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Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
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Topic: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0* (Read 371543 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #25 on:
2007 September 14, 03:27:53 »
You are oldversioned. Reupdate, and next time, don't bother posting until you've tried reupdating first.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Madame Mim
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #26 on:
2007 September 14, 23:00:01 »
Hah, delete me will you - well I probably deserved it, but I was only being annoying to try to help.
I'm still getting the creation error (at least on vacation community lots, not sure about 'normal' community lots) and I definately have the latest version available this time.
Last Edit: 2007 September 15, 00:16:20 by J. M. Pescado
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #27 on:
2007 September 15, 00:17:15 »
Your error is in a BHAV that is not part of the stack affected by this hack, nor does it even match the actual Maxis BHAV. It is therefore the Work of the Non-Awesome. As warned in the RTFM, do not mix with the work of the non-Awesome, or it may explode, leak, or catch fire.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #28 on:
2007 September 15, 01:08:23 »
I don'find the delete 2 instructions
follow the 'Deleted 2' instructions you'll find elsewhere on this lot.
Can you please link me in the exact post ?
thanck you very much !
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #29 on:
2007 September 15, 05:29:31 »
If you haven't gone on vacation EVER in the neighborhood, the first time you go on vacation, the game must generate the minimum required NPCs still. This will result in a brief lag while all the locals and NPCs you absolutely need are created, such as to staff your hotel. However, no more than absolutely necessary will be created and the lag will pass.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #30 on:
2007 September 15, 10:06:57 »
Delete the neighbourhood you've played deletes EVERYTHING that was in it. This game is smarter than TS2. The old files will be gone.
I recommend you get this. Seriously.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #31 on:
2007 September 15, 12:08:36 »
OK, slight problem. My Sim checked into the Twikki Island Beach Hotel and there was no tour guide on the lot. I exited the game and removed the antiredundency hack, and my tour guide was back. A different tour guide (the first was female this one was male).
This Sim was the second Sim to check into the hotel. Don't know if that has anything to do with it. Maybe the game demands a different tour guide each time? I checked for errors in the log that might help. There is nothing there. The Sim finished his vacation and checked out. Another Sim checked in and still no guide. The tour guide only showed up after I removed the fix.
Anyway, I love this fix. 4 vacations and no extra characters. Just thought I'd let you know about this. Meanwhile, the fix stays.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #32 on:
2007 September 15, 12:46:43 »
I had a problem with the tour guide not showing up, and I didn't have this hack installed. I doubt the hack is the cause of the problem.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #33 on:
2007 September 15, 13:09:34 »
The Tour Guide is not guaranteed to show up all the time, every time. He will usually appear sooner or later, but is not guaranteed to always be there.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #34 on:
2007 September 15, 13:24:03 »
Thank you for clearing that up. One more question. Is it normal to have just one tour guide?
Here's hoping she shows up sooner or later.
Town Crier
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #35 on:
2007 September 15, 14:01:01 »
The point of this is that the game was making a new tour guide every time it needed one, instead of reusing the existing one. So yea, with this in there should only be a minimum number of tour guides around.
I've noticed that the tour guide has weird hours. He (so far always male in my game) shows up about an hour after the sims check into the hotel, and then leaves anytime between 6 - 8pm. On other days I've never quite caught when he arrives, but it does seem to be at different times. And I have been on community vacation lots where he didn't show up at all.
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #36 on:
2007 September 15, 14:15:26 »
After the first visit to a hotel, all my hotel tour guides are AWOL. I haven't seen a tour guide at any hotel in any neighborhood (day or night) for over a week of game play. This was happening *before* I installed the new antiredundancy and is still continuing after reinstallation of the updated fix. I doubt it has anything to do with the hack. I played PV before the hack and have the usual charector spam but have since played other neighborhoods and have had no additional spawning of tour guides and unsavory charectors. It's the only 'bug' I have in my game (well...other than I've never seen anyone doing Tai Chi..ever).
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes."
Dimwitted Dunce
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Oh, fuck.
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #37 on:
2007 September 15, 14:45:07 »
I have never seen anyone doing Tai Chi on a community lot either. Both times I have vacationed to the Far East, I've had to enter debug mode to make one of the locals selectable, and direct them to do Tai Chi which my Sim could then join.
HIGHLY annoying.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 December 12, 04:32:24
<br />Probably because you suck.<br />
Lady Moiraine
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 145
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #38 on:
2007 September 15, 15:16:06 »
Quote from: minicarrie on 2007 September 12, 10:08:54
Did you set it to fix the spawning of Unsavory Charlatans as well? I had 7 tour guides and 5 Unsavory Charlatans before installing the hack and trying another vacation. Spawned no more tour guides (yay!) but spawned two more Unsavory Charlatans.
I have your hack also and it's keeping the Tour Guide down to 1 but the Unsavory Charlatans still keep spawning. I have 3 with a thumbnail and 3 with Mr. Potato Head in SimPE. The Mr. Potato Heads all have the same SimID and Family Instance--the one with an image have different SimIDs. I have 6 Unsavory Charlatans total now. I started out with 3.
Hall of Torque
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #39 on:
2007 September 15, 19:05:44 »
Make sure you have the latest version -- it's been updated in the last day or so because of just that problem.
Or as Pescado would say, "you're oldversioned" and then insult you.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Lady Moiraine
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 145
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #40 on:
2007 September 16, 02:38:03 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 September 15, 19:05:44
Make sure you have the latest version -- it's been updated in the last day or so because of just that problem.
Or as Pescado would say, "you're oldversioned" and then insult you.
I do, I have SimPe_063f, I grabbed it first thing this morning.
And if he puts another one up, I'll get that right away also.
Hall of Torque
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #41 on:
2007 September 16, 06:26:14 »
Thanks so much for this
The only weirdness I've noticed is:
1) Had problems going on vacation because the nanny wouldn't show up - I'd get a pop-up that there was a technical problem with my tour and my air fare was being refunded.. I had her tracking the schedule of a sim - once I cancelled schedule tracking, she showed up and the shuttle arrived as it should.
2) I'm now in the far east - forget which hotel - and no maid service has spawned.
I don't know if either issue has to do with anti-redundancy, but since they're both NPC issues I figured I'd mention it.
Thanks again :-)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #42 on:
2007 September 16, 13:26:57 »
Hack is working wonderfully, I'm showing only one tour guide in my character section but 3 of the pickpockets and 3 ninjas. I'm assuming this is normal since I've been on two vacations with no problems or mass spawns clogging up my hood.
~~ Larxene
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #43 on:
2007 September 16, 14:30:21 »
Quote from: Arkali on 2007 September 16, 06:26:14
The only weirdness I've noticed is:
1) Had problems going on vacation because the nanny wouldn't show up - I'd get a pop-up that there was a technical problem with my tour and my air fare was being refunded.. I had her tracking the schedule of a sim - once I cancelled schedule tracking, she showed up and the shuttle arrived as it should.
2) I'm now in the far east - forget which hotel - and no maid service has spawned.
I wouldn't be surprised if the nanny thing is a BV bug.
The maids at hotels are wonky, though, and pretty useless. If your sim is out and about for the day (which is kinda the point), the maid never actually does anything to their room. I've seen the maids just hanging around the lobby of the hotel, and not much beyond that. I guess the only saving grace is that the hotels reset when your sims leave, so they're clean for the next visitors.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #44 on:
2007 September 16, 14:36:58 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 September 16, 14:30:21
I guess the only saving grace is that the hotels reset when your sims leave, so they're clean for the next visitors.
I may need to pay more attention, but as far as I can tell the hotels do not regenerate in my game, and I find it really annoying. I seem to remember going back to the same hotel with a different family and finding the bed unmade and some disgusting plates on the patio. And it was on the first days, so without hacks. I will pay more attention and see if they regenrate or not...
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #45 on:
2007 September 16, 14:40:26 »
Hmm, I may be wrong on that, but I thought they acted like all comm lots. Though they may act more like dorms, which as I recall don't completely reset when they're empty. If that's the case, then EAxis needs to fix that, or hotels will eventually become unusable.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 476
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #46 on:
2007 September 16, 15:19:24 »
Ok, I have a question. How do you get rid of all the extra Tour Guides and Charlatans without screwing up the game? Can I just delete their character files? And if I delete them all, will they respawn (not tons, like the 37 guides I have and the 11 charlatans) but like 1 per vacation area?
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #47 on:
2007 September 16, 15:23:41 »
Follow the 'Deleted 2' directions you'll find in the War Room forum here.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #48 on:
2007 September 16, 18:19:00 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 September 16, 14:30:21
I wouldn't be surprised if the nanny thing is a BV bug.
The maids at hotels are wonky, though, and pretty useless. If your sim is out and about for the day (which is kinda the point), the maid never actually does anything to their room. I've seen the maids just hanging around the lobby of the hotel, and not much beyond that. I guess the only saving grace is that the hotels reset when your sims leave, so they're clean for the next visitors.
Ayep. I've got to do some character cleanup. Gak. As for the issue with housekeeping - yeah, they're worthless. They seem to show up around 10ish and leave around dusk - prime vacationing hours. I think somebody *cough* *EA* *cough* didn't think that through too well.
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Re: Anti-Redundancy *CRITICAL FOR BVp0*
Reply #49 on:
2007 September 16, 21:16:03 »
They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal.
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