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Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
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Topic: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs! (Read 74353 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #50 on:
2007 July 18, 07:06:52 »
That sounds like a less-Awesome version of the Fruitbowl of Awesomeness, which you should be using instead, as it correctly remembers fruit quality.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #51 on:
2007 July 18, 08:51:44 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 18, 07:06:52
That sounds like a less-Awesome version of the Fruitbowl of Awesomeness, which you should be using instead, as it correctly remembers fruit quality.
Not quiet - the bench allows you to pack produce in crates and sell them in bulks of 12, but it offers no storing facility. I use both, the produce packing bench and the Fruitbowl of Awesomeness. I have to add, though, that I never harvest anything below mouthwatering quality (crap is being sold right away), so I've never experienced any problems.
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #52 on:
2007 July 20, 03:14:27 »
I found a Sim who had just graduated from Uni, no gardening badges, with some fruit in his inventory (from his dorm). Twelve tasty lemons, nine tasty oranges, and six tasty apples.
I had him crate the lemons, since you have to have at least a dozen to make up one crate. They turned into mouthwatering lemons after crating.
Uncrated the lemons back into his inventory. There was no indication as to quality.
Then I moved the lemons to the Fruitbowl of Awesomeness. Like the juicer, when the stock is checked it just says there were twelve lemons in that bowl.
But when the lemons were removed from the Fruitbowl and placed back into his inventory, they were labeled as mouthwatering lemons. Backwards compatibility?
So apparently the rise in quality from tasty to mouthwatering, when initially crated, does stick.
I guess that will let me increase the price when they get to market. Premium fruit calls for premium prices!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #53 on:
2007 July 20, 05:23:18 »
If you crate bad fruit, they will magically become good fruit when removed, because the Simswardrobe implementation of fruitstorage is of poor quality. They are non-AWesome. Once cheated up, they are indistinguishable from otherwise legitimate L3 fruit.
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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #54 on:
2007 July 22, 18:01:23 »
The only way to have a decent garden without hitting maxmotives about once every five game seconds is to have no more than two of each tree and two plots for every item your gardening Sim can plant. And compost anything and everything that can't get up and walk away under its own steam. Trust me on this one - I've been playing the game for about a month now with all the EP's, and I played TS2 when it and Uni were out for over a year. (I love my new computer!)
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #55 on:
2007 July 22, 18:08:56 »
Quote from: LadyArgonna on 2007 July 22, 18:01:23
The only way to have a decent garden without hitting maxmotives about once every five game seconds is to have no more than two of each tree and two plots for every item your gardening Sim can plant. And compost anything and everything that can't get up and walk away under its own steam. Trust me on this one - I've been playing the game for about a month now with all the EP's, and I played TS2 when it and Uni were out for over a year. (I love my new computer!)
In this period of time, you haven't tried
, have you?
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #56 on:
2007 July 22, 19:19:49 »
Quote from: LadyArgonna on 2007 July 22, 18:01:23
The only way to have a decent garden without hitting maxmotives about once every five game seconds is to have no more than two of each tree and two plots for every item your gardening Sim can plant. And compost anything and everything that can't get up and walk away under its own steam. Trust me on this one - I've been playing the game for about a month now with all the EP's, and I played TS2 when it and Uni were out for over a year. (I love my new computer!)
You must not be very good at this, because even without getting to the point of intense micromanagement that is best handed off to a macro, it is not that difficult given the _______Many commands that are already built in.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #57 on:
2007 July 22, 19:23:47 »
I expect they're from s2c- the laity there seem to either play with motivedecay off and aging off, or hit maxmotives every few game hours because they forgot to feed their sims or their sims wet themselves.
INFP or something
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #58 on:
2007 July 23, 19:25:17 »
Quote from: LadyArgonna on 2007 July 22, 18:01:23
The only way to have a decent garden without hitting maxmotives about once every five game seconds is to have no more than two of each tree and two plots for every item your gardening Sim can plant.
I have a sim with 24 plots plus several trees, and she is perfectly able to cope with it all by herself without hitting maxmotives *ever*, all the plants "thrieving" without a greenhouse. Sure, it's a fulltime job, but that's what I expect when I play a farmer. But she even finds time now and then to "entertain" friends (booty call) or to go fishing. No big deal, really. And what else'd I do with a permaplat sim that has maxed out all skills?
Imho, this gardening stuff is so much fun (the only reason why I bought Seasons) that I don't even use macrotastics to garden
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
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