Actually all that is "Awesome" about my lot is that I usually build boxes with more boxes and this time I did not. For myself this is a great stretch in my building skills. Of course I do humbly beg pardon for using "Awesome" in my title.
This is my house in Neighborhood View:

In case it isn't obvious.... here is the first floor with the walls down to really drive home the lovely shape of my beautiful home:

This is the living room... in the back over the garage you can also see the exercise room:

This is the kitchen, first floor bathroom and The Desk:

These are the grown-up bedrooms and one of two upstairs bathrooms:

These are the kids' rooms and the other of the bathrooms. Also the second foyer for the wardrobe stuff and storing of temporary stuff:

And finally, this is the backyard with a view of the crap storage area. Right now I just have a bed and clock in there for when the youngest child grows up. Oh, also a robot station that someone couldn't live without. This is also ample space for other crap that sims want and must have. I do not have a door on this room since I do not want the sims to bother this stuff:

Ugh.. I didn't realize I cut of so much of the corner of the backyard when I took this picture.
There is enough room in the backyard for a few orchard trees if you must have them. There is also enough room for a small veggie garden if you can't live without one of those too. There are also lots of places that the more artistically minded could put ye olde flower beds and what-not. I don't particularly like having too many plants around. The only plants on the lot right now are the Inge-type shrubs that should not be there when you load the lot as you won't load the custom stuff.
The neighborhood view puts this house at about $36,000. I think it cost around $50,000 when my original family moved in to test it. I don't know if the depreciation will be reversed on a whole new computer. I bought nice stuff, but not the nicest.
I tested this lot with a new couple who eventually had 3 children. The children made it into private school with points to spare. When I packaged the lot the oldest child was a teenager and the youngest was a toddler. The child got a cat for her pet and the cat was very happy in the house. We had fires and burglars and a lot of visitors. I did not throw a party, but I can see that there is plenty of room for a party on this lot and plenty for guests to do.
Practically speaking the lot works really well, actually, if you don't mind the sims dashing up and down stairs on a fairly regular basis.
We are having a thunderstorm which might result in a blackout so I am going to post this and then edit to include my lot and my bribe.
Okay... the file is located at the very end of this post. I have no idea when it finally decided to show... but it was sometime AFTER I found an alternate to rogepost.

For my bribe I would like to offer my very own self-sim, hitherto only seen in avatar shots, AND (for a limited time only) a beautiful picture of all the MATY sims that I have in my game getting burned alive in my very own V-Awesome home while Pescado cackles in the foreground.