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Author Topic: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]  (Read 43429 times)
Terrible Twerp
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A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« on: 2007 June 11, 03:11:29 »

A House of Lesser Lose

Download unfurnished:

Download furnished:

Cost: $77,668 unfurnished, $203,266 furnished as shown in pictures.

Lot size: 6x2 (ignore the Exchange... they're idiots).

Compatibility: Built in Base Game, so will work for all.

Floors: 2 full floors

Yard: Big one. Enough room for whatever you want, including a greenhouse, garden, pool, pond, etc. You could probably fit all of them in there.

Bedrooms: 1 master bedroom, 4 bedrooms, nursery for 2.

Bathrooms: 4 private, 4 accessible from main areas.

Stairs: Stealth stairs used throughout.

Garage: 2 car garage, 2 car driveway.

Decks: one deck on 2nd floor.

Study areas: Just one. If you move the couches and bookcase out, it's quite big. I just put them there to make the room seem like it's got more stuff in it... I couldn't get the reward collection working in the Base Game, so I couldn't show the room with the skilling objects, but there's definitely enough space for them.

Storage areas: 2x2 on 2nd floor, 2x6 on 1st floor.

Features: An extra room on the first floor can be whatever you need. Locked-down kitchen. Piano in separate room.

Expandability: Possible to expand to the side or up, or to change the garage into living quarters if you don't need that many cars.

Known Problems: You might want to move the mailbox and trashcan, or sims will tend to go through the garage when they get off the bus/carpool. My working sims do not use carpool, so the only sims who would use that entrance were kids and teens getting off the bus. This was good because they'd go stright up to the study.

See the entance.

See the yard.

See the vomitorium.

See a living room.

See the study area and the [piano room.

See the nursery.

See the kitchen and the dining room.

See the master bedroom, and another view.

See a bedroom, and another view.

See a bedroom.

See a bedroom.

See a bedroom.

Bribe: I will destroy the paysite of your choice, provided it isn't utterly worthless (Carla Niven comes to mind), and provided the subscription cost is around $10.

Alternative bribe: I can make you up to 10 default facial template replacements, if you provide the sims you want to use and if you tell me which Maxis uglies you want replaced (by going into CAS in debug mode and looking up their names).

Note: The carpool problem has been solved. The carpool will now correctly come to the mailbox in the center of the lot.
« Last Edit: 2007 June 12, 00:00:55 by SaraMK » Logged

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #1 on: 2007 June 11, 08:56:22 »

Yey a base game house! It's hard to find lots now-a-days that aren't built with Pets or Seasons. Looks good too!

Terrible Twerp
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #2 on: 2007 June 11, 09:38:05 »

It's a huge pain to build anything in the base game. There just isn't enough stuff. Especially if you are specifically not allowed to use custom content.

I have a neighborhood that I play with just the base game, but when I'm building for myself and not to share, I use tons of custom content to make up for the lack.

Swedish Pudding Chef
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #3 on: 2007 June 11, 14:05:16 »

Why do you only play with the base game? I wouldn't ever want to go back to only the base game after playing the EPs...

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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #4 on: 2007 June 11, 14:45:21 »

Why do you only play with the base game? I wouldn't ever want to go back to only the base game after playing the EPs...
Some people build with the base game (for maximum compatibility with all game versions), but play with whatever EPs/SPs they have.

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Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #5 on: 2007 June 11, 14:51:16 »

Well I've been playing with this house all afternoon and I'm impressed. It required very little furniture rearrangement (I like to play without rotating the view all the time) and the sims seem to move around without any complaint. It takes quite awhile for the kids to get to the school bus if they're upstairs as the car pools only seem to sit at the far right (as you look from the front of the house)? Weird.

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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #6 on: 2007 June 11, 18:35:40 »

I've never tried this lot size before.  It looks great, I'll have fun testing it out.   Smiley

Terrible Twerp
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #7 on: 2007 June 11, 19:01:12 »

Why do you only play with the base game? I wouldn't ever want to go back to only the base game after playing the EPs...

It's one of my many  neighborhods. I like it, it's simpler.

It takes quite awhile for the kids to get to the school bus if they're upstairs as the car pools only seem to sit at the far right (as you look from the front of the house)? Weird.


That could be because of the hacked lot size. I've never had that happen on this lot, but it has happened on other lots that were expanded.

I'll take a look at it. I suppose it's possible the car portals become messed up when it is installed from the download. I should have tested that. If something breaks during installation, it could be a fatal flaw.
« Last Edit: 2007 June 11, 19:12:09 by SaraMK » Logged

Terrible Twerp
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK.
« Reply #8 on: 2007 June 11, 21:06:43 »

I found the problem. It must have had to do with how I removed the family that was living in the house. The left-hand portals got corrupted... they somehow moved back to the right-hand side, which is where I assume the old lot-size boundaries were. I guess I did too much Clean Installer/InSIM/Teleporter hacking. Sad

I'm fixing the problem and will re-upload.

Horny Turkey
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #9 on: 2007 July 02, 12:57:29 »

0.75 for aesthetics. A bit bland and bare.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #10 on: 2007 July 03, 01:53:22 »

0.75 for aesthetics. A bit bland and bare.

See, that's what I get for making a house in the base game.  Undecided

Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #11 on: 2007 July 03, 02:09:38 »

0.75 for aesthetics. A bit bland and bare.

See, that's what I get for making a house in the base game.  Undecided
How about uncluttered, with a soothing neutral color scheme? Wink
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #12 on: 2007 July 03, 22:42:12 »

It depends on the average size of the room. Factor that in, and I think you can get a good idea of how much clutter is appropriate. Therefore, if you use only the base game, make your houses small.  Grin

Horny Turkey
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #13 on: 2007 July 03, 23:35:22 »

I fight it highly amusing that the people giving advice on aesthetics did so much worse than Sara herself.

Lipless Loser
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #14 on: 2007 July 03, 23:52:56 »

Tawanda wasn't giving advice, really, she was just pointing out some of the nicer points that the house showed. Dizzy really didn't try to make his house look good, either.

Besides, aesthetics are subjective.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #15 on: 2007 July 03, 23:55:12 »

I fight it highly amusing that the people giving advice on aesthetics did so much worse than Sara herself.

I find it highly amusing that you care enough to comment.

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Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #16 on: 2007 July 04, 00:30:34 »

I fight it highly amusing that the people giving advice on aesthetics did so much worse than Sara herself.
Happy to be of service. Grin
The judging being done by someone whose sim outfit makes my eyes bleed, I didn't really expect much of a score in aesthetics. My idea and your idea of what is appealing are apparently worlds apart. I prefer Sara's house to some of the others you've given a higher score to. Different strokes for different folks.
I'll probably suck on technical merit too, but since I just do this for the hell of it it's not like I'm gonna curl up in a ball and cry over it. I had fun with it.*shrug* 
Horny Turkey
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #17 on: 2007 July 04, 00:57:40 »

Tawanda wasn't giving advice, really, she was just pointing out some of the nicer points that the house showed. Dizzy really didn't try to make his house look good, either.

Besides, aesthetics are subjective.

For someone who didn't try, Dizzy sure bitched about getting a low score.

Although aesthetics are subjective, I did provide clear criteria, and I would point out that making judgements about subjective stuff according to a set of criteria is what I do for a living, so you know, I might actually be able to do it.

The judging being done by someone whose sim outfit makes my eyes bleed, I didn't really expect much of a score in aesthetics.

You must be really happy that I didn't humiliate you by giving you a good mark, then.

Lipless Loser
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #18 on: 2007 July 04, 01:24:21 »

For someone who didn't try, Dizzy sure bitched about getting a low score.

Although aesthetics are subjective, I did provide clear criteria, and I would point out that making judgements about subjective stuff according to a set of criteria is what I do for a living, so you know, I might actually be able to do it.

Dizzy broke the criteria as much as my house did. I just wasn't blunt about pointing it out. Landscaping is weighted the same amount as architectural features. If you're going to provide criteria, at least stick to it, for everyone.

Though I guess, being the judge, you can do as you wish, no matter who or how many people disagree with it.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #19 on: 2007 July 04, 05:58:32 »


Given that the house rohina gave a great score to was nothing more than a glorified box (even more box-like than my submission), I quit feeling slightly ticked about my score after seeing that. Obviously a different view of what is aesthetically pleasing than mine. Which is cool....aesthetic sense is definitely personal....just would probably be best if there were multiple aesthetic judges for fairness. But, eh, fairness is for sissies.*

This house isn't really a house to me because it's just a lot larger than I like playing. The thing makes an awesome dorm, though. I retooled it and am using it as my main in University Land.

*Totally and completely serious. I enjoyed my sour grapes, by the way. They went well with some blue cheese. Can I get some Peanut Butter Crunch for breakfast?

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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #20 on: 2007 July 04, 06:19:26 »

I'm wondering if Rohina is only looking at the photos posted in the threads, or if she is actually downloading the houses and looking them over with walls up, etc. I ask because I did put in some decorative touches, such as paintings (albeit not many -- I was trying to keep costs down), but they wouldn't have shown up in the photos I posted. I had the walls partially down in order to show the layout from a semi-sideways view, so unless you actually look at the house with walls up you won't see many of the wall-hangings, sconces, etc. No big deal. I really didn't expect to win, or even get a good score. I entered the contest because it seemed like a fun thing to do and I enjoy building houses. I'm just curious about the criteria and methods used for judging. Some of the people who got high marks for aesthetics made some of the same mistakes as others who did not. This makes me question the processes that are involved in the judging. I've noticed that Rohina seems to dislike very bright colours as well as monochromatic neutrals, so the only chance of getting a good aesthetics score seems to lie in finding the elusive 'happy medium' that only she is aware of (typical of any contest, I suppose). I'm really not trying to be difficult -- I'd just like to know the thought processes behind some of her decisions. Most of the houses that I particularly liked got low marks, while some of the ones I didn't necessarily care for seemed to get higher marks. I chalk it up to difference of opinion. *shrugs*

Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Khan of Wyrms
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #21 on: 2007 July 04, 08:47:38 »

The thing makes an awesome dorm, though.

I did the same thing with it and I concur.  In fact, I converted all three House of Lose's into dorms.  One took quite a bit more adjustment than I planned on, but they all turned out great and one or two may end up as Greek houses. 

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #22 on: 2007 July 04, 08:58:40 »

I'm wondering if Rohina is only looking at the photos posted in the threads, or if she is actually downloading the houses and looking them over with walls up, etc.
The photos are generally considered the primary source of info, given that if downloaded and viewed in-game, those of us who don't have the compulsive desire to install every bloatware pack of useless stuff will end up seeing nothing but the bare sheetrock texture, which won't help you score!

This makes me question the processes that are involved in the judging. I've noticed that Rohina seems to dislike very bright colours as well as monochromatic neutrals, so the only chance of getting a good aesthetics score seems to lie in finding the elusive 'happy medium' that only she is aware of (typical of any contest, I suppose).
That does seem entirely in keeping with the character of Ugly Butt, yes.

I'm really not trying to be difficult -- I'd just like to know the thought processes behind some of her decisions. Most of the houses that I particularly liked got low marks, while some of the ones I didn't necessarily care for seemed to get higher marks. I chalk it up to difference of opinion. *shrugs*
Again, I wouldn't worry too much. Ultimately the aesthetic score is only 5% of the contest score. I mean, look what ultimately won LAST time: A gray, blocky thing.

Given that the house rohina gave a great score to was nothing more than a glorified box (even more box-like than my submission), I quit feeling slightly ticked about my score after seeing that. Obviously a different view of what is aesthetically pleasing than mine. Which is cool....aesthetic sense is definitely personal....just would probably be best if there were multiple aesthetic judges for fairness. But, eh, fairness is for sissies.*
I did not see you volunteering. Besides, it could be worse. I mean, last time we had the Bobblehead deciding that. And people bitched about the Bobblehead's taste, too. Besides, no one said the contest was fair. In fact, all contests are blatantly corrupt. We're just flat out transparent about it: See "Bribery" section.
« Last Edit: 2007 July 04, 09:04:02 by J. M. Pescado » Logged

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Horny Turkey
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #23 on: 2007 July 04, 10:58:34 »

I'm wondering if Rohina is only looking at the photos posted in the threads, or if she is actually downloading the houses and looking them over with walls up, etc. I ask because I did put in some decorative touches, such as paintings (albeit not many -- I was trying to keep costs down), but they wouldn't have shown up in the photos I posted. I had the walls partially down in order to show the layout from a semi-sideways view, so unless you actually look at the house with walls up you won't see many of the wall-hangings, sconces, etc. No big deal. I really didn't expect to win, or even get a good score. I entered the contest because it seemed like a fun thing to do and I enjoy building houses. I'm just curious about the criteria and methods used for judging. Some of the people who got high marks for aesthetics made some of the same mistakes as others who did not. This makes me question the processes that are involved in the judging. I've noticed that Rohina seems to dislike very bright colours as well as monochromatic neutrals, so the only chance of getting a good aesthetics score seems to lie in finding the elusive 'happy medium' that only she is aware of (typical of any contest, I suppose). I'm really not trying to be difficult -- I'd just like to know the thought processes behind some of her decisions. Most of the houses that I particularly liked got low marks, while some of the ones I didn't necessarily care for seemed to get higher marks. I chalk it up to difference of opinion. *shrugs*

No, I didn't download the houses. I did, however, look at all posted pictures, which in some cases was quite a lot of shots.

I don't understand why the criteria were "elusive". I posted them. The scoring system was also explained. Did you look at the criteria? They were quite specific. As I said elsewhere, making aesthetic judgements based on a set of criteria is something I do in my job, and calculating marks on a curve or similar scale is also kind of a skilled task, but it is something I do professionally. It wasn't just a random taste thing, and I also took comments and input from 4 other people.

I can understand why houses you liked might not have got good scores if they didn't address the criteria. For instance, many many houses had little or no landscaping, but that was actually quite heavily weighted in my criteria.

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: A House of Lesser Lose, by SaraMK. [Updated]
« Reply #24 on: 2007 July 04, 11:10:40 »

I think rohina's aesthetics judgment is completely above reproach.  Grin

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