Okay, here's the thing: I use a lot of mods. I mean, a LOT--over 700 files, both Awesome and non-awesome, if you include both global and object mods (not including default replacements, foods, careers, or anything in the core game files.) So I thought as a service to the community, after I checked my hacks against Pescado's Seasons hackdiff index, I'd share the results (attached) in case it makes things a bit easier for others trying to sort out their own hack folders.
ETA: Based on a bug report in another thread, moved "NoMysterySimMemories" by Squinge from the Clean to the Needs Update list. I'll try to update the lists periodically as new information comes in.
The Good News: Early reports that I've seen so far suggest that this EP is reasonably mod-friendly, and these results seem to confirm that. Out of those 700+ files, after eliminating the Awesome mods in the list (which I figure Pescado, TJ, Crammyboy and Syberspunk have got covered,) I'm left with a mere 34 from elsewhere that may or may not require updating.
NeedUpdate2.txt is the list of mods that Hackdiff tagged as possibly needing an update, organized by creator and site (where known) for your convenience. Items marked with an asterisk were only tagged with the phrase "Name Unsupported," which may indicate a negligible change that won't affect the mod's operation.
CleanMods.txt is an alphabetical list of almost 500 filenames that came up unchanged and should therefore (in theory) work fine with Seasons.
Caveat 1: These results are preliminary and should be verified by the creator and/or by testing before they are taken as gospel. With Pets, some things were changed that hackdiff apparently doesn't pick up, so the only way to be certain is to try it out.
Caveat 2: The fact that an item continues to perform its original function perfectly without breaking anything else does not necessarily mean it will be satisfactory--there may be new EP features that will be missing. You may still wish to watch for updates.
Caveat 3: Pes's hackdiff index came from an unpatched installation of Pets. Ergo, if your Pets is patched, your mileage may vary.
Caveat 4: These files are provided for informational purposes only. Please don't use them to try to persuade modders to update; some of them find this annoying.
Feedback welcome--I haven't installed Seasons yet and would love to know just how accurate (or not) these results are!