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MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
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Topic: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice) (Read 53909 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
2007 September 19, 13:21:56 »
I honestly have no idea how or why this is suddenly broken, or why/how/if it ever worked before in Seasons, but it's definitely broken in BV. Strange...coulda sworn children could drink hot chocolate in Seasons just fine, and nothing has changed there.
Child "Animation Name Is Empty String" Fix for TS2BV
Made by: Flying Fish Systems (J. M. Pescado)
Congratulations to: Draklixa!
Special Thanks To:
Hobbsee the Scrawny Pencil Neck
Fat, Hairy-Bellied Ness
Rohina the Ugly Butted
Place in your MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\DOWNLO~1 directory.
Fixes known cases of "Animation Name Is Empty String" when child sims attempt
to perform an action, which apparently worked before but is now mysteriously
broken in BV, such as drinking juice/hot chocolate.
This hack is fully compatible with all FFS hacks. For TS2BV.
May cause computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death,
and/or halitosis.
Do not open, crush, dispose of in fire, put in backwards, short-circuit, or mix
with non-awesome hacks - may explode, leak, or catch fire, resulting in injury
and/or death.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #1 on:
2007 September 19, 15:39:42 »
EA really should pay you for fixing all the crap they break.
Middle-aged professional woman still plays computer games. Film at 11.
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Son of Perdition
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #2 on:
2007 September 19, 15:58:40 »
Y'know, there's just lots of interaction possibility in TS2 that I never use - I only let the spawn drink juice or chocolate milk if there's no adult alive and awake on the lot to make brekkers. The spawnlets should be skilling, making friends, sleeping, or at school. Consequently, I had not noticed it was broken either. Downloading nevertheless, just for those occasional times I say, "hey, what's this for?" and send a kid to the fridge.
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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #3 on:
2007 September 19, 16:37:06 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2007 September 19, 15:58:40
Y'know, there's just lots of interaction possibility in TS2 that I never use - I only let the spawn drink juice or chocolate milk if there's no adult alive and awake on the lot to make brekkers. The spawnlets should be skilling, making friends, sleeping, or at school. Consequently, I had not noticed it was broken either. Downloading nevertheless, just for those occasional times I say, "hey, what's this for?" and send a kid to the fridge.
We're talking about the fresh juice frome the juicer (seasons) that gives skill point or badge point, or warm up, gives platinum mood etc, not the juice from the fridge.
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #4 on:
2007 September 19, 17:03:34 »
Quote from: pioupiou on 2007 September 19, 16:37:06
We're talking about the fresh juice frome the juicer (seasons) that gives skill point or badge point, or warm up, gives platinum mood etc, not the juice from the fridge.
Whoops! My error. *jolrei goes and sits in corner*
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Giraffe Person
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #5 on:
2007 September 19, 17:44:14 »
aHa! So there IS child borkenness. In my post here,9668.msg264021.html#msg264021
I attached a log about missing animation when a motion sick child tried to vomit but I was just chalking it up to some random conflict I'd been having in the game. *shrugs* Looks like you dumped the error log. No big deal.
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #6 on:
2007 September 19, 20:44:39 »
Ah thank you!
This did work in Seasons because I often fed my children apple juice to do homework, and hot chocolate. When I tried this since BV the child would jump out...not nice!
Thank god we have people like you to fix the game!
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 228
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #7 on:
2007 September 19, 22:39:22 »
I've never actually seen a child sim vomit before. o.o
Do us a favor? DIE, GO TO HEAVEN, STFU!
Giraffe Person
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #8 on:
2007 September 20, 01:10:09 »
It's the BV helicopter ride on one of the tours - a bad tour and the passengers come back with motion sickness. Or there are other bad things. Frankly, the tours kinda suck - they're more bad than they are good, IMO.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #9 on:
2007 September 20, 09:44:26 »
They definitely could drink hot chocolate in Seasons as that is what I used to caffienate them if they were too sleepy to do homework.
Illusions of Grandeur
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #10 on:
2007 September 20, 19:11:14 »
It works great; the spawn children can drink again. Thanks. <3
However, when I was testing it out I used eggplant juice and the child got the memory of maxing out ____ skill even though she only had two points in whatever the subject was. This happened with every Sim I directed to drink eggplant juice.
Perhaps EAxis really did try to add in the maxed skill memories for juice and screwed up big time.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #11 on:
2007 September 21, 14:02:03 »
This is a known and confirmed bug, yes. This is not currently considered a critical issue since you'd eventually get one of those anyway.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 64
My very own a The Cheat gnome! o.O
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #12 on:
2007 September 21, 18:13:37 »
Ah, I see. *needs to research moar*
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #13 on:
2007 September 23, 13:43:27 »
I foolishly took my latest family, which includes their two young daughters, on a camping holiday
in the winter
. Each morning they came out of their tent BLUE with cold and I REALLY wished I'd had this fix before they went LOL!
I'm now going to slip this into my hacks folder and go back into the game to do some minor alterations to the community lots in the mountains so that they all have chocolate machines and/or baths. I don't want another holiday where all my sims walk around BLUE all day!
Is it my imagination or did they 'do something' to the hot cholocate machine also to reduce it's effects? I'm certain that before, one mug of hot chocolate was usually enough to warm them up. It seems to take two or three since I installed BV?
Many thanks for all your great work, Sir.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1992
INTJ. I like putting hats on my avatar.
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #14 on:
2007 October 01, 02:10:03 »
I only recently installed Seasons (patched before playing), and do not yet have BV. My sim-kids cannot drink hot chocolate. I haven't tested juice yet. Can this be used without BV installed? If not, will you consider making a Seasons version?
Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #15 on:
2007 October 01, 02:17:58 »
Should work in Seasons. Is this a p2 problem? I never installed beyond p1, and I know that in p0, kids were able to drink the chocolate, and possibly in p1. Perhaps it was broken in p2?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Goopy Lover
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #16 on:
2007 October 01, 06:02:49 »
Quote from: notveryawesome on 2007 October 01, 02:10:03
I only recently installed Seasons (patched before playing), and do not yet have BV. My sim-kids cannot drink hot chocolate. I haven't tested juice yet. Can this be used without BV installed? If not, will you consider making a Seasons version?
You need a teen or older to actually make the chocolate first, don't know whether you've tried that?
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1992
INTJ. I like putting hats on my avatar.
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #17 on:
2007 October 12, 20:05:04 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 October 01, 02:17:58
Should work in Seasons. Is this a p2 problem? I never installed beyond p1, and I know that in p0, kids were able to drink the chocolate, and possibly in p1. Perhaps it was broken in p2?
Yes, I do believe it must be a p2 problem, as that's the patch I installed directly after installing the EP, and the simkids have been unable to drink hot chocolate from the time I began playing.
ETA: I do have an older sim make the hot chocolate, but when a child tries to drink some, it picks up the mug, and the mug immediately disappears from the child's hand. I'll try this fix to see if it works without BV. I backed up my files this morning, so the worst that can happen is I'll have to restore from the backup.
Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1196
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #18 on:
2007 October 16, 03:00:06 »
I was still running Seasons P2 when this patch first came out. I tested my game without this mod, and the kids drank hot chocolate just fine.
I'm assuming BV broke it.
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1992
INTJ. I like putting hats on my avatar.
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #19 on:
2007 October 22, 21:19:51 »
I'm guessing I must have something else causing a conflict. Even with this mod in, my simkids cannot drink hot chocolate (I still haven't tested the juice). Then again, my Downloads folder seems to have become corrupted, so that alone would explain why suddenly half my hacks have quit working and why recolours are overwriting the original textures. I am currently moving all of my files to a spanky new Downloads folder in hopes that this will correct the numerous problems I've experienced since reinstalling my entire game.
Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Garnet Avi
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #20 on:
2008 March 04, 20:30:48 »
I wasn't sure if anyone would want to know, but this is still broken in FT, even with the new BV patch. I just installed all that this weekend (I now have all stuff and expansions installed) and tried to have my kid drink cocoa (he was exhausted at 7PM. What little kid goes to bed at 7?). Anyway, I was looking through the FT hacks directory and this wasn't in it, and I was wondering why. Another question: would it be possible for the kids to make their own cocoa? It gets annoying to need an adult to do it; how hard is dumping packets and water in a machine, anyway?
Also, does anyone else feel the motives in FT crash really fast? I'm suspicious that Eaxis made regular sims' motives go down fast so the rewards would be more worthwhile. Just a thought.
Thanks for this fix.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #21 on:
2008 March 05, 01:07:06 »
I keep hearing this, and while I haven't performed deep research on it, empirical observation seems to suggest that sim battery lives are unchanged. However, some interactions are energy-draining for random illogical reasons.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
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Re: MissingChildAnim Fix (Drink Chocolate/Drink Juice)
Reply #22 on:
2008 March 05, 03:12:54 »
I noticed that Grandpa Aspir's motives took a severe hit after I decided to use his points. I probably sent him to an early grave at 110 days.
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