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Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
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Topic: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition (Read 258646 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #225 on:
2008 May 18, 09:45:17 »
Quote from: Charamei on 2008 April 11, 21:08:13
Wolud it be possible to add in a check to prevent Marco Polo wants when there is no swimming pool on the lot and fishing wants when there's no pond? With FT and a bunch of Sims who are growing their own food, the fishing wants in particular are getting obnoxiously intrusive.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 April 12, 04:15:12
Answer: If it was, I'd have done it already. Alas, those wants are checktreeless, meaning they refuse to die.
Would it be possible to burninate the Marco Polo want out of existence? Although that might be out of scope for this hack, I am sick of it clogging all of my sims wants.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #226 on:
2008 May 18, 12:39:10 »
Possible? Yes. Feasible as a mod, no. Checktreelist wants respond only to core file tampering. And yes, Marco Polo pisses me the hell off. So I have, in fact, burninated in my game, because I am not afraid to resort to extreme measures. But it is unsuitable as a mod.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #227 on:
2008 May 18, 14:06:42 »
Hmm... This would involve burnination on a level only Marco Polo would instill in me. Could you give a hint on where to burninate it?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #228 on:
2008 May 18, 17:51:47 »
If you really want to do this, you have to edit %FT%/TSDATA/RES/WANTS/Wants.package.
Modify instance "0xB24D1061" to make Check Tree say "CT - Test - Go Swimming" instead of being blank. Then it will run the swimming check tree and disallow this action if the swim want is similarly disallowed by wfsanity.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
"I like this noob!" -Kazzandra
Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #229 on:
2008 May 18, 20:22:02 »
That's what backups are for.
Thanks, pes.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #230 on:
2008 May 18, 20:55:29 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 May 18, 17:51:47
If you really want to do this, you have to edit %FT%/TSDATA/RES/WANTS/Wants.package.
Could you not distribute this modified package, as test, or a special warning!-high-voltage-edition DC? What could be the consequences of this, and is it any worse than clean templates?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
"I like this noob!" -Kazzandra
Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #231 on:
2008 May 19, 04:39:05 »
The consequence is that you are modifying the base game files, rather than something in your My Documents folder. It could result in death, or whatever. Is it worse than modifying the neighborhoods? I think they're on par with each other. However, the change is easy to do in SimPE, since Pescado gave specifics on what to change.
I have learned much by looking at this file, and will explore the other files to see if I could possibly be cool enough to make my own mods. Likely not, since I am less awesome than most.
Heck, anything without a check tree test, I am considering burninating into having a test. 'Course, I will destroy my game, I am sure. Thus: Backups.
[adds burninate to browser dictionary]
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #232 on:
2008 May 19, 08:53:54 »
Quote from: seelindarun on 2008 May 18, 20:55:29
Could you not distribute this modified package, as test, or a special warning!-high-voltage-edition DC? What could be the consequences of this, and is it any worse than clean templates?
The file can't be distributed because it would be entangled with the modifications I've made for personal-use-only. Unlike regular hacks, want entries refuse to respond to any form of simple override and thus cannot be distributed as a standalone package that you can slide into a directory and forget about: You have to either take ALL of the modifications I've performed or none of them.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #233 on:
2008 November 08, 05:22:13 »
My Sims who miss college receive the 'Uneducated' memory, but they still roll up the fear of 'Being Uneducated", some of them every single day of their life.
Can this be stopped? You would think that having the memory would stop the fear from being rolled again.
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #234 on:
2009 February 16, 19:22:48 »
Yes, yes, Y-E-S!
Quote from: Emma on 2007 October 08, 11:39:51
Okay. So if I take out Jeff's hack, will the W&F's balance out? I mean
sim wants a pet. I don't think every aspiration type and personality should want one. I know I could just not let them get a pet, but I play my game solely based on the sims wants.
Ditto, I just removed No Pet Obsession and I just downloaded this, but I have the same concern.
Goopy Lover
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #235 on:
2009 February 16, 22:12:22 »
Hardly any of my sims want pets now, usually just kids and really nice sims.
Pescado, did you ever do that tuning on the Greek House want? I still have the same problem, no-one wants to join one!
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #236 on:
2009 February 16, 23:56:50 »
I've seen the want happen. It is not, however, a very common want. It has particularly esoteric trigger conditions that one does not normally encounter in "Advanced" playstyles.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #237 on:
2009 February 18, 05:46:54 »
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: CT - Test - Have Child
Group ID: 0x7F739728
Instance ID: 0x0000113A
Packages Containing This Procedure:
Conflict detected. The have child not adopt hack came from
. Did a search for "have child" and came up with no meaningful hits.
Goopy Lover
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #238 on:
2009 February 18, 08:06:40 »
Exiled, I use both those hacks with no problems.
Pescado, yeah-but without your hack in every YA and his mom wants to join a greek house.
Previous discussion and your answer.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #239 on:
2009 February 18, 11:28:02 »
I have looked, but don't see anything wrong. The check works as follows:
1. Sim must be in college (Standard)
2. Sim must not already be in a greek house. (Standard)
3. A Greek house must be present in the present Uni.
Everything appears to be in order and I have seen the want appear in my game, so I am not certain why it is not appearing for you. Death to EMMA!
Quote from: Exiled on 2009 February 18, 05:46:54
Conflict detected. The have child not adopt hack came from
. Did a search for "have child" and came up with no meaningful hits.
Harmless. The behavior you wish should occur just fine with the load order you choose, although you will override a minor component of wfsanity.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #240 on:
2009 February 18, 17:29:36 »
Hmm. Come to think of it, none of my Uni kids have been wanting to join Greek houses since I started this new neighborhood -- installed wants & fears sanity right before starting the neighborhood, and I've put something like 15 YAs through Uni so far. It hadn't dawned on me because I don't let my kids join Greek houses anyway. My popularity Sims, in particular, always wanted to join, but ... nope, not now.
ETA: It's La Fiesta Tech, which has two active Greek Houses.
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #241 on:
2009 February 18, 17:34:18 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 February 18, 11:28:02
I have looked, but don't see anything wrong. The check works as follows:
1. Sim must be in college (Standard)
2. Sim must not already be in a greek house. (Standard)
3. A Greek house must be present in the present Uni.
Everything appears to be in order and I have seen the want appear in my game, so I am not certain why it is not appearing for you. Death to EMMA!
Is this the same way that shift + clicking the newspaper was a fault of tight pants, not noagediscrimination? (even though a month later, it turned out to be some random noagediscrimination error caused by Stuff Packs?)
Last Edit: 2009 February 18, 22:14:58 by Jelenedra
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Goopy Lover
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #242 on:
2009 February 18, 17:59:53 »
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #243 on:
2009 February 19, 09:41:13 »
So I'm having a strange problem and error with a vampire sim of mine after she gets out of her coffin and her wants/fears re-roll. I get an error (attached) and whether I cancel, reset, or delete doesn't seem to make a difference. One of her fears is completely blank (nothing appears when I hover over it), one is a fear of being hit by hail, and the other is a fear of "sim is chased by Kelly". It seems to be a pet oriented fear but it sounds kinda strange to me, because Kelly is her WIFE. Not a pet. I tried all manner of rerolling and each time this same error would pop up.
So I tried fiddling with my hacks a bit. Took them all out and she rolled fears of her kids being turned into vampires and another one, and no errors. I then specifically tried taking out wfsanity; no error, no messed up fears. I took them all out except for wfsanity; error and blank fear is back!
Naturally I did a ton of searches on blank wants/fears, but most of the posts seemed to only be about blank wants. I haven't seen much on fears being blank.
I'm posting in this thread cuz it seems to be related to wfsanity possibly? Or it's just an underlying problem that wfsanity seems to be showing?
Possibly related info: The blank wants/fears searches made me start looking at dangling SWAFs and whatnot in SimPE. Ummm, my neighborhood seems to have 832 SDSCs, and
SWAFs. The neighborhood in question is Belladonna Cove and I'm not sure why that number seems to be so high O.o I haven't been playing it all that much and I'm 99% sure I haven't done anything dumb like anything involving an occupied lot/delete a sim in the sim bin/etc.
On the other hand, the sim throwing the error has had two kids, and neither of them seemed to be having any problems associated with inheriting dangling SWAFs. So I dunno how big of a deal that number of SWAFs is or not.
I have all EPs and no stuff packs except for whatever one comes in Sims 2 Double Deluxe.
Edit: It would REALLY help if I actually attached the friggin' log I mentioned earlier. Oops!
Last Edit: 2009 February 19, 12:18:28 by J. M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #244 on:
2009 February 19, 12:18:37 »
Should be fixed now.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #245 on:
2009 February 19, 18:32:05 »
Huzzah, it is indeed! She woke up just fine now with no errors.
Thank you!
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #246 on:
2009 May 09, 22:26:01 »
I have an adult sim who drank an entire bottle of elixer (and is thus an adult long past the time he should have aged to elder) who keeps rolling the want to retire. The option to retire is not, in fact, available. Could this be fixed?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Goopy Lover
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #247 on:
2009 May 10, 05:56:40 »
I've had that want when family sims, who are still adult, become grandparents.
Illusions of Grandeur
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #248 on:
2009 May 10, 06:35:01 »
Yes, he is a family sim and did just recently become a grandparent, so that's probably it. It's still annoying though, since he still has about half of his adulthood left to live thanks to elixer.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Wants & Fears Sanity "Death To All Nesses" Public Beta Edition
Reply #249 on:
2010 February 02, 17:29:05 »
Huh, it's a double-post.
I just wanted to ask here, since this mod is related - is it possible to prevent servos from wanting to sit in the hot tub? I looked, but there doesn't seem to be an appropriate CT - TEST BHAV, or at least not anywhere that I can find, and since you didn't fix it, it makes me think it doesn't exist. Is there a way to create one?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
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