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Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
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Topic: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded (Read 34026 times)
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
2007 June 09, 01:24:43 »
EDIT: Attempts to bring house to awesome specs and new version offered at end of this post.
Despite my grousing about no custom content, I have capitulated, and I decided that having to build with no CC would be a challenge in itself.
And so, I bring you the Yankee Barn - based on a RL design.
Lot: 4x4
Price: 177,560
Flatness: 100%
EPs: Uni, NL, OFB, Petz, Seasons
: one-car garage, master suite with private outdoor hottub, nursery suite, two additional bedrooms, 3 full- and 2 half-baths, living room with fireplace, family room, pool, greenhouse, pond.
It's a big place, with plenty of room for a growing family, or perhaps a growing commune. Gardens surround the house, and there is always room for more.
The kitchen/dining/living area:
What your peeping tom sees when he looks into the living room windows:
The master suite:
The family room:
The nursery suite (can be converted to bedrooms once your Sim has stopped spawning):
The kids' rooms - note that these rooms can be rearranged if the kids need to double up:
Random views that I think show off the house to its best advantage, including some floor plans:
Will do a forum-, writing-, or data-related editing/organizing project of your choice...and I'll build up to 10 custom lots to your spec. Oh, and I'll kill a few paysites.
1. Added full perimeter fencing:
2. Moved composter to back yard where deciduous trees reside (although newspapers will need to be intercepted now):
3. Replaced beds with more comfortable/more energizing varieties (in other words, substance over style). Did a bit of redecorating as a result:
4. Added the homework desk to the family room:
New value: 186,651
Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn Reloaded.rar
(880.13 KB - downloaded 568 times.)
Last Edit: 2007 July 02, 13:53:32 by Hecubus
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
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I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn
Reply #1 on:
2007 June 09, 13:12:31 »
Which EPs do you have? I noticed a Nightlife door
and of course the car, garage, and driveway
that I forgot to say before, some Uni walls, and of course Seasons... But are there any other packs?
Hell yeah.
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Re: Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn
Reply #2 on:
2007 June 09, 15:09:31 »
Nice! I have a rich family that was just waiting for a house like this...
* jsalemi downloads
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn
Reply #3 on:
2007 June 09, 15:10:24 »
oh, whoops. Will edit above, but meanwhile, I have Uni, NL, OFB, Petz, and Seasons. No stuff packs.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
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Re: Hecubus's Not Quite Awesome Yankee Barn
Reply #4 on:
2007 June 10, 03:17:35 »
I really like the layout of this. Nice work sweetie
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Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Hecubus's Not Quite Awesome Yankee Barn
Reply #5 on:
2007 June 10, 03:26:51 »
Me too - like the layout, I mean.
Useful, functional and attractive. I especially like the use you made of the space between the house and garage. The nursey area is large enough and self-contained. Choice!
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
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Re: Hecubus's Not Quite Awesome Yankee Barn
Reply #6 on:
2007 June 10, 10:55:45 »
I really like this house too, the layout is really original. I like the pool too, from top-view it looks like a mouse
The pool slide is the tail and the ladders are the whiskers. Cute!
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #7 on:
2007 June 10, 21:24:57 »
I didn't realize the pool looked like a mouse until you said that! Heh.
The house is very playable...especially since I tend to banish kids to the second floor with a queue that keeps 'em busy for hours while I play adults.
I uploaded a new version, hopefully closer to El Presidente's specs.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Horny Turkey
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Re: Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #8 on:
2007 July 02, 13:00:35 »
1.5 for aesthetics. Very nice use of theme.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Hecubus's Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #9 on:
2007 July 02, 13:33:35 »
Bribe: 0.2
Functionality: 0.2
Scenarios: 0.2
Cost Effectiveness: 0.4
Expand 0.8
Physics: 0.8
Aesthetics: 1.5
Technical: 0.375
Correct Behaviors
Level Edges - Will Not Damage Neighborhood
Anti-Wolf Fencing
Correctable Issues
WAY too many desks! Creates massive ambiguity over the nature of The One Desk, due to numerous False Desks
Fridge properly blocked from raiders: Extensive restructuring would be needed to correct
Fundamental Flaws
Sunken split-level room has nonfunctional windows and many nonfunctional lights, resulting in the area being permanently dark
Blatant use of illegal placements for flowerbeds and shrubs results in many being inaccessible!
Extensive rebuild of entire interior required to make this playable! Less work to just build a new one entirely!/color]
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Hecubus's Non-awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #10 on:
2007 July 02, 13:51:46 »
Shortly after Pescado explained my overwhelming failure, I loaded the game, and this lot blew up.
It's DEFINITELY Pescado's fault.
Just as well.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Cheese Nazi
Posts: 1936
Re: Hecubus's Non-awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #11 on:
2007 July 02, 17:46:53 »
Quote from: Hecubus on 2007 July 02, 13:51:46
Shortly after Pescado explained my overwhelming failure, I loaded the game, and this lot blew up.
It's DEFINITELY Pescado's fault.
Just as well.
Awww *Pats Hecubus* At least you got a good aesthetics score!
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Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #12 on:
2007 July 03, 00:50:36 »
Non-functional lights? What? How? How can lights not work in the game?
I like the house Hecubus, I think it's purty.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #13 on:
2007 July 03, 00:52:06 »
When you make sunken lounges etc, the lighting doesn't work properly, a real nuisance because it means less design options. I think from memory some standing lights work.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Cheese Nazi
Posts: 1936
Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #14 on:
2007 July 03, 00:55:17 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 July 03, 00:52:06
Quote from: TaWanda on 2007 July 03, 00:50:36
Non-functional lights? What? How? How can lights not work in the game?
I like the house Hecubus, I think it's purty.
When you make sunken lounges etc, the lighting doesn't work properly, a real nuisance because it means less design options. I think from memory some standing lights work.
Yeah, because you usually have a squished-down level in there somewhere, and if you put a lamp on the ceiling of the room or the upper portion of the walls the game will think it's on the next floor up and the light won't go to the bottom of the room. There are ways around it though, if you place standing lamps carefully. (Possibly table lamps as well? I'm not sure...)
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Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #15 on:
2007 July 03, 01:13:52 »
For sunken rooms I usually use outside type floor lights hidden under a plant or something... sometimes table lamps placed on the floor behind some planty stuff looks ok too... then I also put lights on the upper portion as well... it still looks kinda funky cause there is always a strange shadow effect, but it does light the room...
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Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #16 on:
2007 July 03, 01:37:06 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 July 03, 00:52:06
When you make sunken lounges etc, the lighting doesn't work properly, a real nuisance because it means less design options. I think from memory some standing lights work.
Pity that the light won't reach the bottom of the rooms. I love the look of houses with split level rooms. I quit playing them, and also quit playing houses with foundations, because I couldn't take the bobbing up and down of the camera view any longer.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #17 on:
2007 July 03, 02:10:13 »
Quote from: Khaki on 2007 July 03, 01:13:52
For sunken rooms I usually use outside type floor lights hidden under a plant or something... sometimes table lamps placed on the floor behind some planty stuff looks ok too... then I also put lights on the upper portion as well... it still looks kinda funky cause there is always a strange shadow effect, but it does light the room...
yes, I just discovered that the low outdoor 'spotlight', even hidden under a table or bookcase, adds sufficient light. It just made my split levels playable again.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #18 on:
2007 July 03, 03:01:33 »
Great, I used to enjoy the variety I had with the different levels. I'll give it a go.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2262
Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #19 on:
2007 July 03, 03:27:49 »
I really like this house but I'm a bit confused after reading the posts. Is it playable or will the lot go splodie? Thanks.
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Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #20 on:
2007 July 03, 04:44:35 »
Heh, it's actually quite playable. I have had this lot - and variations - playing for a while. I REALLY think it was some new custom content that I used in the house yesterday that blew it up....but with the coincidental timing, it was too good to pass up an opportunity to blame Pescado.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #21 on:
2007 July 03, 05:36:31 »
Quote from: MsMaria on 2007 July 03, 03:27:49
I really like this house but I'm a bit confused after reading the posts. Is it playable or will the lot go splodie? Thanks.
It's not very playable without a full interior overhaul, as it has a vast number of huge glaring flaws.
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #22 on:
2007 July 03, 05:59:42 »
Quote from: Hecubus on 2007 July 03, 02:10:13
Quote from: Khaki on 2007 July 03, 01:13:52
For sunken rooms I usually use outside type floor lights hidden under a plant or something... sometimes table lamps placed on the floor behind some planty stuff looks ok too... then I also put lights on the upper portion as well... it still looks kinda funky cause there is always a strange shadow effect, but it does light the room...
yes, I just discovered that the low outdoor 'spotlight', even hidden under a table or bookcase, adds sufficient light. It just made my split levels playable again.
I use those a lot. I don't really like overheads as they get in my view, and haven't found sufficient wall lights I like. I either use the spotlights under stuff or these low-placed wall lights with a really shallow profile. The low ones work in sunken rooms, you just have to use the moveobjects cheat.
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #23 on:
2007 July 03, 15:30:13 »
In the house I was trying to build for this contest, I had a sunken room too. I used wall lamps and garden spotlights hidden underneath the furniture.
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Re: Hecubus's Utterly Non-Awesome Yankee Barn - Reloaded
Reply #24 on:
2007 July 03, 16:34:05 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 July 03, 00:52:06
When you make sunken lounges etc, the lighting doesn't work properly, a real nuisance because it means less design options. I think from memory some standing lights work.
I had a lot once that I designed with a sunken living/bookshelf/TV area, surrounded by other functional space half a level above. All the other rooms were reached off this area. The effect was quite good, but the sunken area was always dark, due to the light problem (even when the rest of the room was bright. I finally sorted it out with table lamps and floor lamps. I like the floodlight idea.
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