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Topic: In the Beginning Challenge! (Read 19388 times)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149
In the Beginning Challenge!
2007 June 04, 12:44:30 »
In the beginning, there were 2 people. These were the diving point of our
very own existence. We are to attempt to make new life and watch life grow
out of the ashes.
The In the Beginning Challenge is about starting life and watching life grow,
-No cheats are allowed unless stated.
-This is a Non Point Scoring Challenge.
-You cant create any New Families unless stated..
-This is a Long Challenge of up to 30 Generations as a minimum !
-All Families must be aged evenly so having the original Adam and Eve must not
be in the game by the time Generation 30 rolls around. Play your families
Deleting tombstones is now allowed, but you can only do so if they start to
become a problem with too many tombstones. Deleting them if the ghosts are
scaring you is not allowed !
What you have to do ? (Step by Step)
The first Stage : In the Beginning !
* Start a New Neighbourhood and you can call it whatever you want
(preferably New World) as to represent our beginnings !
* In this Neighbourhood you can create land structures including boulders,
trees and special land structures to commemorate our ancestors.
* Since this is the beginning, you need to do the boolprop to delete all
characters. Don't worry new characters will come along as your time goes..
* The next step is to make your first lot of whatever size you like ( a
residential lot ) This is your first lot, so more lots are required at this
* The next part is create your Adam and Eve via the CAS Program and use
whatever last name you like and move them into your residential lot you have
created. You can create them as roomies if you like and marry them later or
as an already married couple … Its up to you !
The Second Stage: Life Evolution !
* In this Stage, if you couple isn't all ready married at this point,
start working on their relationship so they can get married. And marry them
when your ready.
* NPC's arent allowed at this stage for Service Jobs, as you wouldn't see
Maids back in the stone ages now would you. You need to do every thing
yourself at this point.
* Do all your Learning of New Skills via the jobs you and maybe the bookcase
too. As you need to evolve your self as a part of the learning process just
like what life was like when we were first learning as humans
* Work there lives as you would in real life, and when your ready you can
start having your first children. Since this is the first generation have as
many kids as you can. Just remember NPC's aren't allowed so don't cheat by
getting the Nanny.
* Once you have worked your life through to the next part by having as many
kids as you want. Lets just say you wanted to have 4 - 5 kids for example,
the moment the last kid was born, you can do the boolprop to Create New
Townies, As this is a part towards to the next stage of the Challenge.
The Third Stage: The first 5 Generations !
* Welcome to the next stage of evolution …. Which is Population Growth.
There are a few more things you can do in this part.
Still at this point Service NPC's are still not allowed, every thing has to
be done by yourself.
* Now that the kids have come, grow them up and watch them evolve.
* This is the stage where you can add your first Community Lot for meet ups
and having fun with the other neighbourhood kids.
* In order to start this stage you need to make your first Community Lot and
between 4 - 5 New Residential Houses depending on the number of kids you have
had. This is the Creativity Stage.
* Once your kids turn into Adults you can move them into their new houses and
start over again by populating your house, by this point your kids would of
met a whole pile of townies that you might like to marry and have kids with
as well. And you need to continue this process over the next 5 generations.
* You can add a new community lot by the time a new generation comes around
if you like.
* At this point you will have between maybe 5 - 7 houses depending on how many
kids your Adam and Eve had. So by the time Generation 5 rolls around you might
have between 15 - 25 houses depending on how many kids your kids have had.
Have fun with watching life evolve once it comes to Generation 5 …..
Also all family tree lines must point to the Original Adam and Eve.
Alien Abductions Children aren't allowed at this point.
The Fourth Stage : The Next Era as Countries Begin !
* This stage is the longest stage out of all Stages. At this point you can
start using Service NPC's
* This is where more creativity comes into it …… You can still use New World
Neighborhood if you like, but this is where you need to create more
neighbourhoods as metropolises. As this point probably 5 Neighbourhoods
reflecting different Nationalites and Countries. Give them Country names too
if you like. For example: [You might have] maybe weird looking due to genetics
You do not need to boolprop to remove or create new townies for these
neighbourhoods so leave as is.
* So work through your families in New World and see where you can move them
in which ever country you wish to put them. Have at least maybe 3 - 4 families
per neighbourhood but depending on how many families you may have. Divide them
evenly if you can. Leave a few families in New World too so that can still
* In these Neighborhoods, create as many Community Lots as you like and maybe
even a couple of community lots too..
* So over the next 5 Generations again work and play them whatever way you
Switch between Neighborhoods and watch your Sims evolve. Don't forget to
monitor your Sims family tree closely as we don't want to divert away from
the beginnings of Adam and Eve. All families must be related directly to the
original Adam and Eve.
The Fifth Stage : New Families are Moving In !
* At this point you are now up to Generation 10 (possibly 11) Don't want to
be too far out !
* This where things are getting more interesting with new families and new
beginnings. This is where you need to go to the Exchange Board on
You need to download 5 - 7 families per Neighbourhood add them to your
Neighborhood as you desire. From this point is your own decision
as [omnipotent] !
*No rules apply do whatever you like and watch them grow, give them wonderful
jobs, sleep with maid, get abducted if you like, adopt kids. The only thing
that you must remember is your kids must be related along the blood line of
the original Adam and Eve, so watch that closely through the ages.
You'll know via the family tree mode.
* This Stage is another 10 Generations long, keep on making community lots
and houses as you please. No boolprop cheats are allowed over this stage, not
even the money cheat. You cant deliberately kill your sims unless if life
intended it so, so you cant escape with out saving.
The Sixth Stage : Make your Own and Evolve your Own !
* By now you are up to Generation 20 (possibly 21 or 22) Don't want to be too
far out !
* This where you can create your own families via the CAS Option, make as many
as you like maybe even make yourself another 1 - 2 Neighborhoods to form new
countries again, and move some Sims around in New Houses. Also at this place
if you want to, add the Goth or Pleasant family to liven things up a bit to
form new alliances.
* By the time it comes to Generation 30 …….. You can end the challenge at
generation 30 if you like but this is just the beginning ! And don't forget
this new Generation must be in relation to the original Adam and Eve. Check
this out via the family tree option !
Glad you've had fun ….. Life is Just the Beginning !
Have as Many Generations as you like from this Point On !
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #1 on:
2007 June 04, 12:47:39 »
This is quite a nice idea for a neighbourhood starter-not much of a challenge though. We need point scoring!
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #2 on:
2007 June 04, 12:51:28 »
*20* generations? Kind of LENGTHY, don't you think?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #3 on:
2007 June 04, 12:54:06 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 June 04, 12:51:28
*20* generations? Kind of LENGTHY, don't you think?
No Pescado, she said
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #4 on:
2007 June 04, 12:55:05 »
Quote from: Emma on 2007 June 04, 12:54:06
No Pescado, she said
My head exploded before reading that far.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #5 on:
2007 June 04, 14:03:05 »
I feel like I'm already doing this with Legacy Challenge. Can this be done with notownieregen? Now THAT'D be interesting. Not to mention kinda dirty, with incest...eew. Maybe not. Then again, these Sims are silly enough to lose their Family ties by gen 4 so maybe it's not THAT bad...
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406
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Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #6 on:
2007 June 04, 14:46:55 »
This challenge looks like a recipe for a BFBVFS. Here's some reasons why, and a grammar pet peeve of mine thrown in for free.
Quote from: missaaliyah on 2007 June 04, 12:44:30
Since this is the beginning, you need to do the boolprop to delete all characters.
Delete all characters has been glitched for several EPs now. I thought this was widely known. There are safe ways to clear your neighbourhood, perhaps you should look in the Peasantry section of this forum to learn how.
would of met a whole pile of townies that you might like to marry and have kids with
This is one of my pet grammar peeves. I don't usually harp on about grammar (since mine isn't that good), but it's "would have" NOT "would of". The word would've (that sounds like "would of") is actually a contraction of "would have". If you're going to uncontract this contracted word, please do it right.
but this is where you need to create more neighbourhoods as metropolises. You do not need to boolprop to remove or create new townies for these neighbourhoods so leave as is.
* So work through your families in New World and see where you can move them in which ever country you wish to put them. Have at least maybe 3 - 4 families per neighbourhood but depending on how many families you may have. Divide them evenly if you can. Leave a few families in New World too so that can still grow.
I really, REALLY hope you mean sub-neighbourhoods here. And that you are not talking about moving families to a completely new neighbourhood.
This where things are getting more interesting with new families and new beginnings. This is where you need to go to the Exchange Board on You need to download 5 - 7 families per Neighbourhood add them to your Neighborhood as you desire
No thanks. Families packaged on the exchange usually come along with 'shadow sims' of every sim they ever met - often multiples of the same sim if several family members met them. Since this challenge is already going to produce a huge neighbourhood, I don't want to introduce multiple shadows of sims that were never in my game.
Also at this place if you want to, add the Goth or Pleasant family to liven things up a bit to form new alliances.
Same reason as above. The Goths or Pleasants would also come along with 'shadow sims'. I suppose I could use SimPE to clone them, and then recreate them in CAS, then go back into SimPE to restore their memories, relationships, skills, careers, etc. It takes a bit of effort to get them into the neighbourhood safely, and you should include instructions on how to introduce them into the game without damaging your neighbourhood.
Last Edit: 2007 June 04, 14:55:09 by Kyna
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #7 on:
2007 June 04, 16:05:26 »
Unless the OP is the person who first posted this on the BBS, this is not an original challenge. It's also very old, and...well...BBS original, explaining the focus on DAC and the Exchange.
Change to using clean templates and CAS, plus moving sims to a suburb, and it's ok. Just not really along the lines of a challenge. It's a complete playstyle. To play through 30 generations of as many families you will get from this challenge will take years, even for the most obsessive of us (and I'm looking in the proverbial mirror).
For history:
The repost from May 2005
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #8 on:
2007 June 04, 16:46:19 »
I agree. Apart from the bits about "don't use nannies or NPCs", it's generally like my current play style. Clean neighbourhood, one or two Sims, get them educated, married, start next generation, etc. I like the idea of adding sub-hoods with different "nationalities" (does this simply mean "skin tones"?), but not sure about adding lots of new families or sims from CAS (population control) unless required, that is, if there are too many family ties and the gene pool needs expanding for procreative purposes.
By the end of 10 generations I would probably be at the point of wanting to restart rather than looking to go another 20 generations, especially without a real challenge point scoring scheme.
Tribulatio proxima est
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #9 on:
2007 June 04, 22:43:05 »
hmm, sounds a lot like the Prosperity Challenge, I mean, the very slow starting version of Prosperity...
and though the idea of that sounded cool at the time, I just can't seem to get beyond Generation 2-3.
Though the idea of aging the whole neighbourhood in equal installments is appealing, I find I just start to give a damn about the family and it's time to leave it.
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #10 on:
2007 June 06, 16:38:21 »
Quote from: Zeljka on 2007 June 04, 22:43:05
Though the idea of aging the whole neighbourhood in equal installments is appealing, I find I just start to give a damn about the family and it's time to leave it.
I generally try to play my families in reasonably equal installments, but sometimes this means that I play one family for several days, before moving on. If there is a family that I lose interest in, I might leave them out of play for a while. Sometimes this means that some sims stay pregnant for a long time (game time) or some kids don't grow up for a while, while their former peers might have become elders in the meantime. I have stopped worrying about this. It leads to some interesting situations, admittedly, like the grandchild of a sim in one family marrying a sim that their grandfather started school with. To me, it's all part of the amusement.
Tribulatio proxima est
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #11 on:
2007 June 06, 22:46:25 »
In my first custom neighbourhood, I made a few 'families' of roommates.
(Basically one of each just to see what they were like)
While it's been years and some of the more interesting have moved on to create multiple generations, there are still at least 20 that I created in my first month of Sim2-ing.
I'm considering making them townies because (first off, they're all Maxis, blech) but mostly because they've been showing up at other lots as randomly and though they're still too boring to actually play, they make decent enough visitors.
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #12 on:
2007 June 07, 16:33:20 »
Quote from: Zeljka on 2007 June 06, 22:46:25
While it's been years and some of the more interesting have moved on to create multiple generations, there are still at least 20 that I created in my first month of Sim2-ing.
I'm considering making them townies because (first off, they're all Maxis, blech) but mostly because they've been showing up at other lots as randomly and though they're still too boring to actually play, they make decent enough visitors.
I've certainly made some of the more boring playables into townies from time to time, generally "extra" kids that I don't want to play into succeeding generations. This results in the situation of some Sims growing old and dying off, while their siblings live on in perpetual early adulthood, but I always figure I have better things to worry about. Once they're townies, they get treated like all other townies. I don't bother to try to age them artificially, and at least their genetics aren't lost.
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Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
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Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #13 on:
2007 June 13, 23:28:52 »
Quote from: Kyna on 2007 June 04, 14:46:55
This challenge looks like a recipe for a BFBVFS. Here's some reasons why, and a grammar pet peeve of mine thrown in for free.
Thank you, this is great! As they say in another place, marry me?
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.
Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #14 on:
2007 June 14, 01:01:16 »
Well, it's an interesting idea... but I've been playing the same sims, all equally, steming from five original sims (comparable to about your generation 2?), and they're only just having their fourth generation after about a year of play. In this challenge, I might finish by the time my real life kid is in college
Kudos for all your hard work though!
yet another sims 2 blog:
Posts: 1572
Re: In the Beginning Challenge!
Reply #15 on:
2007 June 14, 04:22:57 »
This is a bit like my Noah challenge (one elder couple and three adult couples). I should probably come up with some more rules for it, though.
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