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JobData - school - public error
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Topic: JobData - school - public error (Read 5753 times)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
JobData - school - public error
2007 March 26, 02:30:02 »
What could be causing this error? I have no idea what object might be iinvolved with JobData - school - public.
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Last Edit: 2007 March 26, 16:02:06 by J. M. Pescado
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #1 on:
2007 March 26, 13:49:35 »
Well... do you have any hacks that affect school related stuff? Such as any homework, private school, or night school hacks?
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #2 on:
2007 March 26, 16:02:25 »
Is it a recurring error, or a problem that only occurred once? Clearly it is the work of the Non-Awesome.
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #3 on:
2007 March 26, 17:44:20 »
It is recurring. Many lots, with or without children. It doesn't seem to be tied to any one circumstance, sometimes happening shortly after the lot is opened, and sometimes a little later. It goes away with a reset, and doesn't come back until a restart of the game.
I don't have any hack conflicts. And all my mods are approved for Seasons, mostly awesome mods with just a few other non-conflicting mods. It is the same brew of mods I have run since OFB, and through Pets, though always updated. That's why this is confusing to me, because I have constantly updated, but not added new mods, other than those specifically related to Seasons (and nothing about schools).
It was happening way before the Insim, which I just added yesterday. Actually, this has happened ever since I installed Seasons ....
If it isn't something that stands out, and is easily pinpointed, then I suppose I am in for a long and arduous search for the culprit. Sigh. Just thought I'd ask, first, in case you could say, "It's the such and such," and save me the trouble.
Last Edit: 2007 March 26, 17:52:22 by amjoie
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Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #4 on:
2007 March 26, 21:02:22 »
Well... the
answer is to look for any hacks related to school type things. Remove those first.
If the problem persists, remove your Downloads completely to even see if it is hack related. If there is no problem without hacks, then it
hack related. You can probably limit yourself to any type of global hacks. All other types of custom content (genetics, clothing, furniture, self-contained objects) are mostly safe.
Then just use binary search.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #5 on:
2007 March 27, 01:40:29 »
I think I only have one non-awesome mod that relates to school, Carrigon's no school mod. But I had nothing of hers in my game for a while, until she updated. The problem was happening even before, so it isn't that mod. I suppose some mods may affect school in a non-obvious way, so they don't stand out. Sigh.
This time, I had hoped to avoid the customary "divide in half, and then in half, and then in half" until the stinker is found, that usually accompanies a new expansion. I suppose its my fault. I love to mod and remod the game until it plays exactly the way I want.
Oh well, this only happens about once every six months .... LOL
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Great White Whale
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Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #6 on:
2007 March 29, 20:00:47 »
Are your awesome hacks UPdated?
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 128
Re: JobData - school - public error
Reply #7 on:
2007 March 31, 05:05:16 »
Quote from: kewian on 2007 March 29, 20:00:47
Are your awesome hacks UPdated?
Yup. Every expansion, I fresh install the whole game in order, installing patches along the way. I add the latest greatest and test it to bits, to find out what is under the hood. Then I ditch the test hood and add Pescado's updated mods, and other Awesome mods. After that I start searching the web for everyone else's updated mods. No mod goes into the downloads folder that isn't either updated or I hear from the creator that it is safe to use in the new expansion because no update is needed. After I get the mods in, I make a new test hood and use that until I feel it is safe to movan established hood into the game. [But with Seasons, I'm going to start all over, because everything needs to be built differently, to accommodate the Seasons features. So it's a great time to start fresh.]
As the days go by, whenever I add updated mods, I check with the hack scanner to catch conflicts.
But, invariably, I still find something or other that needs to be taken out of the downloads folder, and it isn't always a mod. So it seems like I'm always doing the half, and then half, and then half thing each new expansion. But it is a lot easier now than it used to be, because everything is organized.
I'll eventually find the culprit, when I have time to do the search. Right now, though, I'm installing programs and moving files from my old computer to my new Dell XPS 710 H2C, so everything is taking a back seat to getting the new PC up and running. That's why it took so long for me to realize you had asked a question.
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