This house has five bedrooms (six if you count the nursery) and four bathrooms; it costs 128,968 simoleans and sits on a 3x2 lot. I created it with Uni, Nightlife, FFS, OFB, Pets, and Seasons. The screenshot below shows the angle the house plays at best, giving a clear view of all areas except the empty space behind the driveway, which is intended for a crafted octopus water toy or a wedding arch. There is no swimming pool, and the pond really is big enough to produce fish. Only Maxis and Awesome content was used; all Awesome content has been removed with the Clean Installer, so it won't appear on the lot unless you've already installed it.

Points of interest on the first floor are the large dining room with separate kitchen, a room just for pets, and a separate room for the stairs with just enough useful space for a crafting bench or perhaps a career reward.

The second floor is furnished to sleep seven, but you could probably squeeze two more single beds in if needed. The bird cage is up here, to keep it away from guests.

Another staircase leads to the telescope balcony and the tower room with the hot tub. The storage area in the attic is marked with a darker green stripe of carpet.

This closeup of the first floor study shows the One Desk near the only dresser and mirror in the house. I make houses for gameplay, not realism, so the one dresser that the house needs is near the front door for quick access by sims returning home from work. (The decorating scheme is mostly inspired by the dark colors and ornate prints in the Delarosa house in Bluewater.)

More views of the interior:

I ran a copy of this lot through four seasons of gameplay with a test family consisting of two adult males, one pregnant female, two teens, one child, two cats, and a dog. It played very well in spite of its small size. I managed a roof raiser wedding using the area to the left to conduct the ceremony.

Here's what it looks like in heavy snow:

Bribe: I will make a custom mesh with custom textures following whatever guidelines I am given. I will clone any object desired for this purpose.