Well, on the EA website it says this:
* 1300 MHz processor
* 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM is recommended for Windows Vista or if you are running with a few expansion packs installed)
* Windows(R) Vista, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Operating System.
* 8x or faster CD/DVD drive
* At least 1.5 GB of additional hard drive space (5.0 GB total is required if installing both The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack at the same time.)
* A T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM.
+ My video card is listed as supported.
To be fair though EA would put out the bare minimum it needs to run, not play properly, in order to sell more copies, I've heard people say you really should double everything they say and have that as the minumum, which would put my computer under-spec for the most part and on the edge for the rest

It's better than I had been playing on though. At my Mum's house I didn't have a supported video card or that fast a processor, and I was running Uni with a small amount of CC installed as well.
It would be handy if someone released the minimum specs you need to run the game with full graphics options, every single EP and lots of CC

I think Gamespot did a test once, maybe I'll have a look for that.