Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2038
Playing again.
We have a bunch of tools that all do slightly different variations of the same thing. I like to use them in combination.
For example, Clean Installer can tell you what type of file something is. So, the first thing I do when I have a batch of unsorted stuff is run Clean Installer and separate everything according to type. Clothing, Mesh, Eyeliner, Hair, etc.
For clothing, I then run SimPE's Scan Folders, without thumbnail preview. This is very quick. Once the scan completes I sort the stuff by Age or by Catalog Category.
Here's how to move stuff around using SimPE's scan. You probably know that it won't let you move files while the scan is running. So, you select the files you want to move, then under Operations you disable the package. Now, without exiting SimPE, you can move the disabled files into a new folder. Later on you can simply enable them again.
So, after having finished with SimPE's scan, I usually end up with all clothing separated by age and/or catalog category. They are in sub-folders.
This makes it easy to sort things out in Bodyshop.
Or, if the problem is that clothing is in the wrong categories, I can sort by category in SimPE and change the categories. Turning on thumbnail preview is probably enough, although you may need to open the files. Some people don't know this, but you can open a file right from the Scan results and then return to the Scan results afterwards without losing your place or needing to run the Scan again.
In any case, the tools we currently hae can help get clothing organized before going into Bodyshop to do some final pruning. Trying to use only Bodyshop when you have hundreds of files is simply impossible. I usually run Bodyshop only with fewer than 50 files installed at a time.
I should mention that I quarantine all new downloads before I put them into my game. I do a lot of editing, like changing categories, etc. I've never found it difficult using the above methods. The same could be done if you've allowed your Downloads folder to get out of control.