More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Menaceman on 2007 October 18, 17:05:13

Title: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 18, 17:05:13
I've recently realised that Sims don't seem to get any woohoo memories from woohooing in a tent or hammock. Is this normal for everybody else? Seems a bit wrong to me. I have two hacks in my game related to memories which are MemoryMod and alexx_no_memories_clear, both of which I think I got from MTS2. I've tested the game without them in though and Sims still don't gain woohoo memories which leads me to believe it is a game fault.
If it is a game fault is there anyway to fix it?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: lemonfresh on 2007 October 18, 17:15:14
This is the doing (or rather, not doing) of EAxis. Apparently they didn't feel the need to include memories for this. It's been mentioned in another thread.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 18, 17:31:44
This is the doing (or rather, not doing) of EAxis. Apparently they didn't feel the need to include memories for this. It's been mentioned in another thread.

There was also an earlier bug, if I remember correctly, that public woohoo memories would only register if the public woohoo was in the changing booth, but not in a comm lot hot tub.  Perhaps that one was fixed.  I never bother to check the memories that much for that.  As long as they get their aspiration points.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 18, 17:45:47
Well I've have Sims successfully gain public woohoo memories from using the sauna on a community lot.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 18, 17:53:01
Sauna Woohoo is kind of messed up as well, though. It will add the memory of public woohoo, but not satisfy that particular want. It only satisfies the "Woohoo in a Sauna" want as well as the normal "Play In" want (as they still call it).

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 18, 18:07:46
Wouldn't be EAxis if they didn't mess things up, though, would it?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: lemonfresh on 2007 October 18, 18:11:56
Was it a mod that fixed the earlier public woohoo bug or did that get fixed in one of the patches? I seem to remember it being fixed at some point. Of course, I have memory of Swiss cheese... so I may completely wrong about this.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 18, 18:19:16
Nope, afraid that the woohooltwfix is still part of More Awesome Than You, so it was never fixed by EAxis, if that's what you meant. Filling the Woohoo with X sims LTW will generate the memory on a random sim in your game, resulting in nonsense.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: lemonfresh on 2007 October 18, 18:27:18
Ahh... It was Awesomeness that fixed things. I should have just assumed this to be the case from the start.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 18, 18:28:46
Must have been borked after Uni, then, as I definitely remember a now defunct Keanu Broke getting the platinum and memory while he was still there.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 18, 19:17:48
Woohoo memories are seriously weird even when they aren't exactly broken.  It's a well known bug/exploit that public woohoo and "private" woohoo with the same sim counts as two separate lovers.  With a service sim you can get three separate memories, by doing public and private woohoo with them and then moving them in (so they're no longer a service sim) and get another woohoo memory.  Or with open for business you can get the same third memory by woohooing a service sim in an elevator on a residential lot.

Elevator woohoo is further borked.  Only the person who initiates the woohoo actually gets the memory and/or fulfill the want.  I'm taking this to mean elevator woohoo = oral sex.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 18, 19:28:12
Well, I think the part that annoys me most is that a sim can walk in on his/her partner engaged in a bit of extramarital woohoo, and not blink an eyelid - but catch a visiting sim throw him/herself into same partner's arms, and they go berserk!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 19, 02:29:44
I haven't experienced that.  Having extramarital woohoo normally brings the wife running from wherever she is on the lot.

One exception -- doing it in the car in the driveway.  The wife only gets upset if she's outside at the time of the woohoo.  Perhaps because she can see through the windows...

You know, an interesting hack idea...  Or something that would be good for Sims 3....  I would love it if friends or family that are outraged by the sight of extramarital woohoo could gossip the news back to the wife at a later time and make her furious.  It would make for more interesting logistical problems.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 02:41:52
Well, the sim him/herself already does the gossip part (they even tell their toddlers about it!) but EAxis obviously couldn't see the possibilities for gameplay in this situation!  As to the woohoo, of course, only sims who don't get jealous because of ACR will ignore extramarital woohoo in a bed, hot tub etc., but then sometimes, because they are Scorpios or Aries etc. they do get jealous of a much more minor offence - but then, to sims, it's worse to make out than it is to woohoo!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Swiftgold on 2007 October 19, 05:10:07
I haven't experienced that.  Having extramarital woohoo normally brings the wife running from wherever she is on the lot.

One exception -- doing it in the car in the driveway.  The wife only gets upset if she's outside at the time of the woohoo.  Perhaps because she can see through the windows...

You know, an interesting hack idea...  Or something that would be good for Sims 3....  I would love it if friends or family that are outraged by the sight of extramarital woohoo could gossip the news back to the wife at a later time and make her furious.  It would make for more interesting logistical problems.

That was a feature in one of the promotional preview videos I remember seeing before the game came out. Don's wife's sister walked in on him and Dina making out and then went to tell her sister, who, as a family sim with a being cheated on fear, went into aspiration failure. Somewhere between the video and release, though, that disappeared. I'd love to see it in 3, though. The closest it seemed to get afterward was with the furiousness (I had a Sim who would go around kicking the trashcan of a Sim who got caught cheating on his aunt) but that sort of furiousness was squashed with some of the puddle rage fixes/romance mod, I believe. Ah well.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: witch on 2007 October 19, 06:40:51
Having extramarital woohoo normally brings the wife running from wherever she is on the lot.

The wife only gets upset if she's outside at the time of the woohoo.

I would love it if friends or family that are outraged by the sight of extramarital woohoo could gossip the news back to the wife at a later time and make her furious.

Don't 'the wives' get to have any fun? Who does woohoo with the husbands?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 19, 13:56:41
Having extramarital woohoo normally brings the wife running from wherever she is on the lot.
The wife only gets upset if she's outside at the time of the woohoo.
I would love it if friends or family that are outraged by the sight of extramarital woohoo could gossip the news back to the wife at a later time and make her furious.

Don't 'the wives' get to have any fun? Who does woohoo with the husbands?

You should see my hood then.  My sims are very 21st century egalitarian about cheating on their spouses of either gender.  If I was a vengeful, or righteous deity...

But we don't have to worry about that, do we?  :)

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 15:00:51
And when all a Romance sim wants to do is woohoo with 20 different sims, or have 20 lovers at once, why oh why don't they turn down all engagement/marriage proposals?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 19, 15:09:53
And when all a Romance sim wants to do is woohoo with 20 different sims, or have 20 lovers at once, why oh why don't they turn down all engagement/marriage proposals?

Yeah.  I think this is all part of the disconnect bewteen LTW and a sim's daily wants.  Sims seem to live in the moment and don't look at the big picture.  "Hey, getting married.  That'd be romantic!" trumps "Hey, if I get married, it'll really bugger my real desire to have 20 loves at once."

Instant gratification is more fun than waiting for the long-term goal.  Feel good now, not later.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Gwill on 2007 October 19, 15:17:18
How does being married prevent a romance sim from woohooing others?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 15:38:17
Well, it doesn't, of course, but I for one have noticed that Romance sims tend to be more careful on the home front than other aspirations (fortune seem to be particularly inclined towards promiscuity and infidelity even when their partner is likely to walk in at any moment) - but really, it's more a case to me of why should the Romance sim who is proposed to always be the one to lose a few thousand aspiration points, and not the proposer?  And marriage or engagement proposals only seem to be rejected if the two involved are at less than 100/100 and in love, so you can only really engineer a rejection by making them fall out of love before the proposal.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 19, 15:45:33
ZZ: Purely projection. The DEFAULT autonomous behavior is not to flirt with anyone unless they are already your target romance or you simply lack one. The default behavior is also to accept all attempts and fall in love immediately with anyone who does. This is completely independent of aspiration. If you're seeing odd behavior, it's generally one of the above cases, or the Work of the Non-Awesome.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 17:20:30
Maybe it's just that I usually choose fairly active sims for Romance, and so they are kept busy skilling and looking after babies and so forth....but I've never seen a romance sim initiate any kind of romantic action with other than "the one" on the home front, whereas Cassandra Goth was always notorious in my game for doing just that!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 19, 21:12:49
I find Romance Sims very easy to deal with as monogamous spouses.  Other than the big aspiration hit they take when they get engaged or married, it's very easy to keep their needs satisfied.  They want to boink the spouse, and that's a quick 3500 points every time.  7000 if they can do make-out first.  If you never let them fall in love with other Sims, it's much easier.

The hardest aspirations to keep platinum are knowledge and money.  They can go for long stretches with no easy wants to meet.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 21:34:25
I'd definitely go along with that, and if you change the LTW of the woohoo kind to a career LTW, they tend to work hard to achieve it, and always get the want to reach the top of the career - some sims seem to miss getting that one!  Fortune are an absolute pain to play, although they have improved since Seasons when they have all these crafting wants suddenly appear (far more frequently than in OFB) and also lots of gardening related wants.  I rarely have problems keeping knowledge sims happy, there's always something, although it annoys me whenever they get a couple of skill points that they wanted, they decide suicide is a good option!

The hardest, I find, are pleasure, there wants either carry very few points, overheat them in no time flat (eg jump on couch) or take forever to play (dates) and are a nuisance if you don't want to bother with a comm lot and there are other sims on the lot who need to be attended to as well!  Some serious pleasure sims are ok, they get wants like playing chess or making espresso, but again, they only carry about 500 points so you need to keep changing their activity to score gold, let alone platinum!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: KnowitallSim on 2007 October 19, 21:35:08
I find Romance Sims very easy to deal with as monogamous spouses.  Other than the big aspiration hit they take when they get engaged or married, it's very easy to keep their needs satisfied.  They want to boink the spouse, and that's a quick 3500 points every time.  7000 if they can do make-out first.  If you never let them fall in love with other Sims, it's much easier.

The hardest aspirations to keep platinum are knowledge and money.  They can go for long stretches with no easy wants to meet.

That's what I don't like about Knowledge. They're great when they're skilling and get so many points, but once they fulfill all their skills all they want to do is become a weirdo mutant and die several times:


Luckily by then they're usually perma platinum for either maxing their skills or reaching the top of their career.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 21:41:12
I've never got any up to that point - I usually either lose interest in a hood before it happens, or my HD gets fried!  And if that was happening and I still wanted to play the hood on rotation rather than just ignoring that family, I'd send them to the Renuyu-Senso-Orb while they're almost in red - a few days of Grilled Cheese (and you can always lose them a lot of skill points while they're not going to be upset by it) - and maybe they'll find something to occupy themselves.  They usually want to stargaze, which is an easy one to satisfy, and quite often they get woohoo wants, clean the birdcage wants and stuff like that.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 19, 23:11:26
The hardest aspirations to keep platinum are knowledge and money.  They can go for long stretches with no easy wants to meet.

Knowledge and money are both tied to jobs. Money sims are easy to keep platinum if you pay attention to their job needs and advance them. Knowledge sims simply need the job to stay out of the way (or preferably not have a job at all).

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: neriana on 2007 October 19, 23:14:58
Once my knowledge Sims have maxed-out points, all they want to do is woohoo. Or swim. Saved from death and such are usually there in the corner, but they don't interfere in any way. Fortune Sims aren't tough either, just keep them interacting with family members and that's what they'll want to do. If you ignore their big wants they'll start wanting plants and trees all the time, which is also very easy to fulfill by deleting an old plant and replacing it. With BV, of course, they insist you buy them a vacation home, but that fits them so I don't mind.

Now pleasure Sims suck. They can be on a date, which they want, and decide they'd rather do any little piddly thing rather than interact with their date. They don't care about other people at all, and I've found them much worse than any other aspiration in their self-centeredness. Countless puny wants, no power wants, they're the only Sims I have problems getting on constant woohoo chains. (I haven't had a grilled cheese Sim yet.) I hate them very much.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 19, 23:19:52
Pleasure sims are the worst by far. Grilled Cheese sims are horribly easy to keep platinum (if you don't mind how overweight they are, that is).

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 19, 23:26:50
I do it to them as a punishment for simstupidity!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 20, 01:41:33
I use Hooks randomizer to pick aspirations now, because when I used to do it based on 'personality', I found myself ending up with too much sameness in my game.  I did weight the aspirations so pleasure shouldn't show up often, but when it does, my attitude is "hey, sim, it sucks to be you." :)

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 20, 03:21:17
I tend to go to opposites for some of my sims.   I have quite a few Pisces and Scorpio with Romance, a couple of Leo who are Knowledge, and two Sagis who HATE cleaning are Family. And sometimes I choose to give a sim with only 1 point for outgoing the Popularity aspiration, just to torment them with having to do lots of macro-socialising which of course they hate, they just want to sit and chat on the computer or send emails.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: squish on 2007 October 20, 09:14:35
Now pleasure Sims suck. They can be on a date, which they want, and decide they'd rather do any little piddly thing rather than interact with their date. They don't care about other people at all, and I've found them much worse than any other aspiration in their self-centeredness. Countless puny wants, no power wants, they're the only Sims I have problems getting on constant woohoo chains. (I haven't had a grilled cheese Sim yet.) I hate them very much.
I have the date problem with knowledge sims. At the start of the date they'll roll wants to chat and joke with the date, but after that they just want to skill. I can't remember what aspiration it was, but one of the dates kept wanting to just watch TV and swim.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Emma on 2007 October 20, 09:24:16
I only ever keep Pleasure sims as is when their LTW is non-date related. Same with Romance sims, if they have the woohoo or be in love with 20 sims, they get re-rolled. I personally love the GC sims, they are so easy!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 20, 12:12:21
My sims very rarely get those LTWs nowadays, it's all "reach the top of the music career" or one of the Uni LTWs from JM.  (I have to reroll a lot of those, though, as my first generation families in this hood don't get upgraded.)

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 22, 14:58:49
I find Romance Sims very easy to deal with as monogamous spouses.  Other than the big aspiration hit they take when they get engaged or married, it's very easy to keep their needs satisfied.  They want to boink the spouse, and that's a quick 3500 points every time.  7000 if they can do make-out first.  If you never let them fall in love with other Sims, it's much easier.

The hardest aspirations to keep platinum are knowledge and money.  They can go for long stretches with no easy wants to meet.

With money sims, I find that the buy wants can be fulfilled reasonably well if I buy stuff for them and then re-sell, with little or no loss of aspiration points.  Consequently, I usually just ctrl-click on the want now and it's easy points (saves me the physical buy/delete actions with the same overall effect), if I don't want them to actually have guitars cluttering up the lawn.

My knowledge sims never seem to have much time for skilling, what with their family "baby" wants and their constant need for woohoo with their spouses.  People actually have knowledge sims that want to study, do they?  Haven't seen one of them since base game, pre-EP days.  My knowledge and family sims seem to be most interested in MOAR FIGHT than the others.  Must have a bunch of grouchy, scorpio family sims - should check that.

My family sims are the most annoying - I don't like to fulfill "have baby" wants for no reason (don't need that many new townies that are all related), and other than for babies, they never seem interested in the easy points (make out/woohoo).  They hang around in green/gold aspiration, while I get them to study or work out (often this fulfils a "gain a skill" want, but other times it's a matter of "if you're going to be really boring, at least stay out of the way").  They have higher skills than the knowledge sims (who are off in the hot tub with someone, after all).

I agree that a settled romance sim is pretty easy to manage, and usually they are better parents (more autonomous cuddling, playing, changing diapers, tucking in) than family sims in my game.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 22, 21:48:06
My romance sims are forever tucking kids in.  Partly, I think, it's because they tend to be in evening jobs, so they are still up at three or four in the morning, and their social has started to drop.  Shame, though, I use Smart Beds, and it's amazing how often they get kicked out with "NO BED FOR YOU!"

Another thing I've noticed, mainly, I think, since Seasons, is how the only parents who seem to get the "Help with homework" want are either Popularity or Romance.  Now, where are Knowledge when it comes to this - as jolrei says, they're off having it off in the hot tub!  Hope they freeze!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: behold_the_muse on 2007 October 23, 00:40:33
Or get struck by lightning! What knowledge sim wouldn't want that? And if they die, that means they can be either saved from death or resurrected as zombies. It's win-win.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 23, 00:47:04
I've used the smite option on the debugger to fulfil that want, only trouble is, they usually "have and accident" after which, you get the lightning want, you seem to get the "have an accident" fear!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Liz on 2007 October 23, 01:01:49
Ugh, that stupid 'have an accident' fear. Personally I would consider myself Pleasure/Knowledge, and I'm happy to say that I spend very little time stressing over the possibility of whizzing myself. But isn't that just like a Knowledge sim - after being either nearly or "temporarily" killed by a bolt of lightning, would they fear being whomped again by the huge arrow of sky fire? Fear the cooking of their internal organs as their hair ignites and their eyeballs burst? Nah, they wanna do that crap again. But the idea that it might make them tinkle themselves? Aah, phear the tinkle!!

Knowledges are completely bugnuts  ::)

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 23, 01:29:45
Personally I would consider myself Pleasure/Knowledge, and I'm happy to say that I spend very little time stressing over the possibility of whizzing myself.

Wait till you get to my age, with a couple of gynae ops behind you! :(

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 24, 00:35:17
ZephyrZodiac, about Smart Beds...  where are they?  I can't find them here or at Inteenimator and I can't find them with Google.  Do they go by a different name?

Reason I ask...  Whenever I invite a vacation simmie for a three day stay, they never go to sleep.  I wish there was some device that would allow me to assign a bed for them so they didn't try to watch TV for 72 hours with energy close to zero.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Swiftgold on 2007 October 24, 00:39:23
ZephyrZodiac, about Smart Beds...  where are they?  I can't find them here or at Inteenimator and I can't find them with Google.  Do they go by a different name?

Reason I ask...  Whenever I invite a vacation simmie for a three day stay, they never go to sleep.  I wish there was some device that would allow me to assign a bed for them so they didn't try to watch TV for 72 hours with energy close to zero.

I don't know if Smart Beds fixes that (it is on the Inteen site but you have to be registered to see it as it's still beta for BV, at least last I checked), but Dizzy has a hack in the Peasantry section here that fixes the beds for visitors and the showers, etc. as well, I believe.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 24, 01:28:55
Just looked at Dizzy's thing (the no-privacy bed).  That doesn't sound like what I need.

What I would like is something that guest Sims feel comfortable using autonomously.  Unless they have a relationship with the bed from having slept in it before (like after woohoo), they never seem to get the idea to go to sleep in it.

An alternative idea...  I tried to think of ways to implement this, although it's a more complicated hack than I could try -- I would love it if somebody who is sleeping in a bed could click on another Sim and have the action "Come to bed and sleep."  Kind of like the way a Sim can "Relax" and then you click on another Sim to "Join."  But with sleep.

This would also be very handy when you just have a friend you invited for "Stay the night."  As it is, you have the annoying high-speed lights flashing on and off, toilets clogging, and guest Sims soaking in the hot tub till they turn into prunes while the family is trying to sleep.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Swiftgold on 2007 October 24, 01:52:44
Oh, sorry, looks like there's more than one thread - the ones I meant are here -,9535.0.html - , beds-for-visitors and bath-shower-for-visitors.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 24, 02:18:43
I wonder whether the assignable beds at simlogical would work in BV?

You could, of course, just use debug mode to make the visitor controllable and then you should be able to direct them to sleep in any unowned bed in the house.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 26, 11:44:16
Wow, this thread branched out quite a fair bit from my original post. Getting back to that; would it be possible for somebody to create a hack that allows Sims to gain woohoo memories from a hammock and tent? It puts me off wanting to use them while they can't.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 26, 14:03:39
Wow, this thread branched out quite a fair bit from my original post. Getting back to that; would it be possible for somebody to create a hack that allows Sims to gain woohoo memories from a hammock and tent? It puts me off wanting to use them while they can't.

I have not checked this and can not until later, but is it that they don't get any woohoo memory at all (i.e. any memory that might fulfill a part of a "woohoo 20 sims" LTW - would they get a "did woohoo with X" memory, for example?), or is it that they just don't get a "did woohoo in hammock" memory?

If the former, I can see a problem in that any woohoo in a hammock would need to be repeated then with the same sim woohoo partner for it to "count" for that LTW.  If however you just don't get the "woohoo in hammock" memory, it's less problematic, in my view.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: dizzy on 2007 October 26, 19:34:10
If the former, I can see a problem in that any woohoo in a hammock would need to be repeated then with the same sim woohoo partner for it to "count" for that LTW.  If however you just don't get the "woohoo in hammock" memory, it's less problematic, in my view.

I don't think "Woohoo in Hammock" exists in memory form. Only Wants/Fears are that specific.

As far as fixing goes, I guess that depends on whether you're willing to wait till one of us modders start using those objects in a serious way (and are therefore motivated to fix it).

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 26, 19:48:03
As far as fixing goes, I guess that depends on whether you're willing to wait till one of us modders start using those objects in a serious way (and are therefore motivated to fix it).

Hey, no big rush on my account.  It's not like my knowledge sims will never want to woohoo again anyway, randy little buggers.  Up and down like the Assyrian Empire, that lot.  They'll get their memories one way or the other.  ;D (Bloody romance sims all seem to want to skill and play with babies)  Hammock woohoo is funny once or twice, but not as "convenient" as couch or bed, or even change booth woohoo, IMO.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 26, 20:50:39
And if one of you was motivated to create a "Did Woohoo in Hammock with....." then JM would be motivated to create an anti-"Did Woohoo in Hammock with....."spam mod!

In the woohoo sense, a hammock is just a bed.  It's a bit like them getting the want to woohoo in the hot tub and woohoo in lovetub at the same time, both wants roll away when the lovetub want is fulfilled, but I don't think I've ever seen them getting both sets of aspiration points.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Menaceman on 2007 October 26, 21:26:31
Wow, this thread branched out quite a fair bit from my original post. Getting back to that; would it be possible for somebody to create a hack that allows Sims to gain woohoo memories from a hammock and tent? It puts me off wanting to use them while they can't.

I have not checked this and can not until later, but is it that they don't get any woohoo memory at all (i.e. any memory that might fulfill a part of a "woohoo 20 sims" LTW - would they get a "did woohoo with X" memory, for example?), or is it that they just don't get a "did woohoo in hammock" memory?

If the former, I can see a problem in that any woohoo in a hammock would need to be repeated then with the same sim woohoo partner for it to "count" for that LTW.  If however you just don't get the "woohoo in hammock" memory, it's less problematic, in my view.

The Sims gaind absolutely NO memories relating to woohoo when using a tent or hammock. It seems stupid for EAxis to have left them out when every other type generates a memory including the sauna (no matter how borked it is).

Dizzy, it doesn't really matter how willing I am to wait does it? Not being willing to wait wont make it happen any sooner. I'll be patient and just see what happens.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 26, 23:29:45
Personally, I don't think my Sims can Woohoo in enough places.  What about "WooHoo in the Shower?"  I think everybody has been waiting breathlessly for that one.  I tried to make a Shower Woohoo mod once, but failed catastrophically because I know next to nothing about Slot resources.  The two Sims could get in and shower in the same stall, but when the first one exited, the game crashed.

Basically all that needs to be done (I think) is change the Slotting so that two Sims can use the shower at the same time.  Then activate the Make-Out animation or the Changing Booth animation and you're done.  Seems easy, but what do I know.

I also think there are other Woohoos we need.  We need "Woohoo on the Grave of Mine Enemy."  Who hasn't wanted to do that before?  This should be really big with Romance Sims with few nice points.  Also Woohoo on Dining Table, Woohoo on Desk, Woohoo while Bent Over Balcony, Woohoo on Toy Oven, Woohoo Dressed Like Clowns, Woohoo in Orchard Tree (Seasons EP required).

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: FourCats on 2007 October 27, 15:01:26
Personally, I don't think my Sims can Woohoo in enough places.  What about "WooHoo in the Shower?"  I think everybody has been waiting breathlessly for that one.  I tried to make a Shower Woohoo mod once, but failed catastrophically because I know next to nothing about Slot resources.  The two Sims could get in and shower in the same stall, but when the first one exited, the game crashed.

Basically all that needs to be done (I think) is change the Slotting so that two Sims can use the shower at the same time.  Then activate the Make-Out animation or the Changing Booth animation and you're done.  Seems easy, but what do I know.

I also think there are other Woohoos we need.  We need "Woohoo on the Grave of Mine Enemy."  Who hasn't wanted to do that before?  This should be really big with Romance Sims with few nice points.  Also Woohoo on Dining Table, Woohoo on Desk, Woohoo while Bent Over Balcony, Woohoo on Toy Oven, Woohoo Dressed Like Clowns, Woohoo in Orchard Tree (Seasons EP required).

What if you convert a changing booth to a shower?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 October 27, 19:04:31
Personally, I don't think my Sims can Woohoo in enough places.  What about "WooHoo in the Shower?"  I think everybody has been waiting breathlessly for that one.  I tried to make a Shower Woohoo mod once, but failed catastrophically because I know next to nothing about Slot resources.  The two Sims could get in and shower in the same stall, but when the first one exited, the game crashed.

Basically all that needs to be done (I think) is change the Slotting so that two Sims can use the shower at the same time.  Then activate the Make-Out animation or the Changing Booth animation and you're done.  Seems easy, but what do I know.

You might already be aware of the  Sux McNutty Sinful Shower ( hacked object by hunter240x. It's pretty comprehensive, it includes many positions, custom animations, and options.
The comments seem to indicate that it will work with BV, but I don't think that hunter is still updating it. If you don't find the mod to handle everything that you want in a satisfactory way then maybe he would be willing to let you rip apart the code for your own use?

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 27, 19:48:16
Well, I think the one really useful one would be "Woohoo in single bed" - after all, I'm sure most humans in RL have done that at some time or other, and some couples, of course, have twin beds from choice, but presumably they still woohoo!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 27, 20:19:36
Well, I think the one really useful one would be "Woohoo in single bed" - after all, I'm sure most humans in RL have done that at some time or other, and some couples, of course, have twin beds from choice, but presumably they still woohoo!

That would certainly get "baaaa" noises out of me.  It's a pain when you build nice bedrooms for kid-sims that fit a twin bed nicely, only to have to upgrade both room and bed when they become teens when the romance (or knowledge) teen wants to bring boyfriend/girlfriend home to sleep over and there's no place to "get down" other than mum and dad's bed (and they're knowledge sims too, so you know they're using it already).  :D

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 27, 20:32:48
I know, and Romance are even worse!  Moth (aka Bottom) Summerdream came home from school, did her homework and grew up at 6.00 pm precisely.  At 6.05 pm she wandered off upstairs, where she and Benedict Monty (who had come home from school with Puck) were later discovered woohooing in Titania's bed!  After that, I put two doors on Titania's bedroom, and two on Oberons's, and locked them to only allow the two adults - aren't I a spoilsport!

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 27, 20:39:24
My hood is too "young" for that kind of thing yet, it seems.  So far, my self-sim's stepdaughter, Avril Fisher, has the hots for a couple of the townie adult male sims.  Every time she's over for a birthday party (Avril is a townie teen - relationship established at CAS creation and I never severed it, so the townie my self-sim married has a daughter by "unknown") she ends up necking with someone.  So far no spontaneous woohoos though.  I'm still waiting.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 27, 20:51:15
I think it's partly a personality thing, and the two teens having high relationship scores.  Moth, of course, has a very outgoing personality, and in that version of Veronaville she was best friends with Benedict.  I'd also used SimPe to correct the Summerdream family's erroneous assumption that they are related to every other playable sim in the neighbourhood, and likewise to set their relationships back to zero or thereabouts with some of them, and those two still managed to get 100/100 by the time they grew to teen.  Also, I made Benedict Knowledge, while the game has predetermined him as Family, (I hate it when they do that....) so he was presumably just as keen to explore this new skill as she was! ;D

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 27, 21:07:01
Ah well, then I can hope for funky things from my teen sims.  Both playable spawn are very outgoing and active (Alex has an 8 for outgoing and Bexley has 10 outgoing points.  Bexley has just made the jump from toddler to child, so we'll have to wait for him).  Alex already has 2 bolts with at least two teen girls he's met, and wants to romance at least one of them.  Relationship scores are STR 100 and LTR 50 (approximately) in both cases.  Let the fur fly, I say.

And then he can get a teen job, before running off to uni.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 27, 21:10:39
You do need to have the ACR object actually on the lot, I think, for them to woohoo autonomously, only adults and young adults will do it without spawning the adjuster.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 28, 00:03:07
Right; you also need the ACR adjuster on the lot for elders to woohoo autonomously, too.  TJ had some problems with the code for both teens and elders, and having the adjuster on the lot makes it work.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 28, 00:19:39
My post was meant (mostly) in humor. 

I have tried Sux McNutty's shower.  I don't want to be critical of somebody else's work, but I had some issues with it.  It seemed to cause some crashes, possibly related to the ambitious attempts to change want-trees and memories.  I had to remove it when I upgraded to BV and haven't put it back.  The explicit animations lost their appeal very quickly and, after that, there was no game-related reason to do it again.  They were very long and mechanical looking. 

I do like the clothing-booth approach.  It's noisy, has a flashy animation, and leaves something to the imagination.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 28, 01:43:07
You do need to have the ACR object actually on the lot, I think, for them to woohoo autonomously, only adults and young adults will do it without spawning the adjuster.

No issue there then.  The adjuster is on the lot (and an instantiation is on the comm lot as well).  I just checked SimPE and, as I suspected, there are not that many townies (or anyone else) with high enough STR or LTR scores to rate attraction high enough even for ACR woohoo (although flirting and kissing has been seen).  Only a matter of time.  The comm lot has a private room with a sofa, a sauna, a hot tub, and several hammocks.

The Travelers have "christened" the hot tub - I made them townies, but otherwise left them alone.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 28, 05:17:02
Now here's a tale:  Janet Grey (Pleasure) was invited to her son's fiancee's party at Uni.  She met Daniel Hay, (Popularity, recently graduated but not yet sent off to Edge Town), they chatted for a couple of minutes, and off they went to woohoo in the lovetub.  At most they had about 15 points STR and no LTR at all.  Seems Pleasure can be more persuasive than Romance, and no doubt she was sick and tired of her lazy Libra hubby (Family) who luckily wasn't invited.  She did, however, tell him all about it afterwards.......

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: Invisigoth on 2007 October 28, 05:54:31
My post was meant (mostly) in humor. 

I have tried Sux McNutty's shower.  I don't want to be critical of somebody else's work, but I had some issues with it.  It seemed to cause some crashes, possibly related to the ambitious attempts to change want-trees and memories.  I had to remove it when I upgraded to BV and haven't put it back.  The explicit animations lost their appeal very quickly and, after that, there was no game-related reason to do it again.  They were very long and mechanical looking. 

I do like the clothing-booth approach.  It's noisy, has a flashy animation, and leaves something to the imagination.

To be honest, I've never used it. I've heard a lot of things along those lines, and I've had problems with Hunter's work before, so I decided not to give the shower a try. Although, I do think that the idea itself is pretty neat. If someone were to make and properly support a similar hacked object then I would most likely use it. So, I guess I got a bit hopeful that you might get inspired. :)

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: jolrei on 2007 October 29, 14:01:18
Now here's a tale:  Janet Grey (Pleasure) was invited to her son's fiancee's party at Uni.  She met Daniel Hay, (Popularity, recently graduated but not yet sent off to Edge Town), they chatted for a couple of minutes, and off they went to woohoo in the lovetub.  At most they had about 15 points STR and no LTR at all.  Seems Pleasure can be more persuasive than Romance, and no doubt she was sick and tired of her lazy Libra hubby (Family) who luckily wasn't invited.  She did, however, tell him all about it afterwards.......

Funny.  You go to all the trouble to keep extra-curricular woohoo out of the jealousy zone, and the sim herself goes and "owns up".  Moar fight?

ACR is working in my game to spec.  Maurey (wife of self-sim) went to the Pango Mall to work out (since the family lives in a beach hut with few luxury devices).  While there, a sim couple autonomously "used" the hot tub.  Additionally, Maurey was "hit on" by a couple of sim males (makes it sound rather anthropological), but turned the flirts down (she's family orientation and married, so romancemod is working there as well, I think).  Meanwhile, back at the hut, Alex (now a teen) generally can get from "socialize-friendly" to ACR woohoo in one evening if the girl he's with has 2 bolts for him.  He generally takes her to the living room sofa (once while another fellow watched - Alex is quite outgoing).  He has also woohooed another girl in self-sim and Maurey's bed, while Self-sim was playing red hands with Bexley (little brother) in the same room.  I can only imagine Self-sim changed the sheets before sleeping in it again.

Title: Re: Bon Voyage Woohoo Memories
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 29, 15:41:38
Oh, generally my Romance sims seem to go by ACR rules with no problems, but Pleasure is definitely a bit of a wild card - I have other Pleasure sims who are quite faithful, but they are not quite so outgoing and pleasure-loving as Janet (a Taurus), so I think they are perhaps more affected by personality than other aspirations - just as their wants are different for different personalities.