SnootCB's Building Contest of Awesomeness Unworthy Entry

More pictures available here.PLEASE NOTE: This lot should be installed using the Sims2Pack Clean Installer.
It was cleaned previous to upload, but there is always the chance that I missed something.
House Information: Furnished 3 Bed 3 Bath 2 Levels (I can provide an unfurnished version if anyone wants)
Cost: $54,302
Lot Size: 40x20
Ideal for: Family of 4. May be easily expanded on upper level.
Requires: All EPs and SPs, not including H&M Fashion.
Unworthy Features: Lower Level:
Garage with car and SensoTwitch Lie Finder
Mudroom with Simsanto Inc. Biotech Station and TraumaTime "Incision Precision" Surgery Training Station
Kitchen with standard appliances, incl. juicer
Dining area with seating for 4
Study room
Guest bathroom
Living area with florist workbench, easel, The One Desk, and stereo
Upper Level:
Stairwell with lockable door (stairs may easily be replaced by modular stairs for those who prefer them)
2 Children's bedrooms
Bathroom with shower
Master bedroom
Master bathroom with showertub
Robotics workbench
"I object" Litigator Podium
Also includes:
Third-story inaccessible storage room
Snapdragons scattered throughout
Does NOT include:
Hacks or mods (awesome or unawesome), CC objects or object recolors
Unworthy Bribe:Shirts for sims, both genders aged teen and up featuring any or all of the following:
Flying Spaghetti Monster Designs

Homestar Runner Characters