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Author Topic: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!  (Read 8131 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 78

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Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« on: 2007 March 01, 15:44:38 »

Szenario: Two players (A+B), two PC, same room, both start playing after complete new installation (all EPs including Seasons, Glamour, no FFS), both have same custom content, both have NO hacks on. Both playing in new seasons neighbourhood the same premade household for testing, both start in winter.
A: Day 1 automatic cloth change every time Sim is leaving/entering house. On day 2 suddenly automatic cloth change disappears and cannot be provoced again. Sims walk out in hard winter in indoor clothes, and it takes them ages for feeling cold (one Sim being fishing for hours was still in the normal green temperature range).
B: Automatic cloth change still active on day 4. Player wanted to make them go out in everydayclothes, since he now arrived in spring (and sometimes the Sims get very hot when active in oudoorclothes). No chance, they still change dress automatically.
Discussions on differences in tested actions between both players brought no results. There were no differences except a slightly different timing of actions. Huh

Observations and explanations welcome!
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698


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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #1 on: 2007 March 01, 16:05:46 »

I can't give an explanation of why they will go out into hard winter in their everyday clothes and not get cold - I'm assuming that there's snow on the ground? (other than EA can't code for shit) Although, according to Prima, it can still range into the "comfortable" range in winter. It should be fairly rare, and happen at the beginning and end of the season, but it's within the range. It is, however, supposed to get progressively colder as the winter goes on, within reason- no more than 10 degrees warmer or 30 degrees colder from one day to the other for winter (each season is set up different to make temps shift as you'd expect)

But as for the other, spring can still be "cold" and trigger the automatic changing.  Since the weather is random and triggered by an algorithm, the weather on computer A could - and should- be completely different on computer B even though you're both on the same day of the same season.

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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #2 on: 2007 March 01, 16:19:04 »

* dizzy updates dizziness

Looks like an update in the Portal tree (Group = 0x7FD0DEBA, Instance = 0x200A).

20: Temp 0 < Const 0x17F(Temperature Thresholds (Sim's)):0x2=-29 (0xFFE3); true: 1D, false: 27

Temp 0 is presumably set by the "Weather - Temperature Outdoors - Get" Lua function. Fun stuff.  Grin

Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 78

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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #3 on: 2007 March 01, 16:32:50 »

I´m learning more and more astonishing things (though I do not yet understand all of that) ... I will take a look at it as soon I have quit the game. Thanks.

Concerning A:There still was a lot of snow around, although it was (slowly) getting milder. B has now arrived on day 5 in midspring and his Sims have stopped changing clothes sometime around noon, but started again in the evening.
Interesting ... if this were meant to be (it would be quite realistic for the evenings to be colder), then for once EA would have done a good job. But then the winter Sims should have changed even more readily in the evening - so what?
Axe Murderer
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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #4 on: 2007 March 01, 16:43:28 »

Yes, it gets colder at night, or when it rains. The biggest drop is in the summer (20 degrees, compared to only 10 in winter) but it happens in each season.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #5 on: 2007 March 01, 17:08:01 »

Seems to be like that! Sims A started to change automatically again in the morning of day 3 (first day of spring, everything green, trees awakened). So landsscape optic does not strictly correlate with temperature. I will see what happens during the day. Only strange thing is that the Sims personal thermometer scale on this spring morning is higher up than during noon on the last winterday when they did not change clothes...
Besides: You might think me quite stupid - but can YOU get the absolute temperature readings during playing? Or do the given numbers all come from code analyzing?
I would be thankful for another helpful answer! I´ll be back in tomorrow, as it is allready VERY late over here...
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698


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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #6 on: 2007 March 01, 17:16:39 »

Go to Pescado's Hack directory. There's a new version of the lot debugger that will tell you the  temperatures.  They don't correlate to Celsius, but they're not hard to understand, either. Sims want to be 0, -100 is frozen, +100 is heat exhaustion.  Smiley Activities will make your Sim hotter or colder, as well. The pool is the only place other than indoors where your Sim's internal temperature is moving towards 0.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #7 on: 2007 March 01, 17:47:48 »

I'm everything but technical tho I'd like to share my experiences with the game so far. Since various warning of the maxoids about making sure your sims wear outdoor clothing so they won't freeze, I expected that I should direct them to do so each time they go outside. Or at least have that coathanger object on the lot for it to happen automatically.

I've visited riverblossom first to experiment a bit with the weatherfeatures and boy, was I wrong. Each time I'd send a sim outside they'd change into outerwear! How am I suppose to let them freeze to death?! It happened only once that I directed a sim to do something outside that whe went in her indoorsclothing.
Dissapointed by this I went to Pleasentview to play my own sims and here's when I noticed something strange. While the lot was experiencing heavy snow my sim would even feel cold on her outerwear. This is a premade female sim who had the outfit with the shortboots. So I figured maybe that particular outerwear just isn't keeping my sim warm enough for such a cold a winter.

So I proceded to another lot with premade sims and this time I made them go shopping for different type of outerwear just to be sure. To my surprise they would change into outerwear while being indoors. For example Sim A was sleeping in pyjamas, I wake up Sim A and direct him to cook. Sim A then walks out the bedroom, changes into outerwear cook then sit and eat and after eating would change to indoors.

I made the roofs visible to see if there was a gap somewhere but wasn't able to find anything so I'm puzzled why the sims on that lot would change outerwear to do certain indoor activities...
Also when sim A had the thickest jacket and winterpants outfits i was able to find int he outerwear section, his temperature still dropped enourmously while making a snowman outside.

Anywways, this is what I had to share.

Greets all,

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Axe Murderer
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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #8 on: 2007 March 01, 17:54:32 »

All the outerwear is rated the same warmth. And they are meant to eventually get cold, even while wearing it. The difference is that it will take 8+ hours to have them frozen solid, instead of @2 if they were in their swimwear. Making a snowman, having a snowball fight, etc will make the Sim colder than if he's just standing in the cold, as well.

If your room is attached to a greenhouse using the greenhouse wall, it thinks it's outdoors, and even though your Sim won't get colder, they will want to be wearing outerwear.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

- Kurt Vonnegut
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #9 on: 2007 March 01, 18:51:19 »

So they all have the same warmth rating...  Undecided So making snowmen and such would make their temps drop easier, that clears something up. Still it doesn't explain why sims need ot toggle between outerwear and indoorwear while being indoors.

Why would I put on my coat and hat on to walk from the bedroom to the tv? It makes no sense. Anyways, I'll try to keep a log of when it happend exactly and during which activities.


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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Seasons outdoor clothing change: Automatic or not, that is the question?!
« Reply #10 on: 2007 March 01, 19:59:43 »

So they all have the same warmth rating...  Undecided So making snowmen and such would make their temps drop easier, that clears something up. Still it doesn't explain why sims need ot toggle between outerwear and indoorwear while being indoors.

Why would I put on my coat and hat on to walk from the bedroom to the tv? It makes no sense. Anyways, I'll try to keep a log of when it happend exactly and during which activities.


This is Maxis EA we're talking about here. Since when has anything they have ever done made sense?

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