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Author Topic: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW  (Read 835362 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #925 on: 2010 March 27, 04:44:31 »

If you did everything right, didn't use the game's launcher but the no-CD .exe and your search finds no files of SuckaRom, then you're OK.
Hopefully you remembered to apply the game patches as you were going.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #926 on: 2010 March 27, 21:32:20 »

Jacqiue, this thread has become rather cumbersome.  When I was tryin to remove Securom I couldn't find it anywhere.  I was getting really frustrated, until I found out this information, which I've posted earlier but don't seem to be able to make a working link to, so I'm quoting it:

Xp users, if you follow the directions and yet don't see any securom files, check to see whether you see any hidden files. Apparently this is something that happens to Xp users from time to time, and it may be malware activity. First, in any explorer folder view, click "tools,"  "folder options,"  "view."  Make sure that "display the contents of system files" is checked and "show hidden files and folders" is checked and "hide extensions for known file types" is unchecked.  If you have to change these, reboot afterwards.

You can check to see if you're seeing hidden files by snooping in the Windows directory.  If you don't see any faded looking icons, you're probably not seeing hidden files.  If you look into a few folders and find more than one or two empty ones, or find something empty that you know has to have something in it, you're not seeing hidden files.

Make sure your antivirus program is up-to-date. Now, reboot in safe mode.  You can do that by hitting the F8 key while the computer is booting.  You'll get dialogs that coax you through the rest.  Once you're in safe mode, run your anti-virus program to scan the swhole system.  It takes a bit longer in safe mode.  You probably won't see anything in the scan report that looks promising.  But, when you reboot and look again, you'll find hidden files. And you will find the Securom keys in the registry.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #927 on: 2010 March 27, 22:52:57 »

Thank you both for replying, I didn't know if anyone still kept up with this thread these days!  Nalia, I did remember to patch, almost forgot and then remembered at the last minute!  Ritaxis, this isn't my first go at getting rid of secuROM, I had done it on my old computer so I am aware of the steps I need to take.  I downloaded secubegone from the first post here and that couldn't find anything, plus I searched the registry for all of the files that could possibly be connected and didn't find anything.  I also have windows 7 if that makes any difference.  I never used the launcher or the original .exe because after I finished installing them all, I just applied the crack and played it directly from there.  I am keeping my eye out and checking my registry often, but I still haven't come by anything at all.  I will try rebooting after checking show hidden files though and see what happens.

Edit: Still didn't find anything with hidden files shown and know extensions unchecked.  The only thing that did was slow down my computer load time significantly.
« Last Edit: 2010 March 27, 23:07:09 by JacquiES » Logged
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #928 on: 2010 April 03, 11:04:48 »

JacquiES, if you don't find anything with secubegone, you likely don't have SecuROM. As the other posters have explained, if you haven't launched the game before you installed the crack, you should be fine.

However if you want to be really sure there's one last test you can run. Click "Start" and "Run". Type Regedit and click "Ok". Do a search for cmdlineext.dll and securom and if you don't find either, you're definately in the clear.

I hope that helps.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #929 on: 2010 April 04, 02:18:15 »

Thank you, that is what I was assuming but I just wanted to be sure.  The last thing I need is a fried computer again after just getting this one two weeks ago!
Asinine Airhead

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #930 on: 2010 August 20, 21:59:19 »

OMG. I have been trying to get my Sims2 game to work for two years. I'd get tired of trying and then come back to it  afew months later. I finally have determined that it wouldn't launch because of Securerom. No error messgaes. It just doesn't launch.

Not being smart enough to follow all of the instructions to remove Securerom, I reformatted my HD, did a clean install of TS2 and all EP's, then got the no-cd crack for M&G like the Great Pescado said. Everything was fine for a few days. I kept checking my regedit and was delighted to see no Securerom there.

Today, Securerom is back and my game won't launch again. I installed Civ IV last night, but I thought it would leave my Sims game alone. The only other things I have installed are SimPE and Delphy's Organizer, so it seems that any Securerom game will bork me.


Those Securerom bastards want screenshots of the error message. There isn't one. I hate them and I throw my stuffed animals at the wall while I curse them!

P.S. It looks like it was the EADM that re-infected me. Half my EP's are from there, so it got me. Trying to follow instructions for removal now.
« Last Edit: 2010 August 20, 22:06:46 by SealJuice » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #931 on: 2010 August 21, 00:26:49 »

Ok, still tryin'. Have read about a third of this thread.

I'm stuck on step 8 here- which says

08. Now type in the following SecuROM Remover.exe /fulluninstall then press the Enter key on your keyboard.

When I try to run SecureROM Remover.exe /fulluninstall in DOS it says "SecuROM is not recognized as an internal or external command."

I also tried moving the securom files to the root of c:, rather than in their own directory as the installer places them.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #932 on: 2010 August 21, 05:23:36 »

When I try to run SecureROM Remover.exe /fulluninstall in DOS it says "SecuROM is not recognized as an internal or external command."

When a program file has a space in the name, you need quotes around it.  Try:
"SecureROM Remover.exe" /fulluninstall

or else, rename the EXE and remove the space.

I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Asinine Airhead

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #933 on: 2010 August 21, 06:47:38 »

That worked. Thank you.

Thanks to Pescado, Saraswati, and Mootilda.

My game is still not launching. It does nothing when I double click the no cd-crack, which was working fine yesterday before securom showed up. I'm going to try reinstalling that, though I don't see how it shoudl matter.

I must love the Sims2. Any other game I would have given up on this years ago.

« Last Edit: 2010 August 21, 07:22:59 by SealJuice » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #934 on: 2010 August 23, 20:44:28 »

Well, it is back again and my game won't launch.

After years of this, I am ready to give up. No game is worth this.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #935 on: 2010 August 24, 21:56:42 »

Did you try removing the cache files?

Asinine Airhead

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #936 on: 2010 August 25, 06:00:04 »

I tried to follow the step by step instructions to the letter. I will look into the cache.

I thought maybe another game (Civ IV) did it to me.

I am also downloading torrents for the game, which I feel justified in doing since I paid for them. This will prevent the need for EADM to install in the future.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #937 on: 2010 December 23, 18:05:24 »

I recently received the Fun With Pets Collection as a holiday gift. I have not installed it to my Sims 2 game yet because I'm worried about the SecuRom issues I have heard about. What's the best way to protect my computer from being damaged short of just plain not installing it at all? As far as Sims 2 games goes, I have Sims 2 Deluxe, University, and Open for Business.

If it helps, I have a computer with the following:
Windows XP Media Center Edition Professional 32-bit SP2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
XFX 512MB GeForce 9500 GT

I know its not great, but I don't have a whole lot of money either. So if my computer is screwed, then so am I and the rest of my family since its the main computer in the home network. Which is the main reason why I want to make sure I don't ruin my PC.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #938 on: 2010 December 23, 23:58:08 »

I haven't yet installed one of those SecuROM EPs. How do I make sure I never have to deal with this?
Simple. Follow #4. Get a no-cd crack. Use it and never use the game's included Sims2EP#.exe (where # is the number of your last EP), which is the file that contains SecuRom.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #939 on: 2010 December 23, 23:58:26 »

Read the fucking opening topic. Your exact question is covered.

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #940 on: 2010 December 24, 18:32:02 »

And what do I do if there isn't a no-CD crack? I've been looking around for one online for days and haven't found one.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #941 on: 2010 December 24, 20:46:16 »

And what do I do if there isn't a no-CD crack? I've been looking around for one online for days and haven't found one.

You're doing it wrong then. I'm going to assume your actually looking for a "Fun With Pets" no CD crack. Think about that for a minute and try again.
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #942 on: 2010 December 24, 21:05:09 »

And what do I do if there isn't a no-CD crack? I've been looking around for one online for days and haven't found one.

It's quite possible that you're too stupid for computers.

It seems quite unlikely, I know, given the popularity of Farmville! But give it some deep thought, please. There will always be crossword puzzle books for you. And doodling.

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Tasty Tourist

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #943 on: 2011 March 17, 00:53:17 »

Okay I don't have any Sims games that came with Securom (My last ep was Seasons and my TS3 didn't have it because it was a Mac and Pc version), but I discovered after installing Mirror's Edge, I found it installed to [Username]>App Data>Roaming. (I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit)

First question: Will this work for removing Securom that got installed with Mirror's Edge? It should, but I just want to make sure.

Second question: It isn't bothering me now because I don't even have Nero installed on my computer yet (My computer is less than a month old), and I'm planning on getting my missing Sims 2 expansions, so should I just save myself the fuss of removing it now and rather just remove it when I install those?

Third question: If I don't remove securom installed with Mirror's Edge and use a no-cd crack for one of the Securom infected expansions, will Securom give me more crap than if I'd just played the game without the no-cd crack? <- Just something I'm wondering that doesn't really need to be answered, but would be interesting to know.

On another note, that tutorial seems pretty good just reading through it. Thank you for this.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #944 on: 2011 March 17, 22:14:48 »

You should be able to remove Mirrors Edge's Securom with the Securom removal tool that can be found on Reclaim your game. Or you can use the instructions here. It may reinstall itself when you connect the game to online thingies though. I haven't played the game to know what all it does online or if it just checks online to make sure you actually own it, like Bioshock. It will reinstall itself with any game that has it if you don't use a cracked .exe with it removed.

It doesn't mater when you remove it, it's up to you. Depends on how paranoid or violated you feel. Many people had no issues with it and still don't. Others among us had several issues, like virus scans not updating, or saying they did but hadn't, plus issues burning cds\dvd with legal tools.

See above, yes it will reinstall itself without no-cd use. You can keep the sims games or any other games from installing it again after you remove it by replacing the .exe with a cracked one after it's installed and before the game is ever run.

One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone.  -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Tasty Tourist

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #945 on: 2011 March 20, 13:36:04 »

Thank you for your answers.

If Securom doesn't get installed until you run the original .exe then I think it's best to remove it now, I don't think I'm ever going to want to play Mirror's Edge online, and I don't play it all that often anyway, so it doesn't matter, I'll just disconnect the internet when I play it to be safe.

The only problem I have now, is getting the no-CD crack, this is the Mirror's edge page at GCW, I've never downloaded anything from there, so I have no idea which one might contain the no-CD crack. Help?
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #946 on: 2011 March 20, 13:52:08 »

Quote from: GameCopyWorld
This game does not require the DVD to be present after the game has been activated with a valid/legal serial. So a Fixed EXE is not needed and therefor not available!
There is no no-CD crack. They don't want to be 'illegal'. You have to find another source, I think.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #947 on: 2011 March 20, 16:23:32 »

Oh that was just a blonde moment on my part, I do have an original (legal) copy of the game and have entered the correct serial, so I shouldn't have a problem in that case. Another blonder moment...

I am apparently too tired to be dealing with this right now. I'll get to finding another site because I don't want to have to go through the whole process of removing securom again if the original .exe will just install it again.
« Last Edit: 2011 March 20, 17:07:02 by Rage » Logged
Terrible Twerp
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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #948 on: 2011 March 20, 21:18:43 »

Oh that was just a blonde moment on my part, I do have an original (legal) copy of the game and have entered the correct serial, so I shouldn't have a problem in that case. Another blonder moment...

I am apparently too tired to be dealing with this right now. I'll get to finding another site because I don't want to have to go through the whole process of removing securom again if the original .exe will just install it again.
I suggest looking for Reloaded's crack for the game. You may only have much luck on torrent sites,

One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone.  -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Tasty Tourist

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Re: How to get rid of SecuRom, NOW
« Reply #949 on: 2011 April 02, 10:26:26 »

I just bought the Fun with Pets collection.  (I currently have all the EPs installed, but not the stuff packs that come with this collection.)  Before I install it, I want to make sure I know which crack I need.  I should use the Mansion and Garden no-cd patch right?
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