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Author Topic: OFB and Uniforms  (Read 35843 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
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OFB and Uniforms
« on: 2007 June 30, 06:12:18 »

I've run into a bit of a glitch with OFB and uniforms. I'm not sure if this is something unique to me or something everyone's dealt with. Since I'm only just getting into the game play aspects of OFB (a year late), I wouldn't be surprised if I'm just ignorant about the problem. Either way...

In the first business, the place had a tropical theme, so the owner set the uniform to be the FFS Hawaiian outfits. On the manager and the owner, it was fine. On the employee and the wife, though, they both lost all make-up (if they had any), their facial structure changed, and their eyes disappeared. I have custom default eyes, and they both suddenly had the flat brown Maxis eye, which is painted on the skintone.

In the second business, the owner hired Sandy Bruty (it was in his want panel) and he assigned her the pink apron uniform (since it's a pink decorated bakery). At one point I went over to take a picture of her in her uniform and realized that suddenly she a. had face one, and b. had the flat brown Maxis eyes. WTF. When he told her to dress casual, her face returned to normal. Well, as normal as Sandy Bruty can be.

Is this a known problem, or something unique to me?

Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #1 on: 2007 June 30, 08:13:57 »

I had the exact same problem (and probably still have, I haven't had any businesses for a while). Even the business owner changed his face to one of the defaults when he had a uniform on. I have no idea what caused it and it hasn't always been like this in my game. I think it might have started happening after Pets.
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #2 on: 2007 June 30, 08:27:55 »

No, it's been a bug since the beginning.  I don't remember if there ever was a fix for it -- I heard about it and avoided uniforms, and just got used to doing without.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #3 on: 2007 June 30, 08:29:31 »

I haven't seen a fix for this since OFB came out. Do not use the uniform templates -- instead assign each Sim a uniform separately.
Khan of Wyrms
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #4 on: 2007 June 30, 08:51:21 »

That...or only use the templates you created for the specific sim you created the template on.  For other employees make new uniform templates for each sim, even if they will wear the same outfit.  It doesn't seem like it ought to work this way, but...

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #5 on: 2007 June 30, 17:55:22 »

I haven't seen a fix for this since OFB came out. Do not use the uniform templates -- instead assign each Sim a uniform separately.

If you can do this, I'm guessing there's a different command other than 'Set Uniform'? How exactly do you set the uniforms individually rather than as a template?

It's not crucial. I can live without uniforms, but I like the flavor they add when the employees all look similar.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #6 on: 2007 June 30, 21:54:44 »

I forgot all about this - I avoid using the uniform functions altogether since one of my uniformed sims lost his whole head after a while.  Well, everything but his hair.  Had the face changing, eyebrows missing, blue face amount of changing appearance in mirrors or changing out of uniforms/clothing would bring his head back.  I've sinced nuked the whole hood, but I was able to clone him first for use in other hoods - his head is present and he appears as he did when I first made him. 

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #7 on: 2007 July 01, 05:20:47 »

I haven't seen a fix for this since OFB came out. Do not use the uniform templates -- instead assign each Sim a uniform separately.

If you can do this, I'm guessing there's a different command other than 'Set Uniform'? How exactly do you set the uniforms individually rather than as a template?

It's not crucial. I can live without uniforms, but I like the flavor they add when the employees all look similar.

It's still 'Set Uniform', but rather than picking one from the first page (uniform templates), scroll through the catalog each time.
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #8 on: 2008 July 02, 00:59:03 »

I'm engaging in Necromancy on purpose, here, because I'm having the same exact problem and not finding a solution.

Is there any solution to this, yet?  My employees keep getting the Maxis Bodyshop  mannequin's face after I set their uniform, they get those ugly basegame brown eyes, completely lose their eyebrows, and the only way to fix it again is to fire and rehire them.

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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #9 on: 2008 July 02, 01:13:47 »

You can try what has been suggested (set uniform individually for each sim), though that hasn't always worked for me.  Or you can just not use uniforms.  Or- and I just discovered this recently- IF your employees are playable sims, you can exit the business lot, go to the playable employee's home lot, Change Appearance on a mirror (you don't actually have to change anything, just pretend like you are), and the save/exit/reload the business.  It's a sucky little dance, but if you are like me and keep your sims almost permanently at a business lot until it hits level 10, it works OK.  The problem is it has to be done every time you call the employees in to work.
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #10 on: 2008 July 02, 01:57:53 »

Well, I just did some more testing. If you just assign them new work clothes (i.e., without saving a new template uniform), you get the same problem. Perhaps this is because I'm using a Sim employee already borked by previous set-uniforms.  I haven't tried that with a new employee.

Also, to correct myself, fire then rehire doesn't fix the problem, either.  Apparently they remember their assigned uniform while they are fired.  When you hire them back, they don't wear it automatically at first, but they do the next day, or if another Sim family visits the lot.  Annoying as all hell!

I'll try selecting the Sim employee and changing their appearance in the mirror and see if that is remembered on future visits.

MY GOAL here was always just to set up a cool restaurant with Townies that I liked as the employees and one playable Sim as the manager, and then never play him again.  Then I could send my other Sim families to visit it on outings and dates.  However, if I'm stuck forever with bald faces when other Sims visit the lot, that ruins my fun.

This is a really fucked problem.  I can't believe nobody ever tried to solve it.

Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
J. M. Pescado
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #11 on: 2008 July 02, 02:01:27 »

Business Runs You can deassign uniforms from sims on the lot, or even all sims on and off the lot, so that this "carryover" save does not occur.

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Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #12 on: 2008 July 02, 02:06:48 »

Ah, thank you J.M.  Will download that ASAP and restart my game!

Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #13 on: 2008 July 02, 04:07:03 »

I've never used uniforms for this reason, but always wanted to.  So, is it just not fixable?  Or does no one care enough?
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #14 on: 2008 July 02, 04:12:24 »

Quote from: Doc Doofus
I'll try selecting the Sim employee and changing their appearance in the mirror and see if that is remembered on future visits.

Tried that, but whenever I select an employee to do that and then make them unselectable again, they become just a regular customer instead of an employee.

Something I've done for businesses that use non-playable employees is to assign them a new outfit and give them a makeover on another lot.  This means that they are always in "uniform", but I don't mind much.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #15 on: 2008 July 02, 04:28:03 »

Tried that, but whenever I select an employee to do that and then make them unselectable again, they become just a regular customer instead of an employee.
Shift-Makeselectable by default destroys data, making it irreversible. You need Unreleased Shiny Shift Make Selectable for that. To change appearance WITHOUT it, use Lot Debugger "Fix Flashing Blue", which lets you mirror anyone on the lot.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #16 on: 2008 July 02, 04:29:34 »

More testing...

I installed Business Runs YOU! and all its subsidiary hacks.

The uniform set for an employee still seems to be remembered after you fire and rehire them.  Perhaps there is something I'm supposed to click to change that?  But after fire/rehire, they still wanted to wear the same uniform.

I also tried changing an employee's makeup using the Kitten Killer (InSiminator).  That worked temporarily!  It caused the employee to revert to his original casual clothing with his normal face.  Then the manager told him to switch to casual wear (the employee Sim apparently still thinking it was in uniform), then back to wear uniform, and, TADA... he had his normal face with his work uniform.  All seemed very happy until the next day at work when he showed up in his work uniform with the fugly no-eyebrows face.

I'll dink around with it more soon.  There must be a propertyset associated with the work uniforms.

Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #17 on: 2008 July 02, 04:32:43 »

Tried that, but whenever I select an employee to do that and then make them unselectable again, they become just a regular customer instead of an employee.
Shift-Makeselectable by default destroys data, making it irreversible. You need Unreleased Shiny Shift Make Selectable for that. To change appearance WITHOUT it, use Lot Debugger "Fix Flashing Blue", which lets you mirror anyone on the lot.

Oh, duh.  I never thought of using that option THAT way before.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #18 on: 2008 July 02, 04:42:46 »

I've never used uniforms for this reason, but always wanted to.  So, is it just not fixable?  Or does no one care enough?
I've never had a problem since I learned not to use templates. Granted, none of my current businesses have employees, but in Prospect Beach I had three businesses running, all with custom recolored uniforms I did to have their logos and such. When I used the template option, then yes, I had sims displaying the wrong face/hairstyle, etc. But if you go through the trouble to pick the outfit by part, I've not seen anything bad happen.

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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #19 on: 2008 July 02, 04:49:26 »

I'm just building a fresh new beachy neighborhood, with a lot of different community businesses, so I guess I will just give it a shot.  At least I know how to reset it now!
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #20 on: 2008 July 02, 08:36:12 »

I also tried changing an employee's makeup using the Kitten Killer (InSiminator).

I thought it was the Inteenimater that was responsible for the kittens. Or now the Insiminator has started a massacre too? Tongue

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Lipless Loser
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #21 on: 2008 July 02, 09:29:51 »

There must be a propertyset associated with the work uniforms.
Within the lot's package file, you'll find AgeData resources that define the employees' appearance, including hair, face, and clothing. You can fiddle with it, but it's probable (but not tested) that your changes will be lost when you reload the business lot.

Shift-Makeselectable by default destroys data, making it irreversible. You need Unreleased Shiny Shift Make Selectable for that.
That sounds useful. Any chance of releasing the shiny? Wink
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #22 on: 2008 July 02, 18:35:03 »

I think Gwill has to request it.


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Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #23 on: 2008 July 03, 03:58:36 »

Ah, okay, okay, okay...  I finally found the Hammer and Sickle you have to click on to erase the employee uniforms.  I didn't know what I was supposed to look for.  (I have soooo much crap.)

Well, it did its job just fien.  The affected Sim employees are back to their normal daytime appearance.  No more fugly faces.

Next, some more feedback.  It was suggested above that if you set a work uniform for an employee but don't save it as a template, that you won't experience the bald-fugly.  However, that was not my experience.  I started a new business last night, hired a new townie employee (one never before hired for a commercial lot), and set his uniform without saving a template.  Result: same bald-fugly face.  So this is not consistent with that theory.

The only solution is an unsatisfactory one, and that's to just change their casual wear with something like the Townie Maker to whatever you want the uniform to be.  Then they will wear it everywhere, every time.

Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: OFB and Uniforms
« Reply #24 on: 2008 July 06, 13:36:48 »

This always seems to be hit and miss in my game. I have some businesses where the employees have uniforms and their faces are fine. On other lots some emplyees keep their faces and others change and then there are lots were everyones face changes if they wear a uniform including the manager. Come to think of it, and I may be remembering completely wrong, I think th eonly lots that don't give me uniform face issues are lots where I never assigned the manager a uniform.
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