This forum will contain all hacks, old, new, experimental, and deprecated. When possible, I will make a note of it in the title or first post, regarding the status. Compatibility is covered in the individual README files that I have included in each .zip archive. I will also try to make hacks backwards compatible with older EPs when possible. Older hacks will probably have separate versions for each EP, so make sure you use the appropriate hack for your set up. Please try to keep your replies on topic. I reserve the right to split off or modify your posts in such away that amuses me, and thereafter proceed to poke you with sticks, point and laugh.
REMINDER and fine print (to cover my ass ) :Remember to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE INSTALLING NEW HACKS. By using this hack, you agree to absolve me of any responsibility or liability for any potential loss of or damage to your data. You have been warned.
HOW TO REPORT: Conflicts, problems, or errorsI would appreciate any constructive criticism and feedback that is actually helpful. With that in mind, it would be helpful, when reporting any conflicts or issues, that you include the following:
1) thorough but reasonably brief description of what you were doing
2) clear, comprehendible explanation of your problem
3) list of hacks that may be related aging, moving in sims, or inheritance
4) archived (.rar or .zip) of log produced by error
HOW TO PRODUCE AN ERROR LOG:1) Open the cheat menu - Ctrl + Shift + C
2) Enable the debug mode - Type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
3) Hit Enter

4) Play as normal until an error occurs. If an error dialog box pops up, note the location of the error log and choose Reset. If the error pops up repeatedly, choose Delete and exit WITHOUT SAVING!
5) Post your error log here, preferably as a .zip or .rar archive.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HACKS: (narfed from twojeffs' RTFM and slightly modified)
1) Click the link in the first post to download the file. Save it somewhere on your computer like your desktop or some folder.
2) Once the file's downloaded, you have to unzip it. Unless you have Windows XP, you'll need a separate program to do this. Winzip and Winrar are good (and free). For XP, right click on the zipped file and select Extract All, then hit Next and Finish. A new window will open with the files.
3) Read the README-<hack>.txt file if you want, then right click on the .package file (this is the hack file) and select Copy.
4) Now go to your My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads folder, right click on any open space and select Paste.
5) Once you fire up the game, if the hack does not appear to work at all, try downloading it again and go back to step one. It is not uncommon for the hack files to become corrupted for some reason when downloaded. If it still won't work, then post a report of the problem in the appropriate thread. If possible, include an error log.
NOTE: You must completely quit the game, then restart it after installing a new hack (or any new content) for it to appear in the game.