Thanks for the error log Jordi. Right now, I am uncertain what the problem is... I looked at the code, and the node that it is supposedly throwing up on doesn't quite make sense. So, I sorted the lines in the BHAV. Next time you get an error, please post a new log. I'm hoping that, with the sorted order, I can get a better idea of whether it is actually choking on a line that I modded, if it is a call to another BHAV, or perhaps some undeclared variable that I just can't seem to find in the original spaghetti mess.

Anyhew, y'all get 3 updates for the price of one.

For the zhottubhack, I tweaked the code slightly, and added some randomness, which would hopefully let sims stay in the hot tub a little bit longer. Originally, sims were exiting either as soon as their comfort and social were very high, or if their energy, bladder, or hunger were very low (- 60-80 range). I added a check to see if Fun is maxed out. If it is, then sims will have a random chance of staying in the hot tub (Pleasure 50%, Romance 40%, Popularity 30%, and Wealth 20%, all others will still get out). If fun is
not maxed out,
then the social gets checked. If it is above 90, then the same randomness occurs based on Aspiration. If it is below 90, then the game will check if there is more than one sim (other than the sim itself duh

) and they will stay in. If there are no other sims, then the same randomness as before (since theoretically, other sims could join them).
For the gardenfitnessbodyandfunforsome hack, I found the orchard tree globals, so I added Tend, Harvest, and Spray. Theoretically it should work, but so far remains untested in my game, as of yet (I don't have any gardens, plots, or orchards). Two known issues:
1) the reported bug conflict causing jump bugs, as I mentioned above. I still need to track it down. Please try the new version and post any error logs you might get.
2) the other reported bug, where using <Interaction> Many (i.e. Spray Many..., Harvest Many..., etc.) doesn't work properly. I am not quite sure why this happens. Theoretically, the skill bar should start and stop after completing the singular interaction on one object, and when the next interaction on another object starts, the skill bar should be started again.

I will have to look further into this... but, if it isn't necessarily breaking anything (meaning, your sims don't have problems skilling on other objects later on), it will remain a low priority for me.
Finally, for the nopartyresearch hack, I found two more BHAVs that are on the bookcaseglobals themselves. So, I've added the changes to those. Hopefully this should reduce the party research by visitors. As always, feedback is welcome.
