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Author Topic: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?  (Read 30504 times)
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #50 on: 2005 October 21, 18:20:17 »

Oy.  How dull.  Why can't they want to be... astronauts or something?  Or chefs?  Or ANY job in which fame and fortune is sure to follow?

Or what about some twisted LTW that involves a rocket in the back yard, a barbecuer, a toy spaceship, and a plasma TV?  You know - Hold The Best Backyard Rocket, Barbecuer, Toy Spaceship and Plasma TV Party!

Err... ahem.  Not helpful, I know.   Roll Eyes

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #51 on: 2005 October 21, 18:44:07 »

I tell you what, Syera.  This is probably one of the reasons we need to get University.  At least there are some new career tracks sims can get into if they graduate!  I love the custom careers people make, but if I want to fulfill sims' LTWs that have to do with careers they're not usable, at least not until after they work their way through one job.  It stinks.

BTW, how's your chocolate supply holding up?  Grin

Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #52 on: 2005 October 21, 20:54:26 »

Well there are 4 new careers in University but Maxis disable the LTW related with them.... Cheesy  Reason, they did not want us to have to force teens to college because of their LTW, but they don't mind elders have LTW that we can never fulfill if we create them in CAS.

I say Maxis, please bring back those LTW!  We want them!
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #53 on: 2005 October 21, 21:55:44 »

Or what about some twisted LTW that involves a rocket in the back yard, a barbecuer, a toy spaceship, and a plasma TV?

I like the idea.

True story:  a friend of mine was checking out at a store and the guy in front of him had three items:

A box of condoms.
A case of 30 weight motor oil.
An early pregnancy test.

Speculation ran rampant.


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Smells Like Pee
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #54 on: 2005 October 22, 01:01:13 »

That's funny!

A woman ahead of me in line at Walmart had a box of tampons that of course didn't scan correctly. Much to the embarrassment of the poor lady, the cashier had to call for a price-check. Only he dialed the office supplies department instead of the health and beauty department, and asked for the price on tampax. The office-supply guy misunderstood and thought he was asking about tacks, so responded "The kind you hammer in, or the kind you push in with your thumb?"

Okay, not a true story... Cheesy

edit: I'm a dumbass and missed a part.
« Last Edit: 2005 October 22, 01:29:23 by Brynne » Logged
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #55 on: 2005 October 22, 01:24:03 »

That's funny!

A woman ahead of me in line at Walmart had a box of tampons that of course didn't scan correctly. Much to the embarrassment of the poor lady, the cashier had to call for a price-check. Only he dialed the office supplies department instead of the health and beauty department, and asked for the price on tampax. The office-supply guy misunderstood and thought he was asking about thumbtacks, so responded "The kind you just stick in, or the kind you push in with your thumb?"

Okay, not a true story... Cheesy

Just too bad it isn't true but it gave me a good laugh, poor keyboard, my Pepsi beer is all over it....
« Last Edit: 2005 October 22, 02:06:58 by Missdoh » Logged
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #56 on: 2005 October 22, 02:04:11 »

I think that random, unpredictable lifetime wants would make the game far more interesting.
I would much prefer it to match their personality than their aspiration. Why should a Sim with 0 outgoing want to throw a zillion awesome parties? I'd like something to make the game slightly challenging. Plus, the way my knowledge Sims have been spinning wants lately, I could see them replacing Romance as the filthiest, well, you get the picture.

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #57 on: 2005 October 24, 01:28:59 »

Have you noticed how family sims seem to be chasing anything that moves?

Zephyr Zodiac
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #58 on: 2005 October 24, 01:34:08 »

"I want t woohoo...i dont want a baby...but i want to mary off 6 children....hmmm"

This is what I would do. Make 6 darling little kids with awsome personalities and full skills, get the socail worker to take them, and adopt! omonace dont usually spin the fear of adopting a baby, so its less conflict...

"So long, and good night"

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #59 on: 2005 October 24, 01:43:25 »

Gay romance sims do!  If their partner spins the adopt a child want, they spin the fear!  If they're in a hetero partnership, they won't because the hetero couples don't get the adoption want.

Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #60 on: 2005 October 25, 16:15:36 »

I guess it's twojeffs wants mod, because I still have yet to see anyone spin a desire to adopt. I have gay couples too... guess I need a gay Family Sim to see it?

I've been going through my original neighbourhoods, and I realized I really don't like Family sims at all, they're so Aargh, boring.
It sucks because in the beginning, I made quite a few of them and even paired them up. (Yikes) I know there is that recommendation that matching aspirations do well together but the thought makes me nauseous. It's bad enough to see one sim spinning the same things over and over, but two?
How would diapers ever get changed with 2 knowledge Sims? heh heh... Actually, I think the only Asp I could bear to pair up would be Knowledge or Romance, though I love pairing Romance with anything...maybe because the only thing I have less of is popularity, and I still don't see the point of them... (should I say appeal of them) 

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #61 on: 2005 October 26, 01:04:18 »

I'll definitely take two knowledge sims over two popularity any day. LOL  When I do play popularity I try to keep a house limited to no more than one.  I enjoy them because they add a little variety.

Yep, a Knowledge sim couple becomes obsessed with their learning but at least they have the same goals in mind.

Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #62 on: 2005 October 26, 03:01:22 »

yes, knowledge is still my favourite because they don't want to waste time doing stupid things (loops of jokes etc.) skill building and romance but so easy to point in either direction. They're my ultimate favourite as starter sims for any challenge because they're so easy to keep happy. Harder when they're born in game as they already have so many skill points by the time they're teen, but still entertaining.
I dread the thought of chemistry trying to match up aspirations.

Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #63 on: 2005 October 26, 03:31:12 »

I've found family sims absolutely ADORE knowledge sims, and it doesn't seem to matter whether they have tons of attraction things going on, either.  With my one couple, Amy's a family sim and she's been oh-so-vapory over Alistair since the day she met him, and vice-versa.  Now that he has almost all his skills maxxed out (has something like one cooking and two creativity left) not only is he completely gaga over her as usual, but now his wants are starting to spin more toward her.

I don't know if it's something new in NL's programming, but I've noticed some pretty weird things.  Alistair would be on the couch studying, and Amy, although she had other needs that were getting to the point of attention, and comfort wasn't one of them, would just go sit on the couch behind him.  He got abducted by aliens and during his pregnancy if he was in bed taking a nap, Amy would meander in to relax on the bed with him.  Granted, I've seen sims go to sit down and relax, but she really seemed like she wanted to follow him all over the place!

She's also totally smitten by another Knowledge sim in the neighborhood, this one an elder I created.  I figured she might get one or two lightning bolts going with him since he has none of her turn-ons but nothing doing--they have three bolts!  I can't turn my back on those two for even a second. LOL  I was thinking since Alistair should precede her in death she ought to ultimately be able to at least have a little tryst with Professor Mordoch. Wink

Whiny Wussy
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #64 on: 2005 October 26, 13:57:03 »

I guess it's twojeffs wants mod, because I still have yet to see anyone spin a desire to adopt. I have gay couples too... guess I need a gay Family Sim to see it?

All gay sims except for Romance can spin the Adopt a child want, but I think it normally only happens when you first get them together and into a permanent relationship (if they're just living together they won't spin the want, they have to get joined.)


Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #65 on: 2005 October 27, 03:07:31 »

The couple I'm thinking of in particular is joined.
They were highschool sweethearts. 5th generation Legacy and my first gay sim, though he had about 20 best friends his age, his first 'flirt' want was a CAS teen boy (sucked for the challenge, but my sims pretty much get what they want) They're finance and knowledge and as I've mentioned before, the randiest couple I have. (if they weren't gay, they'd have 10 kids just from random risky woohoo)

or maybe they prefer their current 3-6 woohoo / day lifestyle over tickle, snuggle, talk to and read to?

Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #66 on: 2005 October 27, 10:54:54 »

Notice I said CAN spin the want, not WILL spin the want.  As you say, it obviously depends on the sims.. Popularity sims tend to spin it if they don't have many friends, so it's often spun if you create them as half of a gay couple in CAS when they first move in.  Since yours had 20 best friends, he's unlikely to spin the want, likewise he wouldn't spin have ababy in a hetero relationship either.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #67 on: 2005 October 30, 07:05:32 »

Whenever any of my knowledge sims finish maxing all of their skills they always seem to become Family/Romance hybrids.

Which makes since I guess.  What else is there left to do for a knowledge sim who's maxed all of their skills but to raise children, romance their spouse, or chase then hot new guy or girl that just moved in down the street?

In regards to the strange LTWs, I'm all for it.  My neighborhoods are usually overruned with Mad Scientists, Chief of Staffs, and Criminal Masterminds.  Whenever they spin up a LTW that isn't career related I jump for joy because I can make them get a job that they obviously don't want, simply because I'm sick of those three careers now.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #68 on: 2005 October 30, 09:16:02 »

Use the debugger to change LTWs.  Popularity sims seem to have quite a wide choice, as do Fortune sims.  Family are the worst!

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Romance sim wants to marry off 6 children?
« Reply #69 on: 2005 October 30, 10:09:14 »

Use the debugger to change LTWs.  Popularity sims seem to have quite a wide choice, as do Fortune sims.  Family are the worst!
No, if you've got NL, Pleasure (Have 50 Dream Dates, Have 100 First Dates (numbers are probably wrong)) and Grilled Cheese (Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches) are the worst. Still, if you've got NL, it's easy to change aspiration.

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