Egads! I'm thinking this sim should've been my me-sim's husband (that is since my me-Sim has a lifetime want to marry off 6 children  )! I made a Romance sim tonight, figured I'd let him have a little bit of decent fun before he settles down in my new neighborhood. I decided to check his LTW and it's to marry off 6 children! Now who'da thunk it! Since this dude'll be dating Townies and Downtownies he's either definitely getting married or going to be abducted an awfully lot by aliens!
Have you got the LTW variety mod in your game? And is he by any chance either Pisces or Cancer? I find if I make these signs have a romance aspiration, all they really want is to be a mum or dad and the aspiration conflicts with their natural character.
Of course, you could put him in a gay relationship with a family, knowledge or popularity sim, who will keep wanting to adopt kids!
Zephyr Zodiac
Nope--no LTW variety mod in my game, although I'm beginning to think I want it because of what my other sims are coming up with.
He's an Aquarius. What I may end up doing is changing his aspiration with the renu-u-sensor orb then switching it back to Romance. That will change his LTW, although frankly at this point a Romance sim having six children sounds a bit more interesting than becoming a Professional Party Guest or a Celebrity Chef! LOL
I quite agree - I'd definitely leave it alone! 
Zephyr Zodiac
Feckless Fool

Posts: 265
I had a similarly odd thing once with a knowledge teen wanting to have 20 simultaneous lovers (it's a kind of knowledge I guess  ).
(it's a kind of knowledge I guess) LOL! That reminded me of something I hadn't thought of in years! At one point I was engaged to a wonderfully good man (not quite as good as the one I ended up marrying but awfully close). If I had to sum up an aspiration for him it would definitely be knowledge (I always dated the geeks--married one, too). He told me about how after he was out on his own he was extremely curious about the whole romance thing so he hired himself a hooker simply for the learning experience. Very bizarre, indeed! Believe it or not, that's not why I ended up not marrying him. 
Okay, just thought of something (this will exhibit how badly I need sleep at this point!). I could have him impregnated by aliens 6 times, then his 6 children could marry my sim-me and sim-hubby's six kids. You know, there just isn't quite an aspiration in that game that fits me right so I chose family. DH, on the other hand, definitely ranks up there with the knowledge sims. I only just made us into a sim couple and I don't think he's real thrilled about the downsides of his sim self. 
Well, in a way, I suppose, it was better than just doing it with someone who might have read a lot more into it than just "He's just doing it for the experience" and end up being terribly hurt!
Zephyr Zodiac
Oh, definitely! He was way too analytical of a guy. I'm sure by now I'd have been in a straight jacket!  Thankfully my DH, although just as intelligent, isn't so cut and dried. He's much more, ummm, passionate might be the right word. Egads! I've got to get off of here! I got on almost 3 hours ago thinking I'd do what I needed to do in one, then got on a site downloading clothes!
I just looked at the pre-patch code. There's a test there to limit the want to marry off 6 kids to family Sims. I haven't installed the patch yet, so I don't know if this has been affected. And just because one part of the code forbids it doesn't mean another part of the code doesn't allow it.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
I quite like the idea of there being an occasional odd LTW, makes it more like RL, after all there are quite a few male humans around who seem to enjoy fathering kids all over the place (and unlike male romance sims, they don't actually seem to want to help raise them!)
Zephyr Zodiac
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
I quite like the idea of there being an occasional odd LTW, makes it more like RL, after all there are quite a few male humans around who seem to enjoy fathering kids all over the place (and unlike male romance sims, they don't actually seem to want to help raise them!)
I can certainly confirm that. My last partner was like this and he was definitely not a Romance Sim. If I had to choose an Aspiration for him it would be Fortune.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Oh my dear you are not alone with these screwed-up LTW. I don't have mods or hacks in my game so they are not the reason of this mess.
I created a new neighborhood ready to be use after the patch (full of empty houses). I created a bunch of Sims (about 12) to live in it and here is a little resume of the aspiration/LTW I got:
Family Sim with LTW to be a slacker Knowledge Sim with LTW to woohoo with 20 Sims Fortune Sim with LTW to have 20 lover Pleasure Sim with LTW to be a Captain hero Romance Sim with LTW to graduate 3 children Popularity Sim with LTW to be a chief of staff NOTE: I write those out of memory, they might be different in the game but you get the point.
So that LTW system seems to be a bit mess-up. Though I never really pay much attention to it and I also kind of find it funny and interesting to have those LTW all mixed-up, it seems to be completely random now and not aspiration related like it used too. Now I will do some test tonight and takes notes to found out is it just that the LTW are not address to the right aspiration or is all completely random no matter what aspiration you have. In other words do Romance Sims have now the LTW of family Sims and vice versa, do Popularity Sims have the LTW of Knowledge Sims and vice versa...
I wonder if one of my Sims will have the LTW to eat 200 grilled cheese lol
« Last Edit: 2005 October 13, 14:50:33 by Missdoh »
If it's not a glitch that would lead to the "firey ball visible from outer space" I'd say to enjoy the bit of variety tossed in. I haven't experienced that glitch yet but think it would be kind of fun. Yet another way to torture our little simmies, by giving them exactly what they seem to want. 
Of course, before Uni, they would come up with wierd job wants occasionally (but before Uni we didn't know they were wierd!)
Zephyr Zodiac
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 237
I created a YA Sim who was Romance and his LTW was to marry off 6 children, now I'm intending him for a Legacy founder, so, um, NO. But at the end of his sophomore year I rerolled his aspiration and he is now a Family Sim with a LTW to become a celebrity chef. I was happy all the way around, he will be easier to keep happy and his LTW will be much easier to fulfill.
Well, career wants are always easier, I think! Although the earn 100,000 is probably fairly attainable, and graduate 3 children only requires the existence of 2 (unless this has been corrected by the patch!). But have 20 lovers at once!!!! How do you manage that one - even with all kinds of hacks and cheats, it's still easy to let a relationship slide below 70!
Zephyr Zodiac
Well, career wants are always easier, I think! Although the earn 100,000 is probably fairly attainable, and graduate 3 children only requires the existence of 2 (unless this has been corrected by the patch!). But have 20 lovers at once!!!! How do you manage that one - even with all kinds of hacks and cheats, it's still easy to let a relationship slide below 70!
I never really tried to fulfill that Lifetime want but I think you do not need to have them all at the same time, you simply need to have 20 lovers in your Sim life which is still a lot of slap in that poor sim face.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
I made one of that grand vamps playable in my game and he has a LTW to Marry off 6 children(I think). Even though he is Pleasure aspiration.
Hook, I haven't installed the patch yet. We decided to have my daughter download it to her PC then burn it to a CD so we don't have to download twice. She just downloaded it last evening and hasn't got around to burning it just yet. Oh yes--this will be a good one. For some reason I always try to give my sims exactly what they want. *evil grin* I, too, thought of the guy who really loves children but doesn't want to settle down. I've seen them portrayed in movies (Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park for example--loves kids but is "always looking for the next ex-Mrs. Malcolm") and in real life (my sister's ex-husband and a few other men who carelessly spread their seed). I've also seen real people that I might consider having Romance aspirations end up accidentally getting a girlfriend pregnant, marrying her and going on to become fine fathers and raise wonderful families. Well, so far Joseph Lovelace has dated one pretty Townie I made--both are Romance. I think I'll let him have a bit more fun (nothing immoral, mind you LOL) then see about settling down with someone. He's going to need someone to support him while he has these 6 kids!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
If all of this weird LTW jazz is happening with Nightlife installed, it may not be a glitch; it could be programmed that way to encourage players to use the ReNuYu (?) aspiration changer reward...thing. 
If all of this weird LTW jazz is happening with Nightlife installed, it may not be a glitch; it could be programmed that way to encourage players to use the ReNuYu (?) aspiration changer reward...thing.  Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if you're right. I've seen similar in the past.
If all of this weird LTW jazz is happening with Nightlife installed, it may not be a glitch; it could be programmed that way to encourage players to use the ReNuYu (?) aspiration changer reward...thing.  Before I install the patch the Sims I created had related aspiration/LTW, this just started yesterday after I install the patch.
I haven't installed the patch yet and it's already happening. Very bizarre, but at least it deviates from the predictable! 