After a week spent building and refining 4 different lots, I decided to go with build #3. And then tried to post it last night, and had various problems that have made me have to start the whole damn post over again, but here goes!

All EP's and SP's. I tried not to use anything from the SP's, but am not sure about 1 wall. Definitely, nothing is from H&M.
3x4 lot, perfectly flat
$208,860 as furnished (LOL!)
$76,464 unfurnished
4 double bedrooms, 4.5 baths
Living room, dining room, kitchen, 36 plot greenhouse w/sprinklers, game room, and lanai for the hot tub
9x7 swimming pool with slide and diving board, 2 of each fruit tree with ladybug houses

Flowers and Fencing strictly comply with Awesomespec standards, despite sane Simmers everywhere using Visitor Controller for their plant protection

First Floor:

Second Floor:

(Somewhat)Closer Look First Floor:

The latest in FFS security is used on the lanai and in the game room. There's no need to worry about alcoholic, gambling addicted, pool shark Sims slipping away every time you're back is turned when they were meant to be skilling, or unintentionally setting themselves on fire from too much hot tubbing. But items are just an unlock away when needed. Both the trash can and compost bin are mere steps away from the trash compactor. The desk next to the front door is the OneDesk, with ample surrounding floorspace for several students.
Closer Second Floor:

Nursery adjacent to the Master Bedroom means that your Sims can sleep peacefully despite their spawn's screams. Toddler toys on both floors means there is never an excuse for lost Skilling time, despite the idiot Nanny stranding the child on the 2nd floor. All bedrooms come equipped with sleepclocks. All baths would have had BYU if I'd remembered to leave it in the blasted downloads folder when I moved things out to package.

For my bribe, I offer an entire line of starter houses in various styles. All $20k or less, but equipped for all needs and skills. When kellinjar and I were running that challenge, I got quite good at them, IMNSHO.
Both furnished and unfurnished versions of my submission can be found
you know where because I timed out last night every time I tried to attach them to the post. I love that my lot was uploaded in April of 2008.

ETA: Because I can't type