I am not entirely clear on what you're asking. Do you want to create a completely empty neighborhood? If so you should follow Jordi's fantastic tutorial
Creating a clean custom neighbourhood and/or use SarakMK's
Empty and Cleaned-up Tempaltes.
If you want to delete unwanted extra character files you should follow the directions in Pescado's
Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo! tutorial.
If you want to remove the townies that the Bon Voyage "stealth hood" (when the hood loaded up and said "creating exotic destinations" it was dumping a bunch of new character files into your game) then you should follow my instructions, posted
here. Wait for the page to load all the way, that link leads directly to my post so you don't have to go hunting for it.
If you just delete them and do nothing else then your game could get really messed up. Deleting character files that way can leave behind unwanted corrupt memories, hanging SWAFs and a plethora of other nasties. You may also want to use Pescado's antiredundancy, notownieregen, nostrayrespawn, and noSSrespawn to help limit character files if you don't already do this. Respectively they deal with NPCs, townies, pets, and secret society members. You can find them all in the
hack directory.
I hope that at least some of that helped!