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Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
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Topic: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY (Read 363724 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 49
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #150 on:
2008 December 29, 17:43:35 »
Quote from: pepsihamster on 2008 December 27, 16:20:09
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hmm, I have used this mod with Freetime without problems and was thrilled to hear that it would probably work fine with AL. Now, after installing AL, the green "bottle" has disappeared from all lots and what's even stranger, it is no where to be found in buy mode. Usually it is in misc, misc.
Can you tell me how this can be? I mean, others have reported it worked fine with AL. I tried downloading a new file and replacing the old one. But nothing...
I truly can't live without this mod
Edit: Well, I finally went to a community lot knowing I would be "in trouble" with the time when coming back. Or so I thought! It turns out the community timer is still active and everything was fine when coming back home. BUT!! The community timer itself (the green bottle thing) is still missing on all the lots I checked (I have it on all lots) and it's nowhere to be found in the buy catalogue either. So I still can't install it on any new lots I'll be making and also I can't see the list on it, nor keep track of the days passing on the lots I play.
Please, if anybody knows how I can get the timer itself back on my lots, I would be a very happy simmer. Even if it meant having to uninstall it from the whole hood first (allthough I don't know how one go about doing that, when the bottle is missing).
mmmm i think you are make a mistake, the "green
" bottle is part of Pescado`s mod i dont remember the name, the two mods are difentes. Well i cant explain better my english no is good.
Last Edit: 2008 December 29, 17:49:17 by edespino
Sorry my english, i speak spanish
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Jummy, mhmm!
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #151 on:
2008 December 29, 18:24:28 »
Thank you so much for your replies! I really appreciate it. I was so excited about the thought that all I had to do was isolate some download and it would turn up again.
I tried pulling various stuff out of my dl folder and I ended up pulling every single thing out, so that the only file in there was the community timer, but it still didn't show up. So it can't be a download then, can it?
I had so hoped it would work.
So now I am back to square one, as they say.
About the bottle thing - I am sure this is how the timer looks like. It's the container that normally has the green drink in it, for living longer (don't know what it is called in the english game though).
Any other ideas what might work?
Feckless Fool
Posts: 266
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #152 on:
2008 December 29, 20:22:48 »
It's been a while since I used this hack, but I don't remember it coming with any object timers, pepsihamster. To reiterate what edespino said, I think you are confusing it with Pescado's lotsynctimer, which uses the green elixir bottle. They are completely separate and unrelated hacks.
You have your way with him, and you'll never get to destroy the world; and I don't fancy spending the next six months trying to get librarian out of the carpet.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Jummy, mhmm!
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #153 on:
2008 December 29, 21:46:17 »
Wow, do I feel stupid now
You were both totally right about what you said. It was the synctimer that was missing, because I had mistakenly left it out when dl for Apartment Life. Wow. What a relief
Now everything is working as usual.
I also know the reason I had them confused. I had dl and installed them simultaniously a long time ago. And therefore I have somehow always seen them as one hack.
Well, thanks for pushing this on me, otherwise I had never figured it out.
Now I can finally start playing around with my newly installed AL. Yay! What a happy new year it will be! THANKS.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #154 on:
2009 February 06, 04:33:01 »
So how is the mod working nowadays, I have all the games up to AL.
Also, thanks for attempting to make such a great hack.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 580
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #155 on:
2009 February 06, 06:40:21 »
By any chance, did you read the post immediately before yours?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #156 on:
2009 February 28, 08:17:20 »
Now, I understand that Crammyboy is out of the hacking community, aside from the occasional pop in every now and again.
Is there any chance of getting someone else to adopt this hack? Although it seems to be running with few complications in AL, I would like to have someone assess it and tweak it.
So are there any kind and/or mercenary modders who would be able to assess this technically?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #157 on:
2009 March 12, 17:46:27 »
Quote from: Privateer on 2009 February 28, 08:17:20
Although it seems to be running with few complications in AL, I would like to have someone assess it and tweak it.
I've been using this mod for a couple of EPs now, up through AL and M&G. I haven't noticed any wonkiness, complications, or other fits of malfunction with this mod. Specifics?
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1196
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #158 on:
2009 March 13, 18:32:28 »
Posts 60-62 of this thread explains a problem with this mod that was never addressed. I have to pull the mod to get the family back home whenever it occurs. Unfortunately, the error log has been deleted and I no longer have a copy. After the second time a family got stuck, I didn't put the mod back in, but I have missed it very much.
Since you report that it is working nicely for you, I'd like to give it another go. Would you be willing to look at the problem if it occurs again? Otherwise, I won't post error logs for an unsupported mod.
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #159 on:
2009 March 19, 05:53:29 »
Quote from: ancienthighway on 2009 March 12, 17:46:27
I've been using this mod for a couple of EPs now, up through AL and M&G. I haven't noticed any wonkiness, complications, or other fits of malfunction with this mod. Specifics?
Really, what I meant was having someone look through the code and test it to ensure that it was up to snuff; whatever sort of work that would go into updating a mod normally, or simply someone going into the code, taking a look around, and saying nothing should conflict. Any confusion about that probably stems from my complete ignorance of how modding works and related tardery.
Quote from: magicmoon on 2009 March 13, 18:32:28
Posts 60-62 of this thread explains a problem with this mod that was never addressed. I have to pull the mod to get the family back home whenever it occurs. Unfortunately, the error log has been deleted and I no longer have a copy. After the second time a family got stuck, I didn't put the mod back in, but I have missed it very much.
Since you report that it is working nicely for you, I'd like to give it another go. Would you be willing to look at the problem if it occurs again? Otherwise, I won't post error logs for an unsupported mod.
I think you should still post the error logs -- just in case some benevolent modding angel happens by this thread, or crammyboy walks with the living once more for another night. Seeing as how it seems to happen to you more often than it seems to happen to other people, I'd suspect it's some mod of yours, but we can't be sure.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #160 on:
2009 March 19, 23:48:53 »
hmm this is coolness
^_^ but is there a hack to slow down time passage slightly like one hour = 20 mins insted of 1 min?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #161 on:
2009 March 23, 17:15:00 »
Quote from: drakus on 2009 March 19, 23:48:53
hmm this is coolness
^_^ but is there a hack to slow down time passage slightly like one hour = 20 mins insted of 1 min?
I always thought that time passed too quickly in the game too. I'd like a hack to slow it down. Merola had a time clock that slowed sim time, but it had a few issues and I stopped using it ages ago. I haven't heard of another hack that tackled the same issue.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #162 on:
2009 March 23, 23:31:51 »
It isn't possible to "slow down time" as such because the tick is hardcoded. You can make time loop itself, but this produces all the aforementioned glitches because you keep rewinding the clock.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #163 on:
2009 April 07, 23:36:08 »
Quote from: ancienthighway on 2009 March 12, 17:46:27
I've been using this mod for a couple of EPs now, up through AL and M&G. I haven't noticed any wonkiness, complications, or other fits of malfunction with this mod. Specifics?
It used to work for me in AL, but now that I have M&G, it stopped working. HCDU shows no relevant conflict. If it works for others with M&G, there may be hope for me yet.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 266
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #164 on:
2009 April 08, 12:41:57 »
I have all EPs/SPs through M&G, and it's generally working for me. Sometimes, the sims that went to the community lot arrive back at the home lot with no passage of time. I don't get any errors or dialogs when it happens: it's just simply as if the hack were not present in my Downloads folder.
I haven't yet noticed any common circumstances between situations when it doesn't work, and I lack patience for testing.
I'm just going with it and backing up regularly in case the hood goes asplodie.
You have your way with him, and you'll never get to destroy the world; and I don't fancy spending the next six months trying to get librarian out of the carpet.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 55
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
Reply #165 on:
2009 August 25, 06:37:16 »
I can't use Community Time with AL. Need to have testingCheatsEnabled for Community Time to work, but when I do, the apartment doors in an apartment lot spew tons of error popups, making the game unplayable. What's this about a no-popup version? Did I miss it in the first post? I checked, I don't have any replacements for AL doors, and I don't think I have mods that affect AL doors. The apartment lot is one that came with AL, not anything custom built. EA lot borkage? Tight pants from some door affecting mod I'm not aware of?
edit: Nevermind. Stupid me. I have Inge's spiffy key mod, and I haven't updated it to AL.
Last Edit: 2009 August 25, 07:28:19 by CatOfEvilGenius
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