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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 17, 07:57:54

Title: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 17, 07:57:54
Sorry I didn't take a pic.  This should be easily reproducible, though.

If a pregnant Sim tries to practice Tai Chi, when she is through with Tai Chi, she will try to switch back to her normal clothes.  However, (since she is pregnant, and has no normal clothes), she becomes totally bare-ass naked. 

I suppose it's a lot funnier when you're not expecting it.

After discovering herself naked, she expresses shock, changes back to her maternity clothes, and goes through a blush/embarassment type animation, one that I had never seen before. 

One other less amusing glitch I have found...  Cars on vacation lots don't work very well.  They block the tour vans (and possibly other important things), making it impossible to leave the lot without resorting to boolprop and forcing an object error.  However, this is not a big problem because walking to lots is much simpler and quicker than taking your own car.  With the new walk-to-lot action, cars aren't as necessary as they used to be.

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: Emma on 2007 October 17, 08:14:48
I never take cars on vacation, I didn't even know you could! I haven't actually seen the naked pregnant sims after Tai-Chi, but I think there might be a post around here somewhere.

[edit] If there is I can't find it. Sorry :)

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 17, 08:35:31
In order to take a car on a vacation lot, you'd have to probably buy a vacation home and install a driveway with a vacation car. The obvious question is, why would you *DO* such a thing? As of BV, cars are used only to go to work!

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2007 October 18, 05:56:23
Well, I installed a driveway on a vacation home lot (the chateau on twikki.)  I didn't end up using it much.

Cars are still useful for other things.  You can Woohoo in them at home without alerting the wife.  You can take the kids to school if they wake up late.  You can go to work twice in the same day if you get a promotion.

Hack request idea that I have mulled for some time...  I would like it if there were a "Go to the movies"  action for the car that would get family members out of the house for four hours or longer.  Romance Sims would get a lot of use out of that.  It should be easy to do using a modification of the "take for a spin" action.

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: Ness on 2007 October 18, 09:43:01
erm...  kids don't need to go to school while on vacation  ???

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 October 18, 13:23:30
Well, I installed a driveway on a vacation home lot (the chateau on twikki.)  I didn't end up using it much.

Cars are still useful for other things.  You can go to work twice in the same day if you get a promotion.

Adults don't go to work while on vacation.

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 October 18, 13:40:14
Hack request idea that I have mulled for some time...  I would like it if there were a "Go to the movies"  action for the car that would get family members out of the house for four hours or longer.  Romance Sims would get a lot of use out of that.  It should be easy to do using a modification of the "take for a spin" action.

That exists, though I don't know if it's been updated for BV.  I recall coming across a hack sometime in the past year (either on MTS2 or the insim site) that adds a 'go for a drive' menu option on the cars.  Basically sends the sim off for a couple of hours, just like you said.  A search on either of those sites may turn it up -- I don't think I downloaded it, but I'll check later and see if it's lurking in my archives.

Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: Hook on 2007 October 22, 00:35:45
Cars are still useful for other things.  You can Woohoo in them at home without alerting the wife.  You can take the kids to school if they wake up late.  You can go to work twice in the same day if you get a promotion.

I thought it was pretty obvious that this wasn't referring to using cars on vacation, but a response to Pescado's claim that cars are generally useless.  Of COURSE you don't go to work or school on vacation.


Title: Re: Funny BV glitch...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 October 23, 01:45:54
I have a romance sim who was interrupted in the middle of autonomous woohoo on couch, and for some reason she didn't bother to get dressed again, but went and cooked herself a meal, ate it and then danced the night away with her boyfriend!  After about 8 sim hours, she suddenly noticed, even though the boyfriend had been doing the shocked routine at least once an hour!

Referring back to the cars, I only usually use them for sims who are late for school or work, I hate how everything comes to a standstill as they pull out of the driveway!