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Topic: More turn ons/offs (Read 33473 times)
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #50 on:
2005 October 25, 06:09:50 »
Quote from: Oddysey on 2005 October 25, 02:11:12
One who breaks the game if vampirified? Ooh. Vampire santa!
Well at least it would be interesting to see...*imagines santa running around biting people..err sims* Ah yes....
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #51 on:
2005 October 25, 06:13:20 »
That could work out, considering they're both nocturnal...
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #52 on:
2005 October 25, 14:06:17 »
Quote from: Brynne on 2005 October 25, 06:13:20
That could work out, considering they're both nocturnal...
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Malodorous Moron
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #53 on:
2005 October 26, 01:26:15 »
Quote from: Hook on 2005 October 24, 13:54:23
Seems like a lot of things affect weight. I was rail-thin until I got married, then after a couple of decades I was up to 300 pounds. Switched from a 2 liter of regular Coke a day to diet Coke and lost 30 pounds in as many weeks. Altered my diet slightly and I'm down to 240 at the moment, where it seems to have stabilized.
My wife is 4'11", and weighed 84 pounds when I met her at age 18. When I was 300 pounds, she was around 180. She'd dropped a little by the time she was diagnosed with diabetes. She started watching her diet carefully, limiting portions and severely limiting carb intake, and she's now down to 108 after about a year and a half.
I think it would have been better if she'd stopped losing around 120.
And there ya go! That's one of the advantages men have over women (and BTW, congratulations to both you and your wife! What accomplishment!). My sister who is diabetic said her doctor was talking with her about weight loss one day. He said in order for a man to lose weight all he has to do is cut out one piece of bread a day and he starts losing. Sure, maybe it'll be slowly, but he'll be losing. Yet in order for a woman to lose weight she's got to about half-starve herself. I was on that yo-yo for something like 20 years. I followed plan after plan after plan and nothing worked. Finally, reading up on blood sugar problems and how they affect weight put me onto a controlled carbohydrate plan. Eating 2000 calories a day and with no additional exercise, I lost 30 pounds in 5 months (I started out at around 230 pounds)! Unfortunately doctors see obesity as a risk factor for diabetes when that's not really the case. If one is obese they're already well on their way to becoming diabetic. They're fat because their body isn't properly metabolizing the sugars they're ingesting. The best thing is about cutting the carbs (no sugar or white flours for me--maybe a piece of whole wheat toast with my meat and veggies for breakfast, a serving or two of low-glycemic fruit in a day, and lots and lots of nutritious veggies!) is that it also cut my hunger (another indication of blood sugar problems), and since losing that and more I've been able to maintain for almost a year now with no problem. I still have some more I want to lose and I'll get back to it eventually. But in the meantime I'm maintaining which is HUGE progress.
I wasn't necessarily offended at using fatness for a turn-off, it's just to me it doesn't seem fair. Of course I won't use fitness as a turn-off either and I'll occasionally use one or the other as turn-ons. I know there's no real good reason for the fat sims (other than it could be programmed that way) but at the same time they give more variety to my game so I tend to use them. I get tired of looking at all the same kind of bodies constantly. And I don't see any difference at all between normal and fit so that's no help at all.
we all know about your obsession with the whole sleep thing is for wusses. I really wished I had stopped believing that before it ruined my health.
BTW, my mom would've slept even less if it hadn't been for the fact she kept having heart attacks at the rate of one every two or three years. When she got too tired her heart bothered her. That's why she slept as much as she did. Lame excuse, I know, but there you have it. LOL
But at any rate! This thread is about turn-offs and I will say again I'd love to see some that are practical. I guess having formalwear, underwear or swimwear would be okay for a turn-on for a romance sim who might never end up with a mate for life and only spends time with other sims while they're in those clothes but they don't seem real practical for most sims.
BogSims Institute
Terrible Twerp
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #54 on:
2005 October 26, 01:57:22 »
Quote from: Misty on 2005 October 26, 01:26:15
Quote from: Hook on 2005 October 24, 13:54:23
But at any rate! This thread is about turn-offs and I will say again I'd love to see some that are practical. I guess having formalwear, underwear or swimwear would be okay for a turn-on for a romance sim who might never end up with a mate for life and only spends time with other sims while they're in those clothes but they don't seem real practical for most sims.
i would love a greater variety of turn ons and turn offs but for the moment were stuck with what Maxis decided were good ones
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #55 on:
2005 October 26, 04:49:46 »
Quote from: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 24, 12:20:33
in real life Metabolism plays a huge part in whether or not a person is fat or not.
That is a load of hooey. Metabolism plays a huge part in how much food you need. Metabolism has nothing to do with how fat you are, and believing this flies in the face of the basic physical law of CONSERVATION OF MASS. Consider that it is impossible to gain weight if you don't have anything to eat. Consider that you will blow up like a balloon if you expend no energy and consume a diet consisting entirely of butter and lard. Assuming that a person's fuel economy varies, there is a point at which the amount of fuel produced is exactly equal to the amount of fuel consumed. Basic mathematics. All you have to do is find that point, and this is easily accomplished through a simple binary search process. BASIC MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL LAWS DO NOT LIE. All this "metabolism" crap is a load of hooey!
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #56 on:
2005 October 26, 05:23:45 »
In terms of weight management and/or weight loss, metabolism is the way our body burns calories from the food we eat and converts it into the energy our bodies need to function. It's a complex process that includes all of the chemical reactions taking place in our bodies to keep our organs working, therefore keeping us alive.
A metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns up calories. Many factors affect metabolic rate,
including sex, height, weight, age, lifestyle, genetics, and overall composition of the body.
Metabolic rate is significant when managing weight. The faster our metabolism, the more calories we'll burn, and the less likely it is that we'll be (or become) overweight.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #57 on:
2005 October 26, 05:43:39 »
Quote from: aussieone on 2005 October 26, 05:23:45
In terms of weight management and/or weight loss, metabolism is the way our body burns calories from the food we eat and converts it into the energy our bodies need to function. It's a complex process that includes all of the chemical reactions taking place in our bodies to keep our organs working, therefore keeping us alive.
A metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns up calories. Many factors affect metabolic rate,
including sex, height, weight, age, lifestyle, genetics, and overall composition of the body.
Metabolic rate is significant when managing weight. The faster our metabolism, the more calories we'll burn, and the less likely it is that we'll be (or become) overweight.
Thats exactly what my doctor said when he was explaining to me why my weight does not stay stable and continues to spiral downward.he treats me for graves disease an autoimmune disease that effects the thyroid. its the thyroid that regulates the entire metabolic system and can either set it on ultra fast or ultra slow when the immune system attacks my case the thyroid has me set on Ultra fast . which causes damage to occur to the entire body. a slow setting can cause weight gain, excess fatigue etc..... so weight is not always a correlation to how much food is consumed. if it were I would be 500 lbs instead of barely over 100 lbs . my daughter would weigh about 50 lbs less if food was the deciding factor for her. the dr. indicated to her that she has a thyroid disorder that causes her metabolism to crawl and as a result everything she eats just sits and doesnt get turned into energy. he started her on medication to correct the problem in one month she has lost 20 lbs of the 70 she needs to lose .
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #58 on:
2005 October 26, 06:07:35 »
Quote from: aussieone on 2005 October 26, 05:23:45
Metabolic rate is significant when managing weight. The faster our metabolism, the more calories we'll burn, and the less likely it is that we'll be (or become) overweight.
And the more fuel you burn through, the faster you run out of fuel. If I could slow down my incineration rate, I would, because consuming 8 pound steaks is expensive. You fuel-economy people have it easy, you can eat practically nothing and still maintain your weight. And not eating is certainly a great timesaver that lets you get more done!
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 54
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #59 on:
2005 October 26, 13:22:03 »
Quote from: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 05:43:39
in my case the thyroid has me set on Ultra fast . which causes damage to occur to the entire body.
I had a similar problem a few years ago. I just kept dropping weight for no reason and I was skinny to start with. I looked awful and people kept asking if I had an eating disorder, which I certainly didn't.
My best friend was visiting some mutual friends overseas and they were always asking her to cook for me and make sure I ate. She got sick of saying 'but she eats ALL THE TIME' so she said she would. When she got back, she took me out for yum cha. I ate chinese food constantly for over an hour while she giggled, then we walked the eight or so blocks back into town.
I made her stop for icecream on the way.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #60 on:
2005 October 26, 14:09:25 »
While it's comforting to think that there's a direct link between how much you eat, how much exercise you get and how much you weigh, and that these ratios are locked together so tightly as to be totally mathematicly precice, that's just not the case. There are a *lot* of things that affect people's weight.
If calories consumed were the major criteria, a single pat of butter every day is enough to cause you to gain or lose weight. Is it even possible to control your calories that closely?
For those who are a bit overweight and maybe a bit over 35 as well, keep in mind that just because you lose half your weight doesn't mean you lose half your skin as well. A mildly overweight woman won't show wrinkles as much as a thin woman, and you don't even want to imagine the effect of losing vast amounts of weight after age 50. My wife went from looking like she was about 35 to looking like she is about 70. She's actually 55. You've been warned.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #61 on:
2005 October 26, 17:11:05 »
Quote from: Hook on 2005 October 26, 14:09:25
For those who are a bit overweight and maybe a bit over 35 as well, keep in mind that just because you lose half your weight doesn't mean you lose half your skin as well. A mildly overweight woman won't show wrinkles as much as a thin woman, and you don't even want to imagine the effect of losing vast amounts of weight after age 50. My wife went from looking like she was about 35 to looking like she is about 70. She's actually 55. You've been warned.
I noticed that! A woman at work joined Wwatchers and got older as she got thinner. She aged about 20 years in 6 months. Doesn't the skin reset at some point? Maybe I should stay um...curvy then.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #62 on:
2005 October 26, 17:17:47 »
[qFor those who are a bit overweight and maybe a bit over 35 as well, keep in mind that just because you lose half your weight doesn't mean you lose half your skin as well. A mildly overweight woman won't show wrinkles as much as a thin woman, and you don't even want to imagine the effect of losing vast amounts of weight after age 50. My wife went from looking like she was about 35 to looking like she is about 70. She's actually 55. You've been warned.
[/quote]your correct Hook unfortunately those who were over weight and then lost it almost always retain the extra skin it took to cover the obesity. My son in laws Aunt under went gastric by pass for severe obesity and she has retuned to normal weight after 5 years but now she has all kinds of loose skin just hanging . she has had surgery to remove the loose skin on her belly it hung be low her knees but she says it will take a bunch more surgeries to remove all the excess skin. so there is a down side to massive weight loss when your over 35
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 144
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #63 on:
2005 October 26, 17:21:29 »
I've seen alot of tv shows on that sort of thing (skin removal), but even though thats an issue, your probably MUCH healthier.
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #64 on:
2005 October 26, 17:24:27 »
Quote from: knitro on 2005 October 26, 17:21:29
I've seen alot of tv shows on that sort of thing (skin removal), but even though thats an issue, your probably MUCH healthier.
yes his aunt is much healthier. her diabetes dissapeared ,her blood pressure is now normal etc
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Deformed Freak
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #65 on:
2005 October 26, 17:26:44 »
Maybe I should think about going to the gym and getting in shape before I get older then. Don't want to end up with loose skin hanging off...ugh.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #66 on:
2005 October 26, 17:30:38 »
Quote from: Andygal on 2005 October 26, 17:26:44
Maybe I should think about going to the gym and getting in shape before I get older then. Don't want to end up with loose skin hanging off...ugh.
ive only seen the loose skin issue occur on people who were more than 30 lbs overweight
Last Edit: 2005 October 26, 18:25:56 by Bangelnuts
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #67 on:
2005 October 26, 17:37:26 »
Quote from: Bangelnuts on 2005 October 26, 17:24:27
yes his aunt is much healthier. her diabetes dissapeared ,her blood pressure is now normal etc
Those were benefits myself and my wife enjoyed as well. Her doctor told her she no longer has to take her blood sugar levels every day. She still does, so she knows what to eat for breakfast. My blood pressure runs below normal now, but the doctors are content to leave it there. No sense courting another heart attack.
After losing from 300 to 240, I have a bit of an "apron" but not enough that I can go without clothes.
Somehow I don't think it's going to go away on its own.
My suggestion: stay curvy. Lose whatever weight you wish, but don't try for the supermodel look.
I recently carried some groceries in from the car and noticed how much pressure was on my feet. So I got on the scale while still holding the groceries. It read 300, the same weight I was a couple of years ago. I can't *believe* I was putting that much pressure on the rest of my body!
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #68 on:
2005 October 26, 18:23:23 »
I hate to drag this thread even further off topic, but I will anyway. Regarding weight loss, exercise helps as far as the extra skin goes. (this is my experience, not a scientific opinion) I believe this is one of the reasons why it's so important to exercise when you're trying to lose weight. The skin is very elastic, so if it's being treated right, it should eventually adjust to your new body.
In a case of extreme weight loss (over 100lbs) I don't know how possible it is to exercise the skin back into an appropriate form though.
I've lost 50 lbs since April (still have another 50 to go though. Sigh) and thank the heavens, I haven't noticed any extra skin hanging around yet. It's a huge fear of mine.
I want to be skinny, but not THAT kind of skinny.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #69 on:
2005 October 26, 19:13:03 »
Quote from: Hook on 2005 October 26, 14:09:25
If calories consumed were the major criteria, a single pat of butter every day is enough to cause you to gain or lose weight. Is it even possible to control your calories that closely?
A single pat of butter every day *WOULD* cause you gain weight. However, conservation of mass dictates that you certainly cannot gain more weight than that butter weighed from eating it. That extra mass doesn't just appear out of the ether, you know. And yes, yes it is.
It's very simple: If you are putting on weight, you are running a surplus. If you're not saving that surplus for some reason, such as fattening up for winter, and don't want to become fat and lazy, you're going to have either cut intake or increase usage. It's that simple. A little fluctuation is normal.
On the other hand, if you're just willing to accept being fat, that's fine, too, but it doesn't mean you're not a lazy glutton. And that the rest of us can't consider this a character vice viewed with great disfavor. Why couldn't you take up a more interesting vice, like greed or wrath? Gluttony and sloth are such unbecoming character vices.
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Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #70 on:
2005 October 26, 21:44:16 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 26, 19:13:03
Why couldn't you take up a more interesting vice, like greed or wrath? Gluttony and sloth are such unbecoming character vices.
Greed and wrath take too much energy. At least gluttony has some rewards.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #71 on:
2005 October 26, 21:45:27 »
Quote from: Hook on 2005 October 26, 21:44:16
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 26, 19:13:03
Why couldn't you take up a more interesting vice, like greed or wrath? Gluttony and sloth are such unbecoming character vices.
Greed and wrath take too much energy. At least gluttony has some rewards.
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #72 on:
2005 October 26, 23:02:19 »
Wrath has rewards. Seeing the severed heads of your enemies arrayed upon pikes on your lawn, and the frightened stares of the neighborhood children is well worth the effort it takes to convince the police that it's just an extremely realistic Halloween decoration, six months early.
I've got to stop hanging out here.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1614
Re: More turn ons/offs
Reply #73 on:
2005 October 26, 23:21:47 »
Personally I prefer hedony. It's not on the official list (more of a Ship of Fools-esque/Pleasure aspiration rolling of all into one), so you lose some credibility (later additions are like that - never get the name recognition of the base game), but offers all of the rewards and requires none of the effort of the better known vices.
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