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SS Hack Seasons Repost
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Topic: SS Hack Seasons Repost (Read 93523 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
SS Hack Seasons Repost
2007 March 14, 06:15:19 »
So here it is as a Seasons repost (although it's supposed to be compatible with versions down to NL), including a patch for the completely useless SS heat/cold warning and sudden-death abduction. By default, you get a warning once every 5 hours if a kid exceeds 50 heat or cold. However, this is useless, since the warning itself does nothing, and the SS shows up instantly when you pass -95, which can essentially happen as "sudden death". Imagine a sport where you're told the game will last 2 hours, only at some random point halfway through the match, the referees put the game into sudden death mode and the next person to score is automatically declared the winner. Only nobody is notified of this until it is triggered. That's how it works now. Naturally, this is not awesome. So here it is, working awesomely.
Realistic Social Worker Hack (v1b) for TS2NL v1.0p1 - TS2Seasons
Made by: Flying Fish Systems (J. M. Pescado & Doctor Boris)
Congratulations to: Draklixa!
Place in your MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\DOWNLO~1 directory.
This hack makes the Social Worker behave more reasonably. The Social Worker
will only be summoned for child abandonment if a child-aged sim is left
unattended for extended period of time, such as if all adults are very dead,
or if the unattended sim is a toddler and therefore should not realistically
be left home alone at all. The bizarre metric of "child-hours" has been
The social worker will not be summoned for a child receiving bad grades unless
the number of bad children outnumbers the number of passing children: No more
adopted bad child causing all your good children to be taken away because he
came with a failing grade from when he was taken away before.
The Social Worker will continue to be summoned if you intentionally abuse your
children by starving or neglecting them, so you can still get kids taken away
to fill the adoption pool if you want.
Parents will also no longer be physically prevented from going to work if
children are present on the lot. No more having to miss work because the stupid
nanny refused to show up until 15 minutes afterwards.
Heat/Cold failure and warnings no longer random and useless.
This hack is compatible with all FFS hacks. Tested for TS2PETsp0.
Not compatible with other social worker modifications.
Not for use with the original game.
May cause computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death,
and/or halitosis.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 228
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #1 on:
2007 March 14, 16:21:22 »
I always hated how the social workers works. I remember being left alone at home for sometimes up to three hours when I was nine, and I was a very stupid child. I managed not to catch myself on fire.
Do us a favor? DIE, GO TO HEAVEN, STFU!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #2 on:
2007 March 14, 17:21:54 »
Bye-bye paladin's "fix".
Hello Pescado's fix.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 414
I don't speak Awesome.
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #3 on:
2007 March 14, 17:44:50 »
If I have a child with a 'D' but the others has A's and C's, then the social worker shouldn't come right?
I'm getting pop ups saying the child isn't doing well in school and could be taken away. So are these just
mere threats?
(this is with the old ss hack, haven't tried this shiny yet)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #4 on:
2007 March 14, 21:51:17 »
Quote from: PlayLives on 2007 March 14, 17:44:50
If I have a child with a 'D' but the others has A's and C's, then the social worker shouldn't come right?
I'm getting pop ups saying the child isn't doing well in school and could be taken away. So are these just
mere threats?
(this is with the old ss hack, haven't tried this shiny yet)
Yep - the message is an empty threat. .
I've played with the old version since it first came out and even if it gives you the warning, as long as the number of passing children outnumber the failing children, she will not come.
It's nice to see the sshack with its own thread.
The original Social Worker code was so silly - the fact that she comes and takes all the kids when only one was failing was incredibly frustrating.
And, I'm happy that I don't have to worry about whether I need to choose Paladin's hack or Pescado's anymore in regards to the freezing/overheating problem.
I like to keep the the number of "awesome mods" higher than the number of "non-awesome mods" in my downloads folder.
"That probably would have sounded more commanding if I wasn't wearing my yummy sushi pajamas."
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #5 on:
2007 March 14, 23:34:24 »
Quote from: jenflower on 2007 March 14, 21:51:17
Yep - the message is an empty threat.
All the messages are really empty threats. The SS trigger is really "sudden death". You can leave hunger in the "warn" range forever, nothing will ever happen except another warning in 5 hours or so, but if you drag to -100, the SS will appear at the same cycle as the warning. In practice, this is not noticeable in the case of motives and grades, which normally decay gradually, first dropping into the warning range before failing out entirely, but this is not so with temperature, which can instantly fail from a previously acceptable state in less than one cycle's time.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 60
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #6 on:
2007 March 15, 17:23:14 »
Oh thank you so much, especially for this:
Parents will also no longer be physically prevented from going to work if
children are present on the lot. No more having to miss work because the stupid
nanny refused to show up until 15 minutes afterwards.
That has always got on my nerves ¬_¬ Also, I don't understand why a child should be taken away just for failing grades at school - does that happen in the States? Cause it sure as hell doesn't happen in Britain; if a kid's doing badly they get extra help in the form of teaching assistants, for instance
I'm glad the temperature thing's fixed too - not the parent's fault if they want to build a snowman!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #7 on:
2007 March 15, 18:00:27 »
Quote from: Sadie on 2007 March 15, 17:23:14
That has always got on my nerves ¬_¬ Also, I don't understand why a child should be taken away just for failing grades at school - does that happen in the States? Cause it sure as hell doesn't happen in Britain; if a kid's doing badly they get extra help in the form of teaching assistants, for instance
No. It's a purely Maxian game mechanic to force players to actually send their kids to school. Otherwise there wouldn't be any incentive to do it at all, because sim-school, much like real-school, is worthless! You'd think the private schools in Simland would be better, but they're only a marginal improvement on public school. Everyone knows the Pescado Military Homeschooling Program is More Awesome Than You. TEN-HUT!
Quote from: Sadie on 2007 March 15, 17:23:14
I'm glad the temperature thing's fixed too - not the parent's fault if they want to build a snowman!
Or even it is, even in our present fascist police state, nobody loses their kids for letting them build a snowman. Yet. I'm sure they'll make it illegal eventually when "terrorists" find a way to use snowmen in their plots.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 414
I don't speak Awesome.
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #8 on:
2007 March 15, 20:37:37 »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #9 on:
2007 March 17, 10:20:10 »
Thanks, i let one of my sim kids make a snowman and the next i know it shes taken away. I went out of the lot and i didn't save. Now i am extremly carefull.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 762
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #10 on:
2007 March 17, 11:32:18 »
I just had the "kid is getting too hot" message pop up on one of my lots. It was summer, but late evening. The kid in question was in bed, sound asleep, but his temperature gauge was all the way in the red. So I had him get up and take a shower. It did cool him off, but I'm glad I had this hack so there was no danger of the SS taking him away. (This feature of the sshack is what *finally* convinced me to install it. I've known about this hack for a long time but never had any desire to use it until Seasons came out.)
I have no idea what the kid was doing before he went to bed (I'd just come onto the lot and frankly didn't pay attention to him until the warning popped up) but I think it's awfully strange that Sims can overheat while lying in bed asleep. For what it's worth, I do have the warmthfix installed.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #11 on:
2007 March 22, 07:14:03 »
I have heard that if the bedroom is in an attic and it's summer that sims can overheat just from sleeping. Another dumb maxis mistake. Apparently there's a pretty big problem with attic rooms now. Too hot in summer, too cold in winter. If roofs aren't put on just so, then it can rain and snow inside. They really need to fix the build problems when they have a patch.
On another note, thank you so much for making this, JM. I literally quit playing after threats from the ss for my kids building a snowman and came here to request you make a hack to fix it. To my delight, you already had! I guess I can understand your site title!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #12 on:
2007 March 22, 10:22:46 »
Quote from: Simsane on 2007 March 22, 07:14:03
Apparently there's a pretty big problem with attic rooms now. Too hot in summer, too cold in winter.
That sounds a lot like real attics, yes. Are you sure Maxis did it WRONG?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #13 on:
2007 March 22, 16:00:13 »
LOL! You're probably right, J.M. and Maxis was just trying to make them more realistic like the crying babies.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #14 on:
2007 March 22, 18:16:38 »
Quote from: Simsane on 2007 March 22, 16:00:13
LOL! You're probably right, J.M. and Maxis was just trying to make them more realistic like the crying babies.
I honestly can't say I've noticed babies wailing any more than they usually do.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #15 on:
2007 March 22, 22:12:35 »
I agree with J.M. I keep reading posts saying that babies and toddlers are crying all of the time, but in my game they are no different than they were pre-Seasons.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #16 on:
2007 March 22, 23:51:49 »
Well, I have had 5 babies born in my game so far (not all to the same household) and only the first baby cried all the time. I would have them play, cuddle, cuddle, play, feed, cuddle,cuddle then put in crib. The first time the babies diaper needed changing, I had the adult change it then put the baby back into the crib as the baby had just been put into the crib maybe 15 sim minutes before (just long enough for the parent to walk out of the room and down the stairs which were a few steps from the door). Before the parent could even exit the room, the baby started crying again and it showed he needed his diaper changed again. I thought, what? So I had the parent change the baby (on a changing table both times) and put the baby back into the crib. Just as the parent was straightening back up and before she had even stepped away from the crib, the baby started crying again and again, it showed that the baby needed changing.
I decided to age him to a toddler using testing cheats. He was fine from that point on.
That is the only one out of five that I have had a problem with. And no, I didn't have any hacks in my game which could have caused it as at that time, I only had your nowhatsthis (that drives me nuts!) in my downloads folder since it was a brand new game and I wanted to play it vanilla for a while to see how things went.
I'm not sure that all the other people who have posted about crying babies had the same situation happen, but that's what happened in my game. Could have just been one of those random glitches that everyone gets now and then and not at all what everyone else means. Don't know.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 762
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #17 on:
2007 March 23, 00:02:00 »
I had a warning about a baby with low social ("Children need social interaction..." etc) in one of my houses today. I have raised hundreds of Sim-babies and never seen this before. Kids and toddlers, sure. Babies, never, until Seasons came out. I think they changed something. Maybe it's personality-based, so that more outgoing babies need to be cuddled and played with a lot, or something like that? Just a guess, but it might explain why some people are seeing this and others are not.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406
An ass with great insight
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #18 on:
2007 March 23, 01:10:53 »
I've been selecting babies in debug mode, and discovering that their comfort can also sometimes be low (as well as fun and social). Which is weird, toddlers aren't affected by comfort at all, so why should babies be? As far as I know, there is no way to raise a baby's comfort.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #19 on:
2007 March 23, 03:11:24 »
Karen and Kyna, I think the baby I had was actually just a random glitch, but I have read other posts on other sites that have said the same thing you two said. I went to's bbs and on it all Maxis says is that they will fix it in the patch. Now though, many of the posters are saying that they would rather Maxis didn't fix it as crying babies that need play and socializing is so much more realistic. I agree that it is more realistic, but personally, I would rather the babies behaved like they always did in previous games. They are only babies for such a short time in the game and once they are toddlers, they are much more demanding. I would rather my adult sims were able to spend those couple of days before toddlerhood doing more important things than playing and socializing with the baby. But that's just me, I have three kids of my own and the older they got, the better I liked them. So I'm not a baby person.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #20 on:
2007 March 23, 04:26:30 »
My sims spend the same amount of time with their babies now as they did before Seasons, cuddle/cuddle/play/feed/bathe/cot (crib) rinse and repeat when baby next wakes up, adjust slightly for nappy change and baby should be A-Okay.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 455
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #21 on:
2007 March 23, 23:13:40 »
Since I heard the crying baby thing was a social thing, I get them up, play, feed, cuddle, then back to bed until next bottle or diaper change. And I have had no screaming babies.
Gethane Sims
Maxis only lots, neighborhood terrains, and more!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #22 on:
2007 March 24, 03:49:45 »
Quote from: gethane on 2007 March 23, 23:13:40
Since I heard the crying baby thing was a social thing, I get them up, play, feed, cuddle, then back to bed until next bottle or diaper change. And I have had no screaming babies.
The effect is largely imperceptible in the present version of the Baby Controller, which kinda handles this automatically anyway.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #23 on:
2007 March 24, 21:53:42 »
Quote from: Kyna on 2007 March 23, 01:10:53
I've been selecting babies in debug mode, and discovering that their comfort can also sometimes be low (as well as fun and social). Which is weird, toddlers aren't affected by comfort at all, so why should babies be? As far as I know, there is no way to raise a baby's comfort.
I once tried raising a child without buying a crib. The baby did ok, but that was the fussiest toddler I'd ever seen. At the time I suspected that toddlers DO have a comfort score, but it's not shown.
If these kids have a comfort score, shown or not, then being in a crib should raise it.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 907
Re: SS Hack Seasons Repost
Reply #24 on:
2007 April 14, 17:48:18 »
I noticed this incessant crying as well. I found that in Seasons babies simply do not like being left in their cribs. So now I simply leave them out of their crib, if they are not sleeping. That has solved the problem, although it's more annoying. Previous to Seasons, I'd leave the baby in the crib except for a feed, change, cuddle, play session. Which in real life would be perilously close to child neglect. I wish they would just come up with a baby chair, or some other means to simply "park" your kid when he isn't sleeping. Leaving it on the floor seems, kinda cold.
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