More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: witch on 2005 October 16, 10:52:39

Title: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 16, 10:52:39
I received an email from EA saying 'Happy Birthday' and offering me a $15 discount on anything in the EA store. I checked out the EA store, there were no PC games I wanted to buy that I didn't already own. My son checked out the Playstation games. He found the new 'Need for Speed', and then we read the small print.

Postage, tax and handling to be paid by me. Then the clincher, 'offer not valid outside the United States and Canada.' WTF? SO WHY SEND IT TO ME IN NEW ZEALAND! Do they not have filters on their database? Cheers for the pressie EA.


So, would anybody like a $15 'off regular price' voucher, valid in EA stores? Valid till 30 Nov. Maybe a struggling student hanging out for NL who's just $15 short? ;) PM me.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 16, 12:27:20
LOL Think they would let someone use it for the $15 Holiday addon pack. ;) If so, I'll take it if no one else beat me to it lol.

They must not like me because they didn't send me anything for my birthday this past August  :'( and I'm in the US no less.  :P

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 16, 12:48:41
They've sent me invites to things before now, then when I've tried to log in I can't because of not being in the US.  How come EA still ignores the rest of the world?

It also annoys me having to use oodles of disk-space just to keep all the multi-language info stored in The Sims2!  why can't they make separate editions for each language?  How much longer would it take?  I don't NEED to be able to play my game in simplified chinese, for heavens sake!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 October 16, 13:28:29
It also annoys me having to use oodles of disk-space just to keep all the multi-language info stored in The Sims2!  why can't they make separate editions for each language?  How much longer would it take?  I don't NEED to be able to play my game in simplified chinese, for heavens sake!

It's not just this, either.  A lot of things are repeated in every folder - original, Uni & now NL.  Makes me wonder whether it would be OK to delete all this surplus stuff, or even just the language folders.  Has anyone tried?

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 16, 14:07:35
They've sent me invites to things before now, then when I've tried to log in I can't because of not being in the US.  How come EA still ignores the rest of the world?

It also annoys me having to use oodles of disk-space just to keep all the multi-language info stored in The Sims2!  why can't they make separate editions for each language?  How much longer would it take?  I don't NEED to be able to play my game in simplified chinese, for heavens sake!

Well, it is rather handy for the aspiring multi-lingualists among us. I'm still toying with the idea of reinstalling everything in French, but that would require work . . .

I find it humourous, in a sick and twisted way, that EA is currently under the impression that all their customers are domestic. Hello? 21st century here? Any company that believes that must have recently had their brains removed with a blunt melon spoon. (Or perhaps a runcible spoon? What is a runcible spoon anyway? But I digress . . .) For a company that considers itself tech oriented, it's pretty outrageous. Every forum type site I've ever been on has had lots of people from all over. Generally Portugal, Brazil, England, France, New Zealand, Australia, and Italy, to my current knowledge. I know a site that has about half its membership from Portugal, judging from the forums.

Conclusion: EA is run by idiots! But we knew that already. ;-D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 16, 23:00:27
and for those of use on the fringes of the civilised world... it makes us feel like 2nd class customers. Sometimes I click on the button on the front of the site to see if there's a 'community near me'. Nope. Not even as near as Aussie, or as global as Oceania - (which name I kinda like). :(

Many of the tech students here keep geetting free sample mail spam in their hotmail & yahoo accounts. I have to explain & show them the fine print which means they usually cannot collect any gifts or samples here.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Diala on 2005 October 16, 23:15:12
You know, I am almost tempted to ask you for that $15 off... NL would be $19 then, and I could be able to get that much from a parent. (poor college student, heh)

But I wonder why it doesn't apply for international players? I doubt money conversion is a problem, since they offered it to Canada, which has a different money system than the US.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 04:22:20
It's just pure and simple Isolationism!  Maybe if they relocated to somewhere like New York they'd get a more Internationalist approach!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 17, 04:31:47
Shipping and customs on overseas orders can be a real bitch.  Even if the recipient pays all the shipping and customs.  This is one of those Black Arts (like network administration) that I never intend to learn, if only so I never have to support it. :)


Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 04:39:48
But since they have official websites inother countries, such as the UK, why can't they be shipped from there?  (Or in the case of special gifts, downloaded?)

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 17, 05:08:42
Only God knows, and She's not talking.  Maybe the situation is even worse shipping from UK.

Interesting anectode:  I have a small package here that was shipped to me in Texas from New Zealand, containing a CD with a game mod a friend there made.  It didn't look like shipping or customs was that much, and the value was declared as $5 NZ.  The interesting part is that one of the dim bulbs somewhere in the postal system marked out the valid zip code and substituted another along with the wrong town.  In their defense, the address had the city on the normal address line and the city/state addy line had only Texas and the zip.  Someone else had marked through the incorrect info and had arrows pointing to the correct stuff.  Somehow I managed to get the package.

Sometimes the performance of the postal system is somewhat less than stellar.  I won't go into the reasons, but politics plays a major part.


Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 17, 05:21:11
LOL Think they would let someone use it for the $15 Holiday addon pack. ;) If so, I'll take it if no one else beat me to it lol.

They must not like me because they didn't send me anything for my birthday this past August  :'( and I'm in the US no less.  :P
dont fee bad they dont like me either my birthday is in July and they did send me a thing either and Im in the US  as well :P

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 09:24:01
Because of the EU, I would say shipping was relatively straightforward from the UK. 

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 17, 09:35:17
I think "Good Grief" covers this topic quite nicely. *shakes head in bewilderment at total asininity*

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 09:37:58
I agree there - if you can't get the gift, why on earth inform you of it in the first place!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 17, 11:35:01
But I wonder why it doesn't apply for international players? I doubt money conversion is a problem, since they offered it to Canada, which has a different money system than the US.
Credit card transactions on the net do automatic conversions too, doesn't seem to be a bother for them.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 17, 14:36:37
Isolationism, as I said!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 17, 18:28:07
Shipping and customs on overseas orders can be a real bitch.  Even if the recipient pays all the shipping and customs.  This is one of those Black Arts (like network administration) that I never intend to learn, if only so I never have to support it. :)


Actually, shipping overseas isn't difficult at all.  I've done it numerous times, both with things I've sold and things I've sent as gifts.  It takes about 30 seconds to fill out a Customs form and peel the back and stick it on the package.

The real tricky part is knowing what is and isn't allowed in various countries.  For example, used bedding can't be shipped to Australia, and neither can any type of gemstone or coins, along with about 50 other taboo things.  And each country has their own list.  Maybe there are some countries to which it would be illegal to ship software?

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: FutureCat on 2005 October 17, 19:01:13
The restriction might actually be at the US end.  I know won't ship software internationally, and I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was because of export restrictions - something to do with software being so sophisticated these days that it actually technically comes under the classification of "military use" (even if it's just a game!) so isn't allowed to be exported (although of course this may be just urban mythology - there's probably some much more prosaic explanation).  Obviously they have some way round this because American-made software does get distributed around the world, but I'd guess that whatever system they have for doing that doesn't work for individuals purchasing software.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 17, 22:49:44
Wanna bet the "sophistication" that can't be shipped overseas is in the copy protection and not the actual game?  It might even be in the encryption that Secure Socket Layer uses to allow your game to log onto the official BBS for updates and custom content.

I agree that it shouldn't be a problem.  "Shouldn't" being the key word here.


Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: FutureCat on 2005 October 17, 23:59:48
Yeah, that sounds familiar - I remember reading something about encryption that's higher than a certain number of bits (8?) is classified as military grade  ::)

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Hook on 2005 October 18, 00:13:17
Here's some good info on the problem:

This site includes instructions on how to build your own high security encryption program.  If you're a programmer, the instructions enable you to write the encryption software in pretty much any computer language.  They have an encrypted certificate you can download and decrypt using your new software.

EDIT:  The actual instructions are no longer on the site.  There is, however, a link to the book they originally came from.  There's lots more information about encryption and laws for those interested.


Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 18, 05:08:31
From what I remember about the encryption row - 4-5 years ago? - America tried to suppress or restrict the use of the higher level encryption. Then everyone else in the world knew how to do it and was using it, but it was still classified as a military grade secret in America - and illegal to be used by the average Joe Blow.

I remember thinking it was very funny at the time.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 18, 05:53:50
Funny, illogical and ISOLATIONIST!  There's a whole wide world outside the US, haven't these guys noticed?  Or have they been holed up in some bunker for so long they think the world ends at the wall?

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 18, 13:05:24
But didn't you know that the USA is THE only country in the world! All t'others merely satelites that wander across its vision as if from some wild faerie dream...  ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 18, 15:13:48
And it's people just arrived there from outer space!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 19, 10:46:41
Well, I know I was kidnapped by aliens or, at least, dropped on my head at least once or twice!

And there's a lot to be said for national paranoia. Everybody should join in immediately and be certain that the rest of the world is hell-bent on getting you. I'm convinced of it.  ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 19, 11:57:49
Well, some of the rest of the world is - we've had proof of that not so long ago!  The mistake is to let that section of the rest of the world cross your threshhold - which we did!  Drawbridges and Portcullises weren't such a bad idea in the main!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 20, 03:26:57
You know the old saying, just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they're not out to get you...

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 20, 04:59:07
I moved to Canada from Australia 4 years ago, and I had kind of forgotten how frustrating the isolationism can be now that I'm not nearly as affected by it. I remember once I tried to get some Burt's Bees lipbalm from the US site, and they told me that they didn't ship out of the US "for environmental reasons."

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 06:57:10
??? Well, I can understand not shipping the bees!  But the lipbalm????  that really is ridiculous!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 20, 10:41:27
Odd. Very, very odd. Unless they think that native bees would be threatened by an obviously superior product and go into an immediate decline?  ::)

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 20, 17:58:03
Well, thinking their product must be superior is a form of Isolationism! ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 20, 23:02:42
Well, it's probably classified as an agricultural product, along with fruit and meat and whatnot, which can carry diseases and that most countries don't want being imported by random people. So it wouldn't be an environmental reason as much as a beaurocratic reason. Hmm.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 21, 02:42:21
It wasn't anything that sensible. It was just their kneejerk response to any question - they sent a form email about how environmentally conscious they are, so, like that's why your order was taking 6 weeks, or that's why the item you wanted was out of stock, or whatever.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 21, 11:47:42
It's a worry.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 October 22, 06:31:30
but Burt's bees stuff is available in Canada, so why can't they ship it to you directly? That doesn't make sense at all, unless you tried to order it in Australia. (still silly)

witch you must be special because my birthday was last month and they didn't send me so much as a shameless promotional email. boo hoo hoo, I'm not special

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 22, 12:05:50
That's OK Zeljka, I'm pretty sure they only send them to people who cannot use them. That's what this thread seems to have established.  ???

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 22, 13:39:47
I got one a couple of days ago, and although I live in the US, it still fits the pattern. I have nothing that I want to buy from EA right now, because I already have Nightlife and I have no interest in crappy console games. Games other than the sims, I steal from my brother anyway.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 15:59:20
I got one a couple of days ago, and although I live in the US, it still fits the pattern. I have nothing that I want to buy from EA right now, because I already have Nightlife and I have no interest in crappy console games. Games other than the sims, I steal from my brother anyway.
wahh Im jealous ;D LOL

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: rohina on 2005 October 24, 21:54:38
It was my husband's birthday today - he's the one who registered the game, so he's the one who usually gets EA the birthday presents, but this year no luck.

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 22:08:59
It was my husband's birthday today - he's the one who registered the game, so he's the one who usually gets EA the birthday presents, but this year no luck.
shh dont tell him ea has been giving gifts to others and forgot him this year ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 October 26, 12:15:32
It's bird flu. Bird flu is why software can't be shipped out of the US. Forget terrorism and military secrets. Everything is bird flu's fault, now.

The Colonel is under investigation...

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 26, 13:44:41
It's bird flu. Bird flu is why software can't be shipped out of the US. Forget terrorism and military secrets. Everything is bird flu's fault, now.

The Colonel is under investigation...

I'll bet if the Saudis ordered 20 billion dollars worth of military hardware and software, bird flu would not pose a problem!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 17:32:01
It's bird flu. Bird flu is why software can't be shipped out of the US. Forget terrorism and military secrets. Everything is bird flu's fault, now.

The Colonel is under investigation...

I'll bet if the Saudis ordered 20 billion dollars worth of military hardware and software, bird flu would not pose a problem!
you are probably right ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 27, 11:02:36
I know I'm right!  20 bucks, bird flu, 20 billion bucks, no bird flu!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 27, 19:02:12
It's bird flu. Bird flu is why software can't be shipped out of the US. Forget terrorism and military secrets. Everything is bird flu's fault, now.

I'll bet if the Saudis ordered 20 billion dollars worth of military hardware and software, bird flu would not pose a problem!

Such a cynical outlook on life...  :P

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 27, 19:12:41
It's bird flu. Bird flu is why software can't be shipped out of the US. Forget terrorism and military secrets. Everything is bird flu's fault, now.

I'll bet if the Saudis ordered 20 billion dollars worth of military hardware and software, bird flu would not pose a problem!

Such a cynical outlook on life...  :P

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 28, 19:39:17
If you reach my age without getting cynical, all I can say is, you're in line for a Sainthood!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 28, 19:44:34
Canonisation is merely a breath away.  ::)

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 28, 19:56:46
Do we now refer to you as Blessed Laeshanin?

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 28, 20:33:21
Canonisation is merely a breath away.  ::)

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: witch on 2005 October 28, 22:13:37
Do we now refer to you as Blessed Laeshanin?

as in that blessed laeshanin !*&%!

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 29, 00:13:41
ROFL!  (Now I'm stuck!)

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: laeshanin on 2005 October 31, 20:22:57
Do we now refer to you as Blessed Laeshanin?

as in that blessed laeshanin !*&%!

Damn straight!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 01, 02:45:14
Do we now refer to you as Blessed Laeshanin?

as in that blessed laeshanin !*&%!

Damn straight!  ;D ;D ;D
its not your turn today in my house hubby claimed first dibs on that today ;D

Title: Re: I was given a birthday gift by EA
Post by: Zandi on 2005 November 01, 09:56:11
It burns me up that EA has such idiots running things!
They could simply snail mail you a gift certificate for any EA game that you could turn in at any store and set the amount according to what currancy you use. I know this because I've gotten a few gift cirtificates like that from other companies.

But as some one mentioned before they don't know how to think of doing busness outside their owwn continent wich for a company of their size in this industry is compleetly assinine!

I have thousands of dollars worth of products made by these people in my home but I can't catch a freaking $15 break from them because oops I'm on the wrong continent! How dumb is that?

I can get two free tubes of crest toothpaste from Proctor & Gamble but I can't get EA to pay my taxes on a couple of games!
