Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Has anyone accomplished this? I've tried a couple of different things, both times failing. What is the trick to achieving this LTW?
The sims have to marry as adults and become elders. When the one with the LTW reaches elder status, they'll get an option on the phone to throw an anniversary party - have the party and as soon as you do that the want is achieved.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Ah - an anniversary party - would have never thought of that. Thanks a bunch!
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 110
Ah! I was wondering this myself a few nights ago. Thank you 
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
It's probably the easiest of all the LTW's to achieve because it's instant as soon as the party's booked (doesn't even have to be a success). The only problem with it is that they have to wait so long. Handy if you don't want them ageing in permanent plat and being guaranteed to spend 3 decades as elders, though. With a bit of luck they may even transition to elder in the red.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1012
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Something you didn't ask but is relevant, for future reference whenever you get a want/fear that you aren't sure what it means or how to accomplish it justleft click the want and a description window pops up explaining how to achieve the want or fear.
Rohina: Motion to Expel Myth from the Senate. Just testing an hypothesis. Nothing to do with the fact that she smells like ass. Flowerchile: Have you be'd norty again Mythie? Mythchick: No, I just followed Rohina around a little and now smell like ass.
My Sims just reached their golden anniversary this evening, but only one got the memory marker for it. Is it only for family Sims who want to reach it, and does it have to be a LTW to get the marker? They both have the memory marker for a great party, they rather humorous - the husband has the driveway as the inset pic and the wife has a bottle of elixir, but only the one has the two golden bells memory. Did the husband miss out on a nice memory or does he just not care (he's Knowledge, if that matters)?
Opera loving chickens. Can't eat them. Can't vote for them. Can't wear them as a hat.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Something you didn't ask but is relevant, for future reference whenever you get a want/fear that you aren't sure what it means or how to accomplish it justleft click the want and a description window pops up explaining how to achieve the want or fear.
The LTW for reaching the golden anniversary doesn't tell you anything about having an anniversary party. It just tells you to make sure their short-term relationship scores are high and that there isn't any risk of cheating.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
They don't have to both be elders. If your sim has this want you can just marry him/her off to an elder right after the transition to adulthood and throw the party right away.
Well, that's rather crazy isn't it? I mean, a golden anniversary straight away, makes no sense at all! And I personally don't like marrying new adults to 50+ sims! Much more fun to roll them a different LTW! (At least, in my opinion.)
Zephyr Zodiac
My Sims just reached their golden anniversary this evening, but only one got the memory marker for it. Is it only for family Sims who want to reach it, and does it have to be a LTW to get the marker? They both have the memory marker for a great party, they rather humorous - the husband has the driveway as the inset pic and the wife has a bottle of elixir, but only the one has the two golden bells memory. Did the husband miss out on a nice memory or does he just not care (he's Knowledge, if that matters)?
Yes, it is a Family Aspiration. Knowledge sims couldn't care less, apparently. 
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?<br />Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
Do both the husband and wife need to be home to make this happen? Wifey just turned into an elder, her husband is more than a few days off from becoming an elder. I threw an anniversary party when both of them were home, but the husband went into work - I THINK before any of the guests arrived. Completely did NOT satisfy the wife's LTW. Neither of them have cheated on one another.
Any other tricks I might be missing for this seemingly easy to achieve LTW?
Sounds possible to me. If you didn't save the game, you could try again and make hubby take the day off - or maybe he needs to be an elder too?
Zephyr Zodiac
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
I didn't exit without saving, but the wife still has the option to throw an anniversary party which I'm assuming she wouldn't if the party had triggered the memory correctly. The next time I play them, I'll try keeping the husband home and throwing another party. If that doesn't work, I'll just wait until he's an elder too (hopefully she won't be dead yet).
Trouble is, of course, you can't turn aging off, or he'll stay an adult - you can't win! But you can go into simPE and move her back to the beginning of the elder state.
Zephyr Zodiac
I always thought that both sim had to be elders to have the anniversary party (and they had to get married while they were adults too). Way back when I first bought Uni, John Burb had the "golden anniversary" want and I had their party as soon as they were both elders. It satisfied John's LTW but then I had the spam of "family reunion" memories for their kids and nieces Angela & Lilith. Each one of those kids had 30 blank family reunion memories. How annoying. But I did a little searching, found Pescado and what a relief. One thing I'm wondering now, is that stupid spam of family reunion memories fixed or will we still need the bugfix? I haven't had a anniversary party since NL and I have the "noreunionmemory" fix dutifully waiting in my "custom content" backup folder. I'm not sure if I should or will need to put it back in or not. 
Well, you could always have the party and only invite friends, not family!
Zephyr Zodiac
Very true, I didn't consider that option. 
One thing I'm wondering now, is that stupid spam of family reunion memories fixed or will we still need the bugfix? I haven't had a anniversary party since NL and I have the "noreunionmemory" fix dutifully waiting in my "custom content" backup folder. I'm not sure if I should or will need to put it back in or not.  I've thrown one anniversary party and a handful of birthday parties where the only guests were family members not living at home and so far I haven't seen a family reunion memory at all. The only hacks I have in my game at the moment are the phonehack and crammyboy's eat more/talk less, so unless one of them stops the memories the old fix may not be needed anymore.
Opera loving chickens. Can't eat them. Can't vote for them. Can't wear them as a hat.
Well that's good to know. Perhaps I should give it a try with Herb & Coral Oldie and see what happens. I backup the neighborhoods once a week (twice if I happen to play more often) so if I can just put the backup in if the spammage happens. I'm going to go see what happens *off to experiment* Edit-I'm back with good news about the family reunion spammage. Herb & Coral had their anniversary party, they invited John & Jennifer Burb, Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant, Dina Goth, Lilith & Angela Pleasant. It was a roof raiser so they both have memories of having a great anniversary party. What's weird is that Coral's thumbnail of the party is a window and Herb's is a lamppost.  Coral's LTW is to have 6 grandchildren so I didn't have the opportunity to test it and no matter how often I tried I couldn't get her LTW to reroll to the Golden Anniversary (by using TwoJeffs College Adjuster). I checked the other family members who attended the party and I'm relieved to say they don't have a single family reunion memory. So perhaps that annoyance is gone for good. 
« Last Edit: 2005 October 17, 20:20:31 by cabelle »
What's weird is that Coral's thumbnail of the party is a window and Herb's is a lamppost.
LOL yup, mine were weird too - a driveway and a bottle of elixir. 
Opera loving chickens. Can't eat them. Can't vote for them. Can't wear them as a hat.
Have you tried rerolling coral's with the debugger? I changed her to Graduate 3 children from college - then had them adopt a child. Haven't been back recently, but if she adopts another one, that goes to college too, and it counts as if three have graduated. At her time of life, it's the only other achievable LTW! But you could, of course, change her back to adult with SimPE and let her have more kids - or I suppose Mary-Sue could pop out a few more - or is she an elder now too?
Zephyr Zodiac
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
Hmmm, well, I tried throwing an anniversary party while both the wife and husband were home and that didn't work either. I can only assume it won't be successful until the husband is an elder, although if that's the case, I don't understand why the anniversary party is an option (not the first thing Maxis did lacking any sense). I was hoping to get the wife permaplat ASAP, but I guess she can wait a few days. I hope having the husband become an elder will resolve this.
Having the husband become an elder, then having the anniversary party should give the wife her LTW. It's weird that the option for the party shows up now, I thought it wasn't supposed to until both were elders. Before Herb & Coral's party I tried about 8 times to reroll her LTW with TwoJeffs college adujster. I kept getting "have 6 grandchildren", "Become Captain Hero" or "Marry off 6 kids." Coral's wants are pretty simple (stuff with Herb and socializing with her granddaughters) so she seems to stay in platinum most of the time anyway. Not a big deal for me at the moment. My main focus right now is on building up the population of Pleasantview. 
If not, you'll have to change her aspiration quick smart and get her six grandchildren!
Zephyr Zodiac