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Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
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Topic: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0* (Read 371346 times)
Goopy Lover
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #150 on:
2008 January 22, 10:21:13 »
I think this has stopped working in my game. I had the Charlatan show up which is all well and good, but since then I have had all 3 maids show up, different podium people, barstaff etc, etc. There has been no situation where the original NPC has been included as part of an outing. The only thing I could possibly think it sim has got all the business rewards including the one where everyone shows up on the phone. This was before the Charlatan showed up. Do you think that has broken Antiredundancy?
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #151 on:
2008 January 22, 12:01:05 »
Quote from: Emma on 2008 January 22, 10:21:13
I think this has stopped working in my game. I had the Charlatan show up which is all well and good, but since then I have had all 3 maids show up, different podium people, barstaff etc, etc. There has been no situation where the original NPC has been included as part of an outing. The only thing I could possibly think it sim has got all the business rewards including the one where everyone shows up on the phone. This was before the Charlatan showed up. Do you think that has broken Antiredundancy?
Are you sure that this happened only after the Charlatan showed up? It's the same in my game, though I've never seen a Charlatan in this hood (thanks to TJ's visitor controller), and the only owned business I have is at level 1, so no contact related perks there. I don't mind the variety, though - I only use this hack because I don't want the innumerable tour guides make my game explode. Still, I'd like to know why it stopped to work like it used to, of course...
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Goopy Lover
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #152 on:
2008 January 22, 12:35:43 »
I think it was just a coincidence. Mind you the Charlatan showed up
my sim had all the business perks. I have TJ's visitor controller, but I usually only have it tweaked to my liking on my home and dorm lots.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
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Plumber Zombie
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #153 on:
2008 January 22, 15:27:17 »
Quote from: Emma on 2008 January 22, 12:35:43
Mind you the Charlatan showed up
my sim had all the business perks.
Hm, that's interesting - perhaps I need all the business perks to get to see the Charlatan, too
. I also have the VC only on a few selected lots, but the Charlatan doesn't show up
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Pet Monkey
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #154 on:
2008 March 05, 10:41:42 »
Hi all, I am a noob and I have a possibly stupid question. My first post.
If I use this hack on a new neighborhood created with the clean/empty templates, will the game still generate an initial 3 (or however many it's supposed to) of each NPC, or am I stuck with just ONE paperboy, gardener, mailman etc. servicing the entire hood? On the one hand I don't want throngs of NPCs cluttering up the hood, but I'd still like to see some variety among them. I've been testing it a bit in a new hood, and it seems like I'm only getting one of each...
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #155 on:
2008 March 05, 10:50:09 »
Quote from: PetMonkey on 2008 March 05, 10:41:42
Hi all, I am a noob and I have a possibly stupid question. My first post.
If I use this hack on a new neighborhood created with the clean/empty templates, will the game still generate an initial 3 (or however many it's supposed to) of each NPC, or am I stuck with just ONE paperboy, gardener, mailman etc. servicing the entire hood? On the one hand I don't want throngs of NPCs cluttering up the hood, but I'd still like to see some variety among them. I've been testing it a bit in a new hood, and it seems like I'm only getting one of each...
The point of the hack is to only have one of each NPC.
If you want more, you can create them using the townie & NPC maker. (Turn on debug mode, shift click on a sim, and spawn the townie & NPC maker).
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Pet Monkey
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #156 on:
2008 March 05, 10:54:33 »
Alright, thanks for the quick reply, I think I will just leave the hack out initially and add it in later or something.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #157 on:
2008 March 05, 11:41:53 »
One. If you want another one, you can generate it manually, or just allow it to generate as needed. Otherwise you get 3 of EVERYTHING, including things that duplicates are totally useless for since the sims are unsocializable.
Besides, bad things generally happen when you try to interact with NPCs, so it's just best to treat them as untouchable.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pet Monkey
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #158 on:
2008 March 05, 13:28:21 »
OK, thanks J.M., I guess I will maybe look into the manual NPC creation thing after all and keep the hack in. I just like having some selection of gardener, maid etc. but can do without 3 different cabdrivers and whatever else... Would you mind elaborating a little bit on this no interacting with NPCs thing though? This is really depressing news to me. No more woohoo'ing the maid, or anything?
Your hacks are alright, by the way.
Thanks a lot.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #159 on:
2008 March 05, 14:08:17 »
Many newer NPCs are not rigorously tested for extensive interactions, and it is recommended that you not try too hard with them. Older NPCs like the maid are probably more rigorously tested due to people's maid fetishes, but don't count on other more esoteric NPCs working right.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pet Monkey
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #160 on:
2008 March 05, 18:52:15 »
Thanks again, that's a relief. I wouldn't call it a fetish or anything precisely, but I
mostly concerned about the maid.
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 907
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #161 on:
2008 March 07, 18:13:47 »
If I attach a new university, will this hack prevent the creation of a whole slew of butt ugly professors, or will it reuse the useless bunch that's currently ensconced in my game. And what about the rest of that sorry lot, the cheerleader and mascot and such? I'm sick of the look of my university but I won't create a new one if it means even moar undesirable Maxis characters
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