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug?
Post by: laylei on 2005 October 16, 19:09:34
I got this too. I'm wondering if it's a result of the better looking pollination tech hack- I sure hope not! I don't want any ugly Alien babies!

Title: Re: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug?
Post by: jrd on 2005 October 16, 19:12:24
It is probably by design. Unfortunately. It would have easily been possible to keep the PT as a parent, but unmark the family bit.

Title: Re: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 16, 19:14:43
I got this too. I'm wondering if it's a result of the better looking pollination tech hack- I sure hope not! I don't want any ugly Alien babies!

I can assure you it is not since I don't have that hack in my game.

Title: Re: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug?
Post by: HRH Posie on 2005 October 16, 19:27:17
It isn't by design as I asked this question in MaxoidTom's thread.  He suggested I submit the details via the official Nightlife feedback form as he wasn't aware of the problem.  I started a thread some time back and you will find it here (,item.43,item.41,item.23&threadID=c023440e270ab46a65f1d7be5a4da5e4&directoryID=81&startRow=1#b8107766342a6d6adfd2b8f571438839).

Title: Re: Pollination tech not in family tree improvement or bug?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 16, 21:13:32
Well personally I think it is an improvement not a bug since now aliens that don't have the same mother (the sim male that gave birth) can now have romantic relationship between each other since they do not show as brother and sister anymore, unless I am mistaken.

It's not an improvement, as far as I'm concerned. I already had that problem fixed with the Multiple PT hack, so each alien spawn was siblings with maybe one out of eight of the other alien spawn. Now they aren't related to any of them, which is annoying, and I can't tell which PT they're the spawn of, and I suspect it may be connected to the hack not working at all anymore.