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Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
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Topic: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs! (Read 74355 times)
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 429
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #25 on:
2007 March 09, 20:27:47 »
Maxoid Sam put the "correct recipes" in his stickied note in the seasons forum at the BBS. He states the prima guide IS wrong, the recipes were changed since the time of its writing. Most of the recipes he confirms are the same as mine, but they might be identical to the ones reported above. However he doesn't confirm the serve recipes so I'm going to assume they really are x6 since x4 sure as heck doesn't work for me.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #26 on:
2007 March 10, 05:30:07 »
Quote from: kutto on 2007 March 09, 19:50:52
Most of the meat dishes in the game are served with vegetable sides. I would imagine that is the cause of the sparklies.
I told you I didn't want to know, lest I become physically ill. Because that's revolting.
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #27 on:
2007 March 10, 20:55:59 »
When you check the contents of the fridge, it now gives you two statistics: one for fresh food, and one for normal food. You can stock the fridge with the plants you harvest if you want, to increase the fresh food statistic. So perhaps when the food is sparkly (and it isn't the fish), that means it was made from fresh food instead of normal, bought food.
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Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 346
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #28 on:
2007 March 11, 02:09:48 »
Quote from: straycat on 2007 March 09, 03:45:23
Someone on S2C posted this from the Prima Guide. =)
Quote from: cabelle on 2007 March 09, 04:21:49
Some of the recipes in the Prima guide appear to be incorrect.
Quote from: katatonic on 2007 March 09, 04:49:12
The actual recipes are:
Quote from: Persephone on 2007 March 09, 04:51:51
Those recipes are not right either...
Quote from: pioupiou on 2007 March 09, 10:34:10
I disagree with the recipe posted by persephone
Quote from: Persephone on 2007 March 09, 11:17:22
Other people disagree too
I just decided to disagree on principle.
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Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #29 on:
2007 March 11, 21:34:42 »
Quote from: pioupiou on 2007 March 09, 10:34:10
I disagree with the recipe posted by persephone (see the bold text)
From my testings in game :
Apple Juice- 3 apples / 18 apples
Beauty Cocktail- 2 oranges, 2 cucumbers / 12 oranges, 12 cucumbers
Eggplant- 2 Eggplant / 12 Eggplants
Lemonade- 6 Lemons / 36 Lemons
Orange Juice- 6 Oranges /
36 oranges
Orangeade- 4 Oranges, 2 Lemons /
24 Oranges, 12 Lemons
Pepper Punch- 2 Peppers, 1 bean, 1 apple / 12 peppers, 6 beans, 6 apples
Strawberry Juice-
3 Strawberries
/ 18 Strawberries
Strawberry Lemonade- 2 Lemons, 2 strawberries / 12 Lemons, 12 Strawberries
Tomato Juice- 6 tomatoes / 36 tomatoes
Vegatable Cocktail- 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 Pepper, 1 Bean / 6 tomatoes, 6 cucumbers, 6 peppers, 6 beans
Seems like the serving is always 6 times the single juice.
I don't know if the quality of the vegetables and fruits plays a role. The testing was done with the best qualities (mouthwatering ?? I'm playing the game in french)
The Six times theory works for my game, I'm wondering if it's because both Pioupiou and I are playing European versions of the game? We've had odd things happen with the localisations before, remember the Karaoke problem?
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #30 on:
2007 March 13, 02:56:40 »
From the code for the game
I've been able to confirm the 6 times thing, as well as all the recipes posted by Pioupiou
are correct.
EDIT: And now you can find all the recipes easily in game with
this new hack
from Peasantry.
Last Edit: 2007 March 13, 03:10:28 by jfade
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #31 on:
2007 March 13, 11:13:27 »
Quote from: Ellatrue on 2007 March 10, 20:55:59
When you check the contents of the fridge, it now gives you two statistics: one for fresh food, and one for normal food. You can stock the fridge with the plants you harvest if you want, to increase the fresh food statistic.
OK, so I've been playing Seasons quite a bit. I have my sims rake and compost because compost is better for the plants. I have them tend and talk to the plants, because - again - that's better. I use lady bugs instead of spraying. All of this to get mouthwatering veggies and fruit for best effect.
And it takes SO MUCH TIME that I have to maxmotives to do it all - so they never actually eat any of the stuff I've stocked up! There has to be a happy medium in there somewhere.
You know, a cool hack would be one that lets you "serve" juice with the same or near the same as making one. I say this because, seriously, it takes a whole tree's harvest to serve one round of lemonade or orange juice or apple juice!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1437
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #32 on:
2007 March 13, 15:46:03 »
From the juicer of Maxoid Sam:
Q: I'm having trouble making juice. Are the recipes wrong in the Prima Guide?
A: Unfortunately, they are wrong. This was not Prima's mistake, but rather we changed the recipes to make the gameplay experience better after the Guide went to press. My sincere apologies. The CORRECT recipes are:
Apple Juice: 3 Apples
Orange Juice: 6 Oranges
Lemonade: 6 Lemons
Strawberry Juice: 3 Strawberries
Tomato Juice: 6 Tomatoes
Eggplant juice: 2 Eggplants
Pureed Boot: 1 Boot
Orangeade: 4 Oranges, 2 Lemons
Beauty Cocktail: 2 Oranges, 2 Cucumbers
Vegetable Cocktail: 1 Tomato, 1 Cucumber, 1 Pepper, 1 Pole Bean
Strawberry Lemonade: 2 Lemons, 2 Strawberries
Pepper Punch: 2 Peppers, 1 Pole Bean, 1 Apple
ALSO: You need to have earned at least one Bronze Talent Badge in any skill before you will be able to make Orangeade, since the reward for Orangeade is a Badge boost!
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #33 on:
2007 March 13, 18:37:29 »
Quote from: withacy on 2007 March 13, 11:13:27
Quote from: Ellatrue on 2007 March 10, 20:55:59
When you check the contents of the fridge, it now gives you two statistics: one for fresh food, and one for normal food. You can stock the fridge with the plants you harvest if you want, to increase the fresh food statistic.
You know, a cool hack would be one that lets you "serve" juice with the same or near the same as making one. I say this because, seriously, it takes a whole tree's harvest to serve one round of lemonade or orange juice or apple juice!
That's actually accurate. I had an apple tree in the backyard, and we harvested enough apples to make one batch of applesauce. It takes a dozen lemons at least to make a pitcher of lemonade, and a small tree only provides maybe a dozen total. We grew barely enough lettuce in our backyard for one salad every month or so (we combined with storebought to make salads taste better). And strawberries barely grow any fruit as well.
INFP or something
Posts: 1572
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #34 on:
2007 March 14, 00:02:55 »
IRL you have to wait about 10 years or so before you get a really good harvest.
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Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #35 on:
2007 March 14, 00:09:40 »
The apple tree had been there since they bought the house in, let's see... 89 or 90, and was there until we moved out about 12 years later. The issue was that the gardener didn't go to that part of the yard, it was in the area that wasn't landscaped and had weeds, grass, and pests galore, so we had bug- and worm-ridden apples. We had to cut around the holes in the apple to get to the uncontaminated portion, which was fine for applesauce but not good for snacking on them. They were tart as all get-out too, we added a ton of sugar.
INFP or something
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 213
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #36 on:
2007 March 14, 07:21:28 »
You are right. Apple trees are a real PITA. Now, on the other hand, citrus is easy. I live in Az and my citrus takes very little care. Water, fertilizer , NO pruning unless damaged, and a little love. I have a moderate ( approx 10 ft tall) sized lemon tree and I have already picked around 50 lemons but there are well over 50 more on the tree. I have to squeeze the juice and freeze it to make lemonade or it goes to waste. It is blooming like crazy at the moment. My dwarf grapefruit yields around 80-120 ruby reds with ease. So, if the trees in the game are only yielding 20 or so lemons, that is way off base.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes."
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #37 on:
2007 March 14, 05:13:47 »
Citrus needs a lot of water and a ton of heat, so it depends on where you live. Assuming that the sims is more based on northern California (where the game is produced IIRC) citrus trees don't fare as well as all that. After we moved we put in some lemon and lime trees, and they didn't produce enough annually the first few years for even a decent pitcher of lemonade (they were rather young though)
INFP or something
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 213
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #38 on:
2007 March 14, 07:27:02 »'re absolutely correct. I didn't know that you could even produce decent citrus in Northern Cal. I would have assumed they would be almost ornamental. Of course, young trees don't produce well. I'm planting a pretty mature Mexican lime this spring, and I don't expect much fruit for a few years. Heat *is* a big factor. We're already experiencing 90 degree days. ARGHHH I'm new to the AZ desert and I am still learning how to garden here. I have another home in ND, where nothing grows.
The trees at my home in AZ are approximately 6 years old and are still considered young. I'm arfraid of what is going to happen when the lemon tree attains full maturity. Would you like some lemons??? I can't give them away here!
Back on topic..I do understand that
EA games is in NoCal, but one would think they would base the harvests on somewhat ideal locales, weather etc. Did they even Google lemon, apple or orange trees to ascertain maintenance and yields? IRL the correct seasons for citrus would be Summer,Summer,Summer, Fall. A more realistic approach might have been to have the yields increase as the trees mature. Since I know diddly about game coding, I am assuming that this would be difficult? I guess the game is difficult enough for a lot of people, so throwing growth cycles and watering schedules to citrus would be a curve ball.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes."
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #39 on:
2007 March 14, 17:46:50 »
Well considering that the pre-seasons climate was sunshine without excessive heat (which, if you throw in some rain and fog occasionally, is northern Cali pretty much year round), I just assume the game to be set further north than AZ (especially since they now get a true winter). I suppose it would have been too much coding for lazy old Maxis to make different plants grow differently depending on the seasons you set- if you set no winter, all spring and summer, certain fruits should do wonderfully, whereas apples might suffer and dehydrate... damn, I need to learn more about modding so I could whip that up
INFP or something
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 97
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #40 on:
2007 March 15, 22:12:18 »
The game is not letting me make eggplant juice. I have stocked the juicer with lots of mouthwatering eggplants, and the option doesn't appear.
I will try on other lots once some more of my sims manage to grow eggplants, but meanwhile I was curious to know if anybody else is having the same problem...
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #41 on:
2007 March 16, 12:16:14 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 09, 10:14:56
Stocking a fridge with them gives "Fresh produce" points that apparently makes food sparkly and worth more hunger value.
hunh...I was wondering why my food was all sparkly...apparently I have the correct title!!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1358
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #42 on:
2007 July 11, 06:06:48 »
What does the vegetable juice drink actually do? "Builds skills faster" is pretty vague when you think about it.
- Does it increase a sim's smartness or does it work in some other way?
- Does it last forever and if so, is it capped?
- If it's temporary, how long does it last?
- Does it apply hidden skills as well as the usual suspect?
- Does it affect badge skill gain?
- How big is the effect?
Same kind of questions about the one that lets kids do homework faster.
Also how long does juice keep and is there a way to save it for later?
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #43 on:
2007 July 11, 23:26:14 »
yes there is a way to save it. it says that you can save it, never spoils, and can be sellable. but i havent tried it as of yet.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #44 on:
2007 July 12, 02:50:42 »
Quote from: aubreylaraine on 2007 July 11, 23:26:14
yes there is a way to save it. it says that you can save it, never spoils, and can be sellable. but i havent tried it as of yet.
I have tried that hack and it works as advertised (I believe that I have all of them in my game). The only problem is that once you have stored them in your inventory, there is no way of knowing what kind of juice they are - the inventory tooltip only displays 'Juice.'
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #45 on:
2007 July 13, 19:52:29 »
Quote from: cwykes on 2007 July 11, 06:06:48
What does the vegetable juice drink actually do? "Builds skills faster" is pretty vague when you think about it.
- Does it increase a sim's smartness or does it work in some other way?
- Does it last forever and if so, is it capped?
- If it's temporary, how long does it last?
- Does it apply hidden skills as well as the usual suspect?
- Does it affect badge skill gain?
- How big is the effect?
I haven't looked at the code, but Sims appear to learn skills about twice as fast for about 12 hours. It doesn't affect badge skills or homework, far as I can see. One thing I've noticed is that a Sim will suddenly put the book they're studying away for no apparent reason. I'm guessing this is when the effect wears off. Time to hit the juice again.
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #46 on:
2007 July 13, 21:01:21 »
Quote from: Hook on 2007 July 13, 19:52:29
One thing I've noticed is that a Sim will suddenly put the book they're studying away for no apparent reason. I'm guessing this is when the effect wears off. Time to hit the juice again.
I've had sims doing this randomly since Seasons. I've never used vegetable juice. It seems to happen only with married-in sims, but then my sample size is small. It's much too inconsistent for me to tell why, but all sims doing it had positive aspiration levels and half-to-full on every motive.
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #47 on:
2007 July 16, 17:32:12 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2007 July 13, 21:01:21
Quote from: Hook on 2007 July 13, 19:52:29
One thing I've noticed is that a Sim will suddenly put the book they're studying away for no apparent reason. I'm guessing this is when the effect wears off. Time to hit the juice again.
I've had sims doing this randomly since Seasons. I've never used vegetable juice. It seems to happen only with married-in sims, but then my sample size is small. It's much too inconsistent for me to tell why, but all sims doing it had positive aspiration levels and half-to-full on every motive.
I've seen this happen only with the education reward so far - sims seem to stop skilling as soon as certain motives (IIRC it's hunger, bladder, fun and perhaps social) are down on 50%. Not recommendable in combination with the skillinator, because the sim starts reading, stops, puts the book away, takes the book, sits down, starts reading etc. etc. without taking care for his/her needs, because they're not low enough for the skillinator to take care of.
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #48 on:
2007 July 17, 16:56:21 »
I haven't done a whole lot with juices to this point, so I'm wondering if what happened last night in my game is typical of making juice with "tasty" fruit rather than "mouth-watering."
I stocked the juicer with a whole bunch of tasty strawberries and tasty lemons. I had 4 different Sims who were in green aspiration make strawberry lemonade, which is supposed to increase your mood to platinum. For 3 of the Sims it appeared to have no effect except to quench their hunger. For the remaining Sim (he was actually the third Sim to make juice), it increased his mood to platinum.
I had understood that making juice from tasty produce would have a mid-level effect, but that doesn't seem to be what happened to me. Can anyone put some light on the subject for me?
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Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1437
Re: Accurate recipes of Juices and Juice bugs!
Reply #49 on:
2007 July 18, 00:29:19 »
All I've managed so far is tomato juice, which does have a heating effect.
I did download Paladin's produce packing bench and the manual states: "All produce packed into crates becomes mouthwatering produce. I was orignally planning on trying to pack only like quality produce into crates and then labeling it as such (crates of tasty, mouthwatering and bland). I could never make the code to access the instance details of the inventory token work. I found code in the game that did what I needed, but I could never get it to returns the quality details that are stored with the inventory token when it's created. The data is clearly there, but all I ever got back was zeros..."
What I don't know is if the produce reverts to its picked state once placed in the juicer. If not, then the best quality juice should always be available if crated first.
Whether it produces the advertised results remains to be seen.
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