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How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
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Topic: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits (Read 23283 times)
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
2007 August 27, 14:42:46 »
EAxis changed the property sets for clothing in Pets, and as a result most clothing property sets from previous expansions now result in clothing being marked with the custom content star if this property set is read from the My Documents folder.
This affects any changed items, such as my hiders, outerwear enablers, etc..
A particulary dangerous result of this is that it allows these clothes to be deleted from in CAS, resulting in base game file corruption.
The most common workaround given is to place these property sets in the Catalog Bin, but there's also an actual fix.
Make sure the following properties are in each clothing's property set if placed in My Documents:
version (dtUInteger) = N
product (dtUInteger) = N
Base game: version 1 product 1
EP 1 Uni: version 2 product 2,
EP 2 NL: version 2 product 3,
EP3 OFB: version 3 product 4,
SP1 FFS: version 3 product 5,
SP2 GLS: version 3 product 6,
EP4 Pets: version 3 product 7,
EP5 Seas: version 3 product 8,
SP4 Celeb: version 3 product 9,
SP5 H&M: version 3 product A
The Xmas items are labelled according to which pack they first appeared in:
Xmas 2005: version 2 product 1
Xmas 2006: version 3 product 1
Combined with the trick to set the "Creator" property to all zeroes, this
allow you to set custom content clothing as game defaults, allowing townies to use them or Sims to grow up in them. This is untested.
Cheese Nazi
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Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #1 on:
2007 August 27, 19:22:03 »
Would marking the relevant game files read-only solve the possible deletion problem?
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Malodorous Moron
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Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #2 on:
2007 August 27, 19:50:03 »
Quote from: Jordi on 2007 August 27, 14:42:46
Combined with the trick to set the "Creator" property to all zeroes, this
allow you to set custom content clothing as game defaults, allowing townies to use them or Sims to grow up in them. This is untested.
Maybe I am confused, but I thought that just using the creator property to zeros (and deleting product and version and setting flags to all zeros) would result in CC clothing spinning up in the random CAS or in townies or to age up into. I'm sure that when I generate townies they use my custom clothes. Or have I totally misunderstood this part of the post?
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Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #3 on:
2007 August 27, 22:08:25 »
Amber: not certain if that avoids it; I wouldn't trust Windows to keep my files save...
In any case making sure the properties exist avoids the problem entirely.
Invisigoth: sure, but the clothing items still bear the star of shame.
Editing clothing by this method has the dual purpose of removing the star of shame, and making it undeletable from within CAS. But as mentioned I haven't actually tried it with custom content.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 734
INTP: pensive analytical skeptic.
Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #4 on:
2007 August 28, 07:10:49 »
Quote from: Jordi on 2007 August 27, 22:08:25
Invisigoth: sure, but the clothing items still bear the star of shame.
Editing clothing by this method has the dual purpose of removing the star of shame, and making it undeletable from within CAS. But as mentioned I haven't actually tried it with custom content.
Ahh, I see. Thanks for the clarification, Jordi. I'll test it with some of my CC and report back when I have a chance. My computer had a pretty serious seizure last night and she's still acting pretty wonky. I'm not sure if she's up to running the sims until I've figured out exactly what's wrong with her.
And thanks for another awesome tutorial! I am so your fangirl!!!!11one
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #5 on:
2007 August 29, 00:09:37 »
this method works just fine. all of my townies have splendid winter wardrobes now, starless of course. the only difference i did, was i didn't change the version. i only wish you had posted this a few weeks ago. searching for "remove asterisk" brings up a lot of junk.
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Juvenile Jackass
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Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #6 on:
2007 August 29, 02:47:22 »
Actually removing the star won't prevent them from being deleted in CAS, the trash option is always available for files that are read from the My Documents folder.
The only time I've seen the version value make a difference is in the YACAS screen for template faces.
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Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #7 on:
2007 August 29, 08:09:39 »
Seems to work for me though -- I can't delete them anymore after adding both product and version.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #8 on:
2007 August 31, 18:39:31 »
I have did this before with Maxis Pre-Order Items and it has worked very well. Just expanded it add non elder clothes to the elder selection.
One note, in my download folder I keep these modified files separate from my other files in a specially marked folder. Making them also read only so they cannot be deleted in game by accident solved my object package problem.
To delete files remove the ready only restriction and use clean installer or Sim PE to delete the files and the object package will not get corrupted.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 39
Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #9 on:
2008 May 13, 19:31:15 »
Please don't kill me for posting since this topic has been dead for a while now, but does anyone know the numbers for BV through Kitchen & Bath stuff??
Lord Darcy
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Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #10 on:
2008 May 15, 19:27:00 »
Quote from: simaddict on 2008 May 13, 19:31:15
Please don't kill me for posting since this topic has been dead for a while now, but does anyone know the numbers for BV through Kitchen & Bath stuff??
K&B is also version 4, as it's based on Pets.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 39
Re: How to: Remove the custom content star from changed EAxis outfits
Reply #11 on:
2008 May 17, 01:16:44 »
Thanks Lord Darcy!
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