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Author Topic: More turn ons/offs  (Read 33474 times)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 144

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More turn ons/offs
« on: 2005 October 10, 18:41:10 »

Would it be possible to add more turn ons or turn offs? like eye color, skin color....etc?

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Dark Trepie
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #1 on: 2005 October 10, 19:07:47 »

I found the lack of those as turn ons/offs somewhat strange too.

But personally, I'm more disapointed that they have vampirism as a turn on/off, but they don't have alien or zombie.   Angry
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #2 on: 2005 October 10, 19:10:54 »

Yeah. Definitely need alien and zombie.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #3 on: 2005 October 10, 19:27:34 »

Some of my townies have the same thing for a turn-on and turn-off.  He likes the stink, he doesn't like the stink.  He's got problems!
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #4 on: 2005 October 10, 19:41:46 »

I also find the turn ons and turn offs a bit lacking. Some other ones I could think of might be:

Rich sims (think Dina Caliente Wink )
Uniforms (Police, Military)
Fame/Certain Careers (like maybe the top of Show Business)
Baldness Wink
Personality Traits (high outgoing, etc)
Maried Sims (lol)

Also, I feel like there's a lot of turn ons and turn offs that most townies are excluded from. Now I will give Maxis that they did at least make the downtownies wear makeup and make some who are elders (and thus have grey hair), but generally townies don't have hats, glasses, facial hair, make up, custom hair colors and aren't fit or fat.

Actually, I think Maxis may have meant to make certain townies or npcs fit but it didn't take because some sims when I have made selectable had their fitness meter all the way maxed, but they were still only normal fitness.  Undecided

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Ancient Sim
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #5 on: 2005 October 10, 20:20:02 »

Actually, I think Maxis may have meant to make certain townies or npcs fit but it didn't take because some sims when I have made selectable had their fitness meter all the way maxed, but they were still only normal fitness.  Undecided

I've noticed this, too and I've altered the ones I've found with boolProp to correspond with what they are supposed to be.  I've also noticed that a LOT of my Sims have changed their fitness level, due I think to the constant eating either when they're visiting downtown lots or when they're in group outings.  Unless I make every Sim in an outing selectable to check (which is painstaikingly boring), I have no idea whether they're as hungry as my Sim or not.  I've added a mod to stop overeating now, but the damage has been done in a lot of cases.  Alexander Goth died looking average fitness, although his meter showed he had turned fat.  I have Sims I know were fully fit who are now showing average or below on their meters.  I've also noticed that eating or showering doesn't make the meter change anymore, they have to workout to get it to reset.

If it is the constant eating (and I can't think of any other reason), I do wonder if there's a glitch in the way it works.  I would have thought their meters would remain static if they eat while they're unselectable, but it would appear they don't.  I think that applies to the vampires, who often eat when their hunger meters are totally full but it doesn't seem to affect their fitness level.  It doesn't help that Sims visiting lots are called to meals automatically (an icon appears saying Something Dining, I forget what - it means automatic, anyway) and I've noticed that this often happens when their hunger meters are almost full.  I once had the entire group I'd just ended the outing with called to eat just after they'd eaten with the group. 

The other possibility is that it's not a glitch, but done deliberately in an attempt to create more fat Sims for those Sims turned on & off by them.  If so, those who fit into the former category are soon going to have an entire neighbourhood to choose from. 

As for new turn on/offs, there are a lot of requests for these on various boards and I thoroughly agree that we need more.  Things such as "high outgoing" aren't really needed though, as I think that's covered by the personality comparisons already done in the game.  I would like to see a few more related to aspiration, such as materialistic ones for Fortune Sims (Sims with cars, Rich Sims, Sims at top of career, etc.), or such as Married Sim/Childless Sim/Multiple Woo-Hooing Sim for Romance Sims (love that last one!).  Of course, the most common one the dating agencies go for isn't possible, although it definitely should be, namely Smoker/Non-Smoker.  Would also like to see some more 'beyond just the physical' for Knowledge Sims and perhaps Family, too - how about "Abducted Sims", "Chess Player", "Best-Selling Novel Writer", "Accomplished Pianst", "Summa Cum Laude Graduate" ... the list is endless.  The latter type in particular would encourage the player to push their Sims more and hopefully get more out of the game. 

The current turn on/offs are too superficial and not concerned enough with what's on the inside rather than the outside.  If nothing else, this doesn't give a good impression when it comes to what makes a good relationship (and it certainly isn't a fondness for red hair and/or smelly underarms).  There are also too many transient ones, such as "Stink" or "Swimwear".  I always get rid of those because I see no point in a relationship where a lightning bolt is going to vanish if one of the Sims has a shower and changes into their everyday clothing.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #6 on: 2005 October 11, 12:41:47 »

how about "Abducted Sims", "Chess Player", "Best-Selling Novel Writer", "Accomplished Pianst", "Summa Cum Laude Graduate" ... the list is endless. 

Abduction, novelist, and graduate are all great ideas! As was the skin colour idea the first poster suggested. It might be rather difficult to work out a flag to say that someone has played a piano or a game of chess, though. As it is I never use the clothing options as turn ons or turn offs. I don't think there are really enough turnon/offs to add any significant dimension to the gameplay.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #7 on: 2005 October 11, 12:56:49 »

how about "Abducted Sims", "Chess Player", "Best-Selling Novel Writer", "Accomplished Pianst", "Summa Cum Laude Graduate" ... the list is endless. 

i don't think those are good to be turn-ons and turn-off. they are too specific, and it would be rather useless to have a sim with 2 very specifics turn-ons, as they wouldn't be attracted to almost anyone.

they should be more general, and more common, like the ones Motoki said.
Hey motoki, baldness is a really good one!
« Last Edit: 2005 October 11, 13:02:47 by linolino » Logged
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #8 on: 2005 October 11, 14:13:09 »

i don't think those are good to be turn-ons and turn-off. they are too specific, and it would be rather useless to have a sim with 2 very specifics turn-ons, as they wouldn't be attracted to almost anyone.

I think that that's kind of the point. I think that turn ons/offs like abducted or novelist would make things more interesting. If sims have more specific turn-ons/offs they won't end up with just anyone. Not everyone finds their perfect match in real life.

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Ancient Sim
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #9 on: 2005 October 11, 14:18:40 »

It might be rather difficult to work out a flag to say that someone has played a piano or a game of chess, though.

What I was really getting at here was Sims who enjoy playing chess or musical instruments.  I think we all have Sims who gravitate towards things like this and I think we all like to mix (socially or romantically) with people who share our hobbies & interests.  Chances are it's something that will be more suited to TS3 than TS2.

I've started changing the turn on/offs on a regular basis now anyway.  If one of my Sims meets someone they have 2 strikes for and I think "Yeah, they'd be really well-suited", I change them to match with the Sim concerned so they hopefully get three.  So far I've only had one couple get three by themselves, namely a female CAS-created Sim and Sandy Bruty.  Castor Nova & Allegra Gorey have 3, but I changed Castor's Aspiration so that doesn't really count (then again, they had two until they woo-hooed in the car at the end of their dream date, so maybe it does).
« Last Edit: 2005 October 12, 23:46:44 by Ancient Sim » Logged

Some favourite Sim thingies:  Film:  Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Feckless Fool
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #10 on: 2005 October 11, 23:29:06 »

but generally townies don't have hats, glasses, facial hair, make up, custom hair colors and aren't fit or fat.

The template downtownies do have instances of men who have stubble, but no facial hair.

But I did discover when I was experimenting with downtownie generation that fit-regular-fat is a randomly set characteristic for the downtownie templates as well.  The fat sims were easy enough to spot, but by going back through SimPE, I could also spot the ones who have fit scores as well.  So it appears Maxis didn't want the fit/fat turn-ons/offs to go to waste of at least some of the downtownies!
Deformed Freak
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #11 on: 2005 October 12, 03:56:06 »

I like the idea of turn ons offs like "Master Artist" (sims that have sold a Masterpiece), "Centre of the Crowd" (or something like that, for sims who are at the higest level of Influence. High liftetime earnings, high current daily salary, stuff like that.
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #12 on: 2005 October 12, 13:56:44 »

I have a feeling it is going to be as difficult as coding new LTW's although I hope I am VERY wrong about that.

Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #13 on: 2005 October 12, 22:25:45 »

Sticking to memory triggered type stuff ought to be (theoretically) possible. And I do like the abduction idea; wouldn't be terribly specific in my game ;-D seeing as almost all my teens are knowledge and about half of them get abducted at some point . . .
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #14 on: 2005 October 12, 22:58:11 »

I want more, I want lots, I want them allllllll!!!!!

Please Smiley

If I don't like something or it seems too specific, I just won't use that one, but I sure am bored with the limited list now. I'd love to see personality options, and just any options would be an improvement Smiley

Feckless Fool
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #15 on: 2005 October 23, 15:53:07 »

I'd be curious to know if Maxis lumps stubble in with the turn-on/off for facial hair.  It just seems a little odd that it's missing.  Because some people might have a turn-off for a guy who doesn't shave or conversely a turn-on for a guy sporting the "Don Johnson" look.  And in my mind that's a little different than being turned on or off by full-blown 'staches, goatees, beards, etc.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #16 on: 2005 October 23, 17:08:41 »

Sticking to memory triggered type stuff ought to be (theoretically) possible. And I do like the abduction idea; wouldn't be terribly specific in my game ;-D seeing as almost all my teens are knowledge and about half of them get abducted at some point . . .

How bout "accomplished cook"? That's a legitimate turn on that could be memory triggered, since they get a memory of everything they learn to cook, and wouldn't be *too* specific, at least in my game.
Smells Like Pee
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #17 on: 2005 October 23, 17:53:49 »

I'd be curious to know if Maxis lumps stubble in with the turn-on/off for facial hair.  It just seems a little odd that it's missing.  Because some people might have a turn-off for a guy who doesn't shave or conversely a turn-on for a guy sporting the "Don Johnson" look.  And in my mind that's a little different than being turned on or off by full-blown 'staches, goatees, beards, etc.

I've wondered that, too. And sideburns, I suppose, would also fall under that category. It's all a little vague, especially given the haphazard way things are categorized in the game. If a sim has contacts, that's full-face makeup. Same with veneers, which many of my sims have. Earrings are glasses, hats can be custom hair, etc. I find myself using the same turn ons and turn offs for almost every sim to avoid all the confusion: fit or fat, vampire or not, formalwear, underwear, etc. I would love a bit more variety, as well as a better way to categorize things.
Feckless Fool
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #18 on: 2005 October 23, 19:03:17 »

I completely agree that there are not nearly enough turn ons.  Smiley  I can think of many that I would love to see added, most of all have already been mentioned.

Something else that bothers me about the wants is the whole "custom hair" lumping.  Isn't most custom hairstyles just recolors of the maxis style? For example, doesn't a stylist use a brown mesh, and then recolor it with highlights, or remove some strands, or restyle it, and now we have a new custom brown haircolor?  Would it be impossible to make the game read what color the custom haircolor is, or is based on?  If I want a sim to be turned on by red-heads, and most of my red-heads are custom, then I must chose "custom hair."  Since I mainly use custom styles for my sims, it isn't long before he's noticed every sim in the room and thinks they're all hot!  LOL  To me, it would be easier to make him like red-heads, and then the game read the custom-red styles as well. 
Feckless Fool
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #19 on: 2005 October 23, 19:24:52 »

I completely agree that there are not nearly enough turn ons.  Smiley  I can think of many that I would love to see added, most of all have already been mentioned.

Something else that bothers me about the wants is the whole "custom hair" lumping.  Isn't most custom hairstyles just recolors of the maxis style?   

I think this is a massive failure of planning on Maxis's part.  Given that DatGen has shown it's quite easy to assign custom hair to the default groups, there's no reason why Maxis couldn't have provided this same functionality for assigning to default color groups in the same manner that they allow clothes to be specified to distinct categories. Although with hair, probably you'd need to restrict assignment to one color category only.  If they were worried about not having a full set of hair in all four colors, the code could've mapped a missing color to a simple default hairstyle.
Feckless Fool
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #20 on: 2005 October 23, 19:33:20 »

I'd be curious to know if Maxis lumps stubble in with the turn-on/off for facial hair.  It just seems a little odd that it's missing.  Because some people might have a turn-off for a guy who doesn't shave or conversely a turn-on for a guy sporting the "Don Johnson" look.  And in my mind that's a little different than being turned on or off by full-blown 'staches, goatees, beards, etc.

I've wondered that, too. And sideburns, I suppose, would also fall under that category. It's all a little vague, especially given the haphazard way things are categorized in the game. If a sim has contacts, that's full-face makeup. Same with veneers, which many of my sims have. Earrings are glasses, hats can be custom hair, etc. I find myself using the same turn ons and turn offs for almost every sim to avoid all the confusion: fit or fat, vampire or not, formalwear, underwear, etc. I would love a bit more variety, as well as a better way to categorize things.

Yup. I pretty much use only standard hair colors, facial hair, fit/fat, cologne, stink, and clothing categories.  Vampirism is useless to me since I don't play vamps in my game. Sometimes will use hats as a turn-off but hardly use it as a turn-on because so few sims in my game wear them.  The others are often too dicey to use because there's so much crossover with custom content that is tucked in each category.

Which reminds me... guess I'd better use SimPE to double-check all the townies and NPCs for my list of verbotten ons/offs. 
Smells Like Pee
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #21 on: 2005 October 23, 20:04:50 »

I don't play vamps, either. But it is a common "turn off" among my sims.
Many of my male sims wear hats. It's ridiculous how many, in fact. I just personally love baseball caps on guys, so my sims reflect that. But I'm sure the game reads them as "custom hair" instead of "hats", because they are not simply recolors of the maxis hats, but caps flipped backwards, for the most part.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #22 on: 2005 October 23, 20:43:07 »

I've generally been giving mine grey hair as a turn off because I get so tired of everyone fawning over the old farts (and my downtown has plenty of them too) or getting them as blind dates. Fat works as a turn off too unless a lot of sims you play are fat. The townies and npcs are pretty much regular fitness and I've never seen a player sim get a want to get fat, although that would be interesting. Cologne is another one I use for turn offs. Pretty much no sim is going to have it on unless I put it on them so it's a fairly useless turn on and wearing it serves no other purpose.

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Smells Like Pee
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #23 on: 2005 October 23, 20:55:59 »

I have cologne as a turn off pretty often, as well. I haven't even had any of my sims wear cologne, and I'm not sure I even know how to do it.
I've used gray hair as a turn off for the exact same reasons as you, Motoki.
Feckless Fool
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Re: More turn ons/offs
« Reply #24 on: 2005 October 23, 21:01:15 »

I've generally been giving mine grey hair as a turn off because I get so tired of everyone fawning over the old farts (and my downtown has plenty of them too) or getting them as blind dates. Fat works as a turn off too unless a lot of sims you play are fat. The townies and npcs are pretty much regular fitness and I've never seen a player sim get a want to get fat, although that would be interesting. Cologne is another one I use for turn offs. Pretty much no sim is going to have it on unless I put it on them so it's a fairly useless turn on and wearing it serves no other purpose.

I agree. Although I do include cologne/perfume as a turn-on for some sims.  It seems that the transitory ones are a bit tougher to get them to be useful.  For me, the underwear one is difficult.  I mean, what sim goes out in his/her underwear on a community lot?  It might be great for spouses and boyfriends/girlfriends living together, but then even around a household or dormitory walking around in underwear isn't a major feature of what sims do (unless you play some pretty interesting families/dorms).

It would be interesting to try coming up with a list of most useful turn on/offs based on utilty and game conditions.

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