According to the main site, the new pets patch has some more fixes. So I decided to take one for the team

patch and run the hackdiff. Here's the updated list from the main site (new changes in
Complete list of changes:
o Custom objects will now be preserved when uploading Lots to the Exchange.
o Sim children will again show their genetically correct hair color.
o Thumbnails of uniformed NPC's will now show their current hair color.
o The Pet Adoption pool will now replenish correctly.
o Service NPC's that have died will now be replaced correctly.
o While on an outing, a waiter will now properly place food on the table after it is ordered.
o NPC thumbnails showing the "dyed" color of their hair. Th The NPC Maid will not longer get stuck cleaning a fish tank.
o Teens option to "Go Out" now functioning correctly.
o Birds and Womrats now require less feeding to survive. Pets now receive their pension upon retirement.
o "Dance Together" between all available age groups now working correctly.
o Children no longer levitate off ground during some interactions.
o Marry Mr. Big or the Diva will now satisfy the want to "marry a rich sim".
o The Sledgehammer tool will no longer leave deck parts when deleting decks.
o Remote businesses are now working properly. Custom objects will now be preserved when uploading Lots to the Exchange.
o Fixed an issue where pointed-ear dogs would become corrupt when moved into a lot.
o "Get a puppy" want is now satisfied when buying a puppy from a neighbor.
o Custom college lots will no longer be deleted if no Sims are living on it.
o Sims will no longer have Grand Vampire's hairstyle after being bitten by the Grand Vampire.
o Nightlife Game Tips are now correctly located in the Game Tips section.
o Influencing Sims to fight another Sim will no longer cause non-werewolf Sims to turn into a werewolf.
o Ground covers from lots can now be seen from Neighborhood view.
o "Barstool by Simulated Comfort" can now be used when 3 barstools are placed side-by-side.
o Werewolf, Vampire, and normal Sim skin types are now updating correctly at proper times.
o Graves moved to a community lot are now movable in Buy\Build Mode.
o Last member of a household can now be moved in when invited.
o Selling pets to other playable Sims now cause an exchange of Simoleans.
o "Rub Belly" want no longer appears for cats.
o Sims can now return home after visiting the Secret Society lot.
o Saved Headmaster scenario will now function correctly when Pets is installed.
o Pet houses no longer move off tile after a Pet Wohoo.
o Infants and Toddlers no longer appear in the "Invite Household" dialogue.
o Pet born of archetype breeds will no longer lose archetype attributes.
o Sims can now correctly try for baby under the maximum Sim limit.
o Cats no longer can become stuck in the litter box.
o "roofslopeangle" cheat will now function correctly.
o Custom Sims' face will no longer revert to a default face when moving them into a lot with pets.
o Turned on "HydroBot" and "SentryBot" are no longer deleted after installing The Sims 2 Pets.
o Two or more teens will no longer refuse to go to school if there is no nanny or adult on the lot.
o Hair no longer separates from Sims' head when werewolf teens turn into adults.
o Pets will no longer visit Downtown alone.
o Floor textures on stages no longer appear corrupt using the Eyedropper tool.
o "Tropico Avian Sanctuary" and "FMCU 3000" objects can now be deleted if the last Sim dies on the lot.
o Pets can now properly use helicopters to go to work with other Sims.
o Fixed a Chance card issue where Pets were fired instead of being fined.
o Sims are now able to call the fire department on an owned community lot.
o Awning can now be deleted from a saved lot.
o Sims will no longer lose career rank when pets retire.
o Puppies and Kittens can no longer be taken to work.
o Teens and Elders will no longer be promoted without meeting necessary requirements.
o Customer NPCs now change into new outfits that they have purchased.
o Bred puppies now show family tree link to their father.
o Pets Bodyshop is now compatible with older expansion packs.
o Extra erroneous panes in the "Glasses" category have been removed.
I found the following hacks are affected:
B ! 0x7F3F8A25 0x1020 Memory - Is Other Sim Rich?
B ! 0x7FC1C97C 0x101A Service - Gardener
B ! 0x7F4DE67B 0x1007 Sub - Validate Adoption Pool
C ! 0x7F4DE67B 0x1001 Adoption Pool Tuning
B ! 0x7FE2205A 0x1010 Phone - Sneak Out - TEST
I dunno if these problems were already fixed in the hacks anyway, but I thought I'd mention them just in case.
