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ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
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Topic: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry (Read 21727 times)
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
2007 June 14, 17:36:36 »
Come one, come all! See the newest creation by your favorite elf!
Front view:
Downstairs closeup:
Neighborhood view:
This charming house comes partially that no one mistakes a bathroom for a closet. In a feeble effort to keep costs down, there are no decorations, though the lot is landscaped.
(The attempt was feeble..this charming green delight is yours for just under 141,000 simoleans.)
Anyone willing to make this house the winner or runner-up is cordially invited to the event of the year: the axe-murdering of KevinTMC. Party to be held on July 4, 2007. Directions will be given to judges when the results are in.
200 Main was built on a flat 3x3 lot.
I have all EPs and all SPs except H&M. I don't think I used the SPs in building, but with my brain turned to summer mush....
The house comes in two versions: one with skylights, and one without. The skylights use a green transparent floor which is in the rar file. The version without skylights is for those who don't want any more custom content.
Also in the rar file are the Trogdor Topiary, mailbox cover and green recolor, and the LS espresso machine. Should you not have these objects (which were all found somewhere in MATY), you can choose to have them or not....but they are in the house.
Because package files are so daggum bloated, I left the houses as the teleport files created by Clean Installer. Put the Import and Tmp files for the house you want into your The Sims 2/Teleport folder and the game will take care of the rest. Do be sure and put any package files you need into an appropriate folder in Downloads. (I refuse to be responsible for your not knowing how to do that!)
Edit 1: To add the bribe. Oops.
Edit 2: Fixing typos. Double Oops.
2007 Building Contest of Awesomeness.rar
(1925.98 KB - downloaded 567 times.)
Last Edit: 2007 June 14, 20:22:16 by ElfPuddle
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #1 on:
2007 June 14, 18:19:01 »
I am very impressed with your bribe
And, of course, your house.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2038
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Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #2 on:
2007 June 14, 18:54:41 »
Is that a computer in the kitchen? *scratches head* Or is that a coffee maker?
I like the way the house looks overall, but that bedroom with the four beds worries me. I don't like to put beds that close together, because the silly sims get stuck sometimes.
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #3 on:
2007 June 14, 20:18:07 »
It's the LS espresso machine.
There are two Sleepclock's in the dorm-room. If you set a different time for each sim, you don't have to worry about traffic jams in there or in the bathroom.
Thank you, mildlydisguised. I thought it might interest some.
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
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Horny Turkey
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Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #4 on:
2007 June 18, 05:41:01 »
That bribe is really going to give Emma a run for her money.
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #5 on:
2007 June 18, 07:22:15 »
That's a good bribe, unless you don't want to become an axe-murdering victim, yourself.
As a certified Axe Murderess, I should know, right? LOL
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #6 on:
2007 June 18, 17:03:17 »
Trust me, I'm the murderer in this relationship.
(rohina, if I need to give anyone directions before results are in, lemme know. The party starts in 16 sleeps!)
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #7 on:
2007 June 18, 21:08:13 »
LOL I meant that once you were done killing Kevin, you'd then kill the judges. That's what axe-murderers do, after all!
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #8 on:
2007 June 18, 21:26:17 »
I don't suppose I'm a match for Pes...or some others around here. Verbally, sure..but my axe-skills need sharpening.
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #9 on:
2007 June 18, 22:16:13 »
Plus, the axe would be dull some too, after killing Kevin, unless you took the time to sharpen it before killing them... but then again, your skills would be better, having practiced on Kevin.
You're right, Pes would probably be alright, though- he'd watch through the scope on the tank, probably.
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #10 on:
2007 June 30, 17:30:00 »
The party starts in 4 sleeps...anyone needing the bribe will need to PM me before that time.
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #11 on:
2007 June 30, 17:59:41 »
Don't worry about it. Your bribe is assessed at a value of 0.0 anyway, seeing as it would COST MONEY, which sort of DEFEATS THE POINT. Clearly your grasp on the art of bribery is a bit LACKING. Besides, I don't actually want to see that, then I might be at risk for being accused of being an accessory.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #12 on:
2007 June 30, 18:03:13 »
Do you mean to tell me that you wouldn't bother looking at a webcam of a real, live axe-murder?
Accesory? bah. Go ahead, try to convince me that you couldn't erase evidence of having seen it.
My vision of you is totally crushed.
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police
Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #13 on:
2007 July 02, 12:45:38 »
0.5 for aesthetics. Cheaping out on decoration didn't do you any favours in this category.
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #14 on:
2007 July 03, 01:11:50 »
No, I didn't think it would.
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: ElfPuddle's 2007 Entry
Reply #15 on:
2007 September 12, 12:48:28 »
After following nonstandard install directions (TWICE!), game failed to load the house into the lot bin. Plus, the file didn't actually get any smaller than using a Sims2pack would have. Some of the files failed to vanish from Teleport after loading. No doubt the rest of the files are either in the bit bucket or clogging my game files somewhere.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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