Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Hello all, first time poster so I apologize if this is in the wrong area  I use boolprop alot and I tend to leave it on after I have used it. My question is: if I leave it on will my game/lot act up? I have noticed some minor problems, like my kids freezing when they try and get out of the bus, but I'm not sure if it is related or not  I only have Nightlife (patched) no cc but I used to have the "kitten killer"  but I deleated it  Thanks in advance, Jess
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Li'l Brudder
Not related.
Here is the deal.
It doesn't "cause errors." It merely reports them.
It doesn't "destroy your computer." Is that even logically possible? No.
Also, believe nothing from Neoseeker or the BBS. Full of liars and thieves.
Axe Murderer

Posts: 1698
The only problem that it ever, EVER causes is when an error pops up in the middle of a cut scene and you can't get to it to cancel it out. As Lil Brudder said, it does not cause any errors, all it does is report the errors that happen whether or not you leave it on. Now, I wouldn't suggest using it to invite over the whole neighborhood unless you're prepared to have your computer crawl, assuming you can run at all with 100's of Sims on the lot, but that's more of a problem with Stupid Simmers doing silly things, than the cheat itself.  I play with the cheat on 100% of the time, and have never had any problems that people who never touch it haven't had. I'd say your problems stem from the buggy NL game engine. If you get OFB, or anything released after it, your game will run much more smoothly.
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Thank you for your replies, much appriciated  I was on the BBS and for a time believed all the lies about boolprop  Jess
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
The only problem that it ever, EVER causes is when an error pops up in the middle of a cut scene and you can't get to it to cancel it out. You can still cancel it, but since the mouse is hidden it becomes pixelhunting. Slowly move the mouse until you see either button highlight, and then click the wanted option. The mouse typically starts top left, so you want to move it slowly down and right.
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
If you play in window mode it's easier. I line the mouse up with the level of the buttons, and then slowly and carefully move across until I get one highlighted.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
If you hit escape it's as if you clicked cancel, and you get the mouse icon back.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
I only have Nightlife (patched) no cc but I used to have the "kitten killer"  but I deleated it  FYI - if you 'no cc' at all, meaning no hacks at all, then you're playing a really broken game. I suggest downloading, in the very least, all the critical fixes. Basically anything marked  or  Ste
Li'l Brudder
Thank you for your replies, much appriciated  I was on the BBS and for a time believed all the lies about boolprop  Jess * Li'l Brudder gets a hose and sprays JMG down with bleach.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
Thank you for your replies, much appriciated  I was on the BBS and for a time believed all the lies about boolprop  Jess * Li'l Brudder gets a hose and sprays JMG down with bleach.  So the BBS IS really that bad  I've heard it's all lies and propaganda 
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
It's not bad, just deeply misguided. There's a post in RetardoLand that you should read (if you haven't). It's the DI thread.
Axe Murderer

Posts: 1698
Now see, I consider going on a pixel hunt a problem.  I have fixed this the more expedient way of just turning off the cut scenes. How many times can a person really stand to see them, anyway?
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
I did the same eventually. What bugged me most was not being able to fast forward through them.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
too bad we can't pick and choose the cut scenes. the woohoo in bed one makes me giggle, but i'm bored of the rest.
buddha pest
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 440
I only turn on cut scenes when someone is about to have an alien baby.
That one makes me all emotional-like for some reason.
Cross-legged buddha stance baby is funny too.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
I still like the first kiss one. 
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Grammar Police

Posts: 6512
I like pie. A cake is fine, too.
Witch, I agree with you and LB, I think it is sweet, though the focus on their shoes seems a bit strange.  
too bad we can't pick and choose the cut scenes. the woohoo in bed one makes me giggle, but i'm bored of the rest.
Apparently the woohoo ones are dirty and not needed, they should be pulled from the game so the children can't see them. Please think of the children!
Li'l Brudder
VooDoo Princess, the feet fly off the floor as the are levitated by their young love.
(Which, coincidentally will probably end in divorce.)
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
The woohoo one bores me, as does the first kiss. Alien baby is cute, as is abduction. I've had three abductions just recently as the green bastards really seem to like Dorothy. I choose to believe it has to do with her rather odd history, but it's probably just because she has no hope of alien pregnancy.
Normal baby birth annoys me because there's always an extra plumbbob in the video if I have the mom selected, which I generally do around baby time.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
It's not bad, just deeply misguided. There's a post in RetardoLand that you should read (if you haven't). It's the DI thread.
Ahh the infamous DI thread. I have had a looky over there, so I suppose I wont be checking out the BBS anytime soon  I wouldn't mind cut scenes in my game, but my shitty graphics card wont support them 
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
The DI is quite good if it's taken the right way... which mostly it isn't. The BBS can be good too, if you can avoid all the stupidness of it. Sometimes you'll get some good information there.  I haven't had cutscenes in my game since just after it was released. They got old fast.
Jess Maree
Furry Pedobait

Posts: 1552
ISFP - now more Introverted than Pescado!
The DI is quite good if it's taken the right way... which mostly it isn't. The BBS can be good too, if you can avoid all the stupidness of it. Sometimes you'll get some good information there.  I haven't had cutscenes in my game since just after it was released. They got old fast. Eh I reckon the DI is purely for having a laugh at idiotic posters on other sites. Just because some people get up themselves *cough ezramanda cough  * and spoil the fun 
Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Look back at the old DI on this site, the first pages of RL and you'll see it well done. People just got to stuffy I think and that took the fun away.