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Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
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Topic: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List. (Read 24611 times)
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1386
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #25 on:
2005 October 13, 13:58:16 »
really, hmm, so whats no welcome home for?
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 210
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #26 on:
2005 October 13, 14:03:34 »
Quote from: twink on 2005 October 13, 10:53:00
with the patch installed the options/view neighborhood are greyed out....this allows you to go to adjouning houses with returning to the screen.
I installed the patch and my neighborhood options work just fine. i haven't check though if they are not resetting anymore after restarting the game.
Quote from: nectere on 2005 October 13, 13:58:16
really, hmm, so whats no welcome home for?
what no welcome home hack ? i can't seem to find a hack with this name in the Armory section?
Maybe it is from another modder?
There is one inconvenience with installing the patch that i've observed:
When you install the patch all sims will reset, like they just moved in the lot, so if you have YAs currently taking the final exam, they will now be in the lot and will miss the final exam - "stay home from school". nothing serious though. Just make sure to complete the finals before installing it.
One of my sims was taking the final exam, but his grades were at the highest, so even though he missed the final, he managed to complete the semester with C-
Quote from: oyyo on 2005 October 13, 05:29:05
"Fixed a reset that occurred after multiple generations of large famlies that prevented death from completing properly for Sims in large, multi-generational families. Symptoms included missing inheritance, tombstones, and a lower Sim population cap per lot. "
deathfix is the one that fixes that. nocorruptdeath just fixes the squiggly line memories I think.
JM said that the squiggly line memories were created when a sim died and a second memory was created for that death, however with no subject. Why this memory was beeing created, was apparently not known, so i think that the following fix is the one corresponding to nocorruptdeath hack:
4. * Fixed issues that occur when the same Sim dies on multiple lots.
Last Edit: 2005 October 13, 14:30:17 by linolino
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 42
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #27 on:
2005 October 13, 15:20:50 »
Quote from: linolino on 2005 October 13, 14:03:34
I installed the patch and my neighborhood options work just fine. i haven't check though if they are not resetting anymore after restarting the game.
I installed the patch last night. Neighborhood options work fine. When I went back into the game this morning to play, my neighborhood options were actually saved!
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 210
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #28 on:
2005 October 13, 16:50:04 »
yeah, well, they haven't fixed the sound problem with the bowling object. the ball hitting the pins still doesn't make a sound.
Also they did not fix the clog of unloading from vehicles, so school students will sitll clog the front door of the bus while they open their report card.
And also adults that come home from work and do that i'm home animation will do it in front of the carpool door, not allowing others to unload from the carpool.
They also didn't fix the students from university from ruturning from class and clogging the pedestrian portal.
MAXIS!!! please make sims unloading from carpools and bus, and uni stendents coming back form classes to walk to the mailbox first before doing their animations!
Fortunately we can still use the
with NL after patch with no issues.
Last Edit: 2005 October 13, 17:47:40 by linolino
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #29 on:
2005 October 13, 17:06:27 »
Quote from: linolino on 2005 October 13, 14:03:34
Quote from: nectere on 2005 October 13, 13:58:16
really, hmm, so whats no welcome home for?
what no welcome home hack ? i can't seem to find a hack with this name in the Armory section?
Maybe it is from another modder?
There is one inconvenience with installing the patch that i've observed:
When you install the patch all sims will reset, like they just moved in the lot, so if you have YAs currently taking the final exam, they will now be in the lot and will miss the final exam - "stay home from school". nothing serious though. Just make sure to complete the finals before installing it.
One of my sims was taking the final exam, but his grades were at the highest, so even though he missed the final, he managed to complete the semester with C-
Ahh... good to know. As for Pescado's hugginghack, I don't think it entirely eliminates the hugging, since I recall Pescado burninating after being called a softie or something for keeping that part in.
Actually, I believe that it prevents the hugging from completely obliterating the child and the parents' queues. So instead, the hugging just gets queued up, but the priority isn't super high that it stops everything the child was doing.
I'm not sure if there is a hack that completely eliminates hugging altogether. There might be one, but I'm not sure. If by "no welcome home" you mean that Family sims don't do their "I'm home" animation, I believe dizzy2's hack for bringing home food (grocieries or pizza) from work also eliminates this animation altogether. But again, I don't think his hack eliminates the hugging. *shrugs*
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Assmittens: Do Want
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1386
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #30 on:
2005 October 13, 17:34:22 »
my bad "no welcome home" I think might have been done by phedge but all traces to anything he made have went poof from VS. In fact I think JM had a subforum over there in his area that he allowed other people to upload a few mods to and phedge was one of them, which is why I mistakenly tied it to being one of JM's creations. I used both the hugging mod and the no welcome home in conjunction to completely squelch the running to hug the parent after work because the no hugging mod alone didnt seem to obliterate it 100%.
I could have sworn there was a no stranger hug mod though. I guess I will have to go look at an old backup CD of my most treasured mods.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #31 on:
2005 October 13, 17:40:47 »
Quote from: nectere on 2005 October 13, 17:34:22
I could have sworn there was a no stranger hug mod though. I guess I will have to go look at an old backup CD of my most treasured mods.
Unless I'm going completely nuts, I also remember one too. Or maybe I am just remembering really having wanted one. lol
If you find it, let me know. I could swear I had it at one point, but I trashed a lot of my stuff with NL so I don't know.
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Deformed Freak
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Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #32 on:
2005 October 13, 17:52:34 »
there was a "no stranger dance" hack, but I don't know about "no stranger hug"
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #33 on:
2005 October 13, 20:47:19 »
Motoki, is it the "hugginghack" (in the moreawesomethanyou director's cut). I think that's the one.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1386
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #34 on:
2005 October 13, 21:31:30 »
it must be the hugginghack even though it refers to child/parent interactions I have seen it described elsewhere as no auto hugging.
I still use the no hugging and nowelcome home and they both still seem to work, plus no stranger hugging occurs as well. I just went throught my mods last night after installing the patch and taking out what the patch was suppsoed to fix and leaving what I thought wouldnt interfer. So try that one, I cant tell you where phedge's no welcome home went...
Phedge! Where is it? Which way did it go? Am I blind? (I am old...)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #35 on:
2005 October 13, 21:44:12 »
I don't think 'nohugginghack' affects stranger hugs...looking inside the file, the only behavior function it changes is the one called "Parent Greet".
There was a 'nostrangerdance' hack - I remember that one, but I never did see a 'nostrangerhug' hack - if there was one, I wish I had downloaded it before it disappeared.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #36 on:
2005 October 14, 01:55:50 »
Thanks this is helpful!
I am still leary about not having some of the critical fixes in my game now..but we'll see what goes.
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #37 on:
2005 October 14, 02:37:04 »
I never knew there was a no hugging strangers hack! I will be checking this thread all the time to see if someone has found it. That drives me crazy!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #38 on:
2005 October 14, 06:26:29 »
Quote from: Trepie on 2005 October 13, 00:16:16
15. * Wants for specific electronic devices no longer roll in after a Sim owns that electronic device.
nogizmowants.package *if this even worked in the first place. It wasn't in Boris' list*
The nogizmowants.package basically curbs Sims enthusiasm for buying gizmos unless there was a kiosk around and prevented Sims who did not have a hand-held from rolling a play hand-held with another Sim want. My understanding of this fix done in the patch is that with Nightlife when something is placed in their inventory the Sim loses (or lost) any notification that they have that item. So when the Sims purchased a gizmo and it went into their inventory there was no marker/token/whatever to indicate that they already had that gizmo so the want would re-roll later because the game was not recognizing that the Sim already had that item. I had a popularity Sim who rolled a want to buy a mobile phone, he purchased one and received the 500 or so aspiration points for the purchase. The next morning he rolled the buy a mobile phone want even though he already had one. He then rolled this want every bleeding morning.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #39 on:
2005 October 14, 12:21:18 »
Quote from: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 02:37:04
I never knew there was a no hugging strangers hack! I will be checking this thread all the time to see if someone has found it. That drives me crazy!
LOL It could just be mass hysteria combined with wishful thinking between nectere and myself.
Hmm, maybe we should beg someone to make one now? Pescado? Inge? TwoJeffs?
Actually, I think Pescado likes seeing them get all sappy and trying to hug and then getting rejected so he can laugh at them.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #40 on:
2005 October 14, 12:56:07 »
Ugh, I'm constantly canceling out huggy interactions from some of my sims. If I don't get to it in time, I always cringe while watching-just waiting for the inevitable rejection and subsequent relationship score loss. Then I'm forced to bust a move to get those points back.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 210
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #41 on:
2005 October 14, 13:55:33 »
strange i don't recall having any kind of annoyance because of hugs. my sims almost never autonomously choose to hug someone. and if they do, its because is someone they already like
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Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #42 on:
2005 October 14, 15:42:02 »
Quote from: linolino on 2005 October 14, 13:55:33
strange i don't recall having any kind of annoyance because of hugs. my sims almost never autonomously choose to hug someone. and if they do, its because is someone they already like
I don't have that much trouble with nice sims hugging--I have a problem with a mean sim hugging which seems odd. He has a 1 in niceness and he goes around hugging people he doesn't know. But if I ask him to hug he has to give me the whine. My nice family sims are the ones in all the fights. They are usually trying to admire or play red hands to quickly. By the time I got to my mean Scorpio male, I was expecting to find some potential enemies but all I found was positive relationships. I had to send him downtown to look for a fight, with his hugging, it didn't take too long. I don't know how he avoided negative relationships so long when it only took him 1 sim hour to attact someone--I guess he wanted to impress me
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #43 on:
2005 October 15, 22:47:48 »
I've been having a terrible time with my mean sims since NL, well they always had a knack for antagonizing people but how it just seems that much worse.
Especially a mean/neat sim that I have, she's very neat so she gets furious anytime she mops up a mess somebody else made, and she's mean so she stays furious for a while and is extremely prone to poking, shoving and slapping the person she is furious with. And of course she's always trying to clean up automonously, I have to stop her from mopping up somebody else's mess so she won't end up furious with them.
I like the furious state but it's a bit over the top at times. Sims fly off the handle at the smallest things.
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: Hacks/Mods made redundant by the new patch. Preliminary List.
Reply #44 on:
2005 October 15, 23:09:10 »
I just moved some sims into a new house downtown, and they have a teenage son named Xander. One of the teens from the Tricou family tree (apparently adopted, since she has a different last name- Carly Todd, or something like that) came by and began arguing with Xander immediately. I made her selectable just to look at her character, and she and Xander have three bolts for each other! Yet every single autonomous action she did was "poke", "argue", "throw waterballoon", etc. Xander is furious with her, but still gets all swirly hearted about her, just the same.
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