Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 178
Simultaneous Designs's version of Brad Pitt looks like Remington the maid with skin desease.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 201
Lazy Lurker
*falls out of chair laughing at comments while covering eyes from looking at pictures
I'm not sure what hurts more my face from grinning like a fool or my eyes from looking...  Cass 
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
All of those Simultaneous Design celebrities look like they have escaped from the burn ward!
For those of us who don't read tabloids or watch the news or anything, can we get actual photos of who these people are supposed to be, for comparison? Some of the celebs are just butt-ugly to begin with...
INFP or something
Swedish Pudding Chef

Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
For those of us who don't read tabloids or watch the news or anything, can we get actual photos of who these people are supposed to be, for comparison? Some of the celebs are just butt-ugly to begin with...
There's always the option to google, you know.
I know, but it's more striking when they're adjacent ^^ juxtaposition and all that
oh, and are we looking for really bad likenesses or really ugly sims? Like, if a sim isn't that bad looking but looks nothing like the celeb, would that be a good one, or are we looking for really ugly sims regardless of how similar they are? Some people really don't simify well >.>
Just checking on things before I go a-hunting
INFP or something
If we're going to have multiple judges, I have a feeling there are going to be multiple categories.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Mary-Louise Parker. I hate photoskins to begin with, but those lines around her mouth make this one extra awful.  
I modified all mine to add actual celebrity pics. I have to say, though, I'm jealous of anyone who has managed to not have images of Brittany, Lindsay, and their ilk permanently burned into their brain. And, this is weird. I tried the Marilyn and Anna Nicole sims by Arwens-whos-e-what, and aside from the freaky eyebrows on Anna, and a strange nose shadow on Marilyn, they are actually not bad. go know. CC version on left, Make-under'd version on the right:    
"Proper capitalization is important, SimplyComplex. As you will know if you have ever had to help your uncle Jack off a horse."~Jack Rudd
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
All of my submissions are from TSR, because they seem to have an abundance of horrific crappiness. For my own personal contest, 3rd place goes to the Lucy Liu sim for photo skinning.... Lucy Liu2nd place goes to the J-Lo sim for looking nothing like J-Lo......I wasn't aware she had gray hair  Jennifer LopezRunner-up goes to the Ellen Degeneres sim, also for looking nothing like the person, but also for general crap-ness.... Ellen DegeneresThere was a tie for first place between Sarah Jessica Parker sims.....They both look like drag queens, and are both crappy in their own horribly unique way. Horrific photo skinning. Sarah Jessica Sarah Jessica Parker (again)I just couldn't bring myself to put these bufugly sims into my game, in game shots.... 
« Last Edit: 2007 August 09, 01:56:21 by Brookemz »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
All of those Simultaneous Design celebrities look like they have escaped from the burn ward!
*clutching keyboard tray to keep from falling into the floor laughing* I know, right?!?!
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
They got pretty close on the chin and jawbones. 
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
Pirate Bird doesn't pay for her downloads.
Dang, you beat me to the Mary-Louise Parker sim. I saw her on MTS2 and was pondering wether or not to submit it. Oh well. Off to TSR then.
"The moral of it speaks to me : rape me, sodomize me, beat me, but don't ever - ever - try to make me cook and clean." - Khaki "The people revolted and said let there be buttsecks!" - Assmitten
 @ the J Lo sim-You have to wonder if some of the creators have ever actually seen the celebrity they're Simming  . I have another submission: By genericjanedoe(smart thinking on that username-with results like these, it's better to keep your identity on the down-low).   I'd love to hear Mr. Cowell's critique of his likeness.
"Proper capitalization is important, SimplyComplex. As you will know if you have ever had to help your uncle Jack off a horse."~Jack Rudd
 @ the J Lo sim-You have to wonder if some of the creators have ever actually seen the celebrity they're Simming  . I have another submission: By genericjanedoe(smart thinking on that username-with results like these, it's better to keep your identity on the down-low).   I'd love to hear Mr. Cowell's critique of his likeness. I nearly fell of the chair for that one, thats worse than any maxis sim and they butt ugly. I wonder how his offspring would look like. 
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ---Gandhi
Doesn't this person have enough brainpower to know you need a picture with a NEUTRAL expression. Who is stupid enough to base themselve on a picture of someone with a goofy frog-smile pasted on their face.
It's like the old warning we all received as a child, "if you're not careful your face is going to freeze that way". Guess this is what happened to Simon
Sim Simon Cowell looks like he's suffered from an extremely botched botox injection. His cheekbones are threatening to engulf his eyes! 
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
How about Jennifer Aniston, from MTS2? Apparently she has sparkle-eye and has been hit in the face with a frying pan I love the pained expression on sim-Jennifer. It's like she knows what's been done to her  . Modified so as not to double post.I've decided I'm going to have to set some limits for myself, as this is very addictive. It's also way too easy-TSR alone pours out a limitless supply. Anyway, First: Lucille Ball bydebbyjo3. Lucy was a bit of a cartoon, but come on!   Micheal may lose points, but nothing was said about Latoya. This is by an FA btw (Cruella) so it's pay  .:  And, at the absolute bottom of the proverbial barrel, Madonna, by Madonna Rules Bearhuman LTD, who says of her masterwork, "This is my thrid attempt to make Madonna and it is the best i can do." I am a believer in 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.", but if you try, try, try again and suck? STOP!  
« Last Edit: 2007 August 09, 23:21:42 by msalwaysright »
"Proper capitalization is important, SimplyComplex. As you will know if you have ever had to help your uncle Jack off a horse."~Jack Rudd
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 58
Got one: By cgendron at TSR, the worst Elvis/laziest photoskinning ever:  I saw this and wondered why someone was trying to make a Wil Wheaton Sim...  zomg they're strangely similar? shuddup about me thinking Elvis was Wil Wheaton for ten seconds before I used my brain to read that it was Elvis. :p
i r taking personality test too. i r ISTJ.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 208
INTJ and/or P
And, at the absolute bottom of the proverbial barrel, Madonna, by Madonna Rules Bearhuman LTD, who says of her masterwork, "This is my thrid attempt to make Madonna and it is the best i can do." I am a believer in 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.", but if you try, try, try again and suck? STOP!
Scary. If that was the best I could do at making a Madonna sim, I wouldn't show it to anyone. As far as looking nothing like the person, this is one of the best (worst).  She couldn't have done worse if she had stuck to the original Maxis archetypes -- even possibly the gorilla-faced one.
Nelly Furtado....?   from the exchange
INFP or something
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2038
Playing again.
I think I should judge this horror show, since it was partly my idea. 
I think I should judge this horror show, since it was partly my idea.  So it shall be.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
Pirate Bird doesn't pay for her downloads.
After trolling the older tsr uploads, I am convinced that this person has never watched CSI. Sarah Sidel? You tell me.  This is the mutilators creators page on tsr.
"The moral of it speaks to me : rape me, sodomize me, beat me, but don't ever - ever - try to make me cook and clean." - Khaki "The people revolted and said let there be buttsecks!" - Assmitten