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Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
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Topic: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business (Read 4812 times)
Smackable Punbot
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2580
Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
2007 August 27, 09:05:36 »
I had a Sim that had started his own home business, but as he was getting on in years I thought I'd have him transfer the ownership of the lot to his son (who he had a 100/100 relationship with). Alas and alack, the option was not there, nor was the opportunity to pass on his one (yes, only only one) business perk. Once he passed away of old age, the lot transferred to his widow who did manage to get the Pass Along. . . option reinstated, but I still can't transfer the lot ownership to anyone else living there.
Would anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I did recently install the Glamour Life stuff pack if that's of any help at all.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #1 on:
2007 August 27, 09:06:57 »
The business perk passing, and lot ownership transfer isn't actually keyed to true "family", but rather, who is resident on the lot.
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Town Crier
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Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #2 on:
2007 August 27, 13:41:54 »
Yes, I noticed that about the perk passing, much to my annoyance. For the first time since I got OFB, I had a sim who owns 4 businesses invite her married daughter over to keep passing on the perks (eventual idea that the daughter would get one or more of the businesses). I quickly discovered that the 'pass along' thing doesn't appear for visitors. I had to make the daughter selectable so the mom could do it.
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #3 on:
2007 August 27, 18:50:41 »
I actually have an Undiscovered Shiny for enabling the pass-perk thing. The transfer business thing is more complicated, as in order to transfer a business to another household, you have to do a LOT more than just transfer it. Heck, even if you MOVE THE OWNER, there's STILL things that have to be done, with the Lot Debugger, or the game will conveniently forget you've ever been to the business.
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Town Crier
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Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #4 on:
2007 August 27, 19:22:17 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 27, 18:50:41
The transfer business thing is more complicated, as in order to transfer a business to another household, you have to do a LOT more than just transfer it. Heck, even if you MOVE THE OWNER, there's STILL things that have to be done, with the Lot Debugger, or the game will conveniently forget you've ever been to the business.
Really? The mom can't just transfer the deed to the business to her daughter who lives on another lot? Hmmm -- if it's that complicated, then I may just have mom sell it and send the money to the daughter instead.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Humourless Egghead
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Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #5 on:
2007 August 27, 21:13:29 »
Sometimes I've done the "lot transfer" thing--and in my case, it's always father-in-law to live-in son-in-law. The transfer appears to be successful, but when I look, the deed is still in the father-in-law's inventory. I've tried pulling the deed out and usually when I click on it, it registers as belonging to the new Sim, so I pull the deed into their inventory. No further problems so far. If "lot transfer" directly Sim-to-Sim isn't an option with a Sim who lives on the same lot, you can try pulling it out of inventory, clicking on it, and doing "transfer to Sim." If the new Sim isn't living on the lot, you may not be able to do that. I've never tried.
Smackable Punbot
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2580
Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #6 on:
2007 August 27, 22:00:11 »
The son
a member of the live-in lot family, Pescado, but I've never actually seen a deed appear in anyone's inventory. Could this be what the problem is?
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #7 on:
2007 August 27, 23:26:02 »
no deed for a home business. So there is nothing to transfer. It always seems to go to the top person on the UI (oldest, then alpabetically if needed).
I've never had issues with transferring perks to sims on the same lot. Usually, however, I have someone open a home business, get it to level 5, and close the biz down. Take all money perks. Then I have another family member open a home business (same lot) and repeat.
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Smackable Punbot
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2580
Re: Unable to Transfer Lot Ownership of Home Business
Reply #8 on:
2007 August 28, 00:45:56 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2007 August 27, 23:26:02
no deed for a home business. So there is nothing to transfer. It always seems to go to the top person on the UI (oldest, then alpabetically if needed).
I've never had issues with transferring perks to sims on the same lot. Usually, however, I have someone open a home business, get it to level 5, and close the biz down. Take all money perks. Then I have another family member open a home business (same lot) and repeat.
That sounds like a very good idea. Since I was cheated out of my one business perk, I think Ill get the business to level 6 before I do the same. Great idea, Zazazu; thanks!
Quote from: Esoteric PolarBear
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
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