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[Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
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Topic: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience (Read 342369 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #125 on:
2008 August 13, 10:36:04 »
I am having some of this errata as well..wondering if it conflicts with the normal marriage last name chooser thus causing some of the arch and too many sims on lot issue.
I will note that I married someone who I obviously should not have (vacation sim? I think..) and thou it said she moved into the house she did not. When returning to the house she was not there, and any attempts to find her proved futile. I shrugged and attempted a new marriage for that sim and that got me the too many sims on lot you must move someone out.
Could this be conflicting with lotfullofsims as well?
My tight pants threshold is to the point of squeezing my neck, I will look in and see if anyone else has these issues in a few days.
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Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #126 on:
2008 August 13, 11:36:04 »
I'll check that I haven't forgotten to change the group number of anything I have imported...
...nope. Nothing in this hack should be affecting any Maxis original actions when using a normal arch. But obviously I can't say whether it can have a problem with another hack, especially if that other hack calls the social object that goes with this arch. I mean whoever made the other lastname chooser could have decided to do that, but I have changed the social object since then so it may no longer be doing what the other hack requires.
As to the "lot already full" message, I have had that myself but I have not been able to trace where it comes from. Please ignore it if you can.
Last Edit: 2008 August 13, 11:41:47 by Inge
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #127 on:
2008 August 13, 19:36:27 »
Well, I do have the lastname chooser, so I guess that could be it. Next time I marry someone I'll have to experiment.
Can you do anything about the non-growing-up YAs?
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #128 on:
2008 August 13, 19:58:35 »
Quote from: rufio on 2008 August 13, 19:36:27
Can you do anything about the non-growing-up YAs?
I'm not sure I'd want to. If you want to marry a YA, you want to marry a YA not have them suddenly turn into an adult. If you want them adult, let them leave uni first. With this hack you can marry your YA and let them finish college even though they're married.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #129 on:
2008 August 13, 20:03:11 »
Does that actually work, though? Will they go the class and graduate and everything from the main hood? I'm not using the arch to marry people while they are in college, but after they graduate. In one case it was just a townie that happened to be a YA.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #130 on:
2008 August 13, 20:20:41 »
No they won't go to college from the main hood, you'd have to leave them living on campus. Your guy who is still a YA but living in the normal hood, why don't you move him into a dorm (actually a rented house will be easier probably) on campus using my teleporter or similar? Then make him drop out. That'll grown him up!
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #131 on:
2008 August 13, 22:15:40 »
Actually, what I did was turn agesimscheat on and then age him down to a teen and then back up to an adult, and then upgrade him with the lot debugger. But I can see why you wouldn't want to age them now - it didn't occur to me to marry them while they were still in Uni. In the future I'll just move them in before they get married so that they age then.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 118
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #132 on:
2008 August 16, 15:56:30 »
Here's a mildly scary thing that happened to me the other day, but I fixed it, so for posterity's sake, here we go:
Gilbert finally had it with his cult and moved back to his mom's, with the baby he conceived with cult leader Gary. Since he was married to Gary and his two wives (I got them married one by one with the arc) he decided break with all of them. The oversoul did him a favor by teleporting each sim one by one and breaking up individually. The dumped sim leaves the lot in tears, as in normal dumps. Save, exit.
Later, I go to SimPE to fix his last name and the names of a few others. His house is ok, but the cult's house is missing one sim, the last one that Gilbert dumped back at his mom's place. After checking in the game, I find that she's in the sim bin, but the house she's supposed to belong to still has her picture. Rather than tempt fate, I don't enter her lot, merely move her from the bin to her proper house, and THEN I enter the lot. I find that she's perfectly ok, still sleeping as I originally left her.
Everything's gravy, so far, just thought you should know. Let that be a lesson to future generations: Everything I did? Don't.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 224
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #133 on:
2008 September 12, 20:54:01 »
I know that Inge is busy updating over at Simlogical still (looking forward to your apartment controller!), but thought I'd at least bump this to see if it needs AL updating?
A mean person laughs with you because they don't really mean it. A really mean person just laughs at you.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #134 on:
2008 September 12, 21:45:36 »
I doubt if it does, as it hasn't needed it with any EP so far. I reckon someone would have moaned about it by now if it did.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #135 on:
2008 September 12, 23:15:00 »
This works with Apartment Life.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 208
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #136 on:
2008 September 28, 13:17:22 »
The only inclusion in AL is something to do with the names for some witches and it affects only marhis last name change mod. I tried to update for AL and got a jump and sims married, got all memories, but the sim didn't move in. And I was not using any arch but just marrying two sims directly. So, I think that the witch has to be forgotten unless you are a fan of Betwitched and really want to marry Samantha.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #137 on:
2008 September 28, 13:58:26 »
If they're married just move her in some other way. This arch doesn't move them in by default, anyway.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 208
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #138 on:
2008 October 02, 09:58:46 »
I was not using the Arch as I said. But it doesn't matter for me anyway. I married two Sims that were already burning for each other and I just invited the other sim in. It was not a witch.
I'm going to use the mod the way it is and if something happens I find another way around. I have also your new teleporter for appartments and it is working well for me. Even the game has a cheat to move Sims in, so there's no problem. Thanks.
Another problem is that I modified a previous teleporter so that I could adopt a Sim without moving it in, and as a result, when I moved Sims out the pets were not considered as move out able and were not included in the move out list. Initially I got upset, but then I saw another good possibility: I moved only the Sims out, moved them in another lot. Then I invited them to a visit and sold the pets to them. Better than ordered.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #139 on:
2008 October 02, 12:18:48 »
Quote from: edalbformat on 2008 October 02, 09:58:46
I was not using the Arch as I said.
Oh I see, I thought you were reporting a problem with it.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Terrible Twerp
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #140 on:
2008 November 01, 23:38:26 »
First, thank you again, Inge for your work: very much appreciated
Second, I've updated with a small fix: package addeeded to first post.
Third, that lich is REALLY scary
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
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Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #141 on:
2008 November 15, 23:23:52 »
I made two recolors of the Arch, both in darker wood, one plain and one with some carvings.
(32.23 KB - downloaded 1616 times.)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #142 on:
2008 November 19, 05:37:20 »
Thank you. Now my native and medieval sims can marry as I tell them! XD
Twilight Oracle
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #143 on:
2009 March 16, 19:18:10 »
This fucking sucks balls, dumbfuck.
I tried installing that hack, and the arch icon is showing up in my game, but for some reason I can't pull the object out to place it on the lot so the sims can actually use it. I tried re downloading it and everything, and I can't figure out what's wrong.
I have Uni and Nightlife.
Is a higher expansion needed that a certain person failed to mention?
Or some other shit wrong here.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #144 on:
2009 March 16, 19:30:41 »
Actually, I don't care a bit if in your game works or not.
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I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #145 on:
2009 March 16, 20:21:42 »
Marhis, I actually love and use this hack. Mostly for my ahem... incestuous family. LOL Works well. :3
oooh, recolors!
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 342
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #146 on:
2009 March 20, 00:54:56 »
I've been using it for quite some time and I love it. Works wonderfully for my "rustic" sorta-legacy, where I marry the kids off to whoever they bring home from school (of the opposite sex) first.
... or are we supposed to swear at you to make sure you know how appreciated it is? I can give that a try, too.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #147 on:
2009 July 08, 23:31:39 »
I downloaded this arch (I have Sims 2 and Sims 2 nightlife) so that I could have my Sims marry more than one person, but when I got them married, it took a long time to go through the animation, and then came up with this error:
Object Error
An error occurred in object "N003_User00263 - Kazuya" #266,
Error: Problem executing script: . Script definition not found! (:304:61)
The stack trace is saved in "C:/Documents and Settings(blahblahblah)/LogsObjectError_N003_t1323462.txt".
Did I do something wrong? Neither of these sims are currently married at the moment, though I'd like to have one of them married to a couple of other people. I didn't get them engaged to each other first, either, but I'll try that now and see if it works then.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #148 on:
2009 July 08, 23:53:40 »
Pixi, in order for anyone to be able to help you, you need to post the error log. The message you posted told you where the error log was. Find it. Attach it to your post. Maybe then someone will be able to help you.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 309
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #149 on:
2009 July 09, 13:38:36 »
Actually, I used this for the first time last night-you have to make the sims engaged to each other (through Insim if you have it) and then you can click on the arch by the sim to make it work. The same setup from the traditional marriage is really necessary because the sims will wait until the guests show up and sit down. So chairs, cake, and champagne are necessary for the whole thing to really work well.
The animation works, btw. A little slow, but it's there. I have Uni and NL.
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