WARNING: This is preliminary code for testing only. Do NOT install if you are unsure. This code is for PETS/Seasons/FT. Use with any other code may result in BFBVFS and LOTS of pointing and laughing.
Description This code will enable the passing of time on community lots to be spent on the home lot.
Aims It is called a project, because it will ultimately have numerous hacks which combined will enhance the community experience. The aim of the project is to create an environment where the time spent on community lots is incorporated into the home lot. This will make the community experience harder and more realistic.
How it works One or more sims go to a community lot. Sims wander around the lot doing stuff. Sims leave the lot to go home at date/time XXX Home lot is loaded. Home lot progresses normally but the sims are shown as away at a community lot. (In much the same way as 'At Work') Date/time xxx is reached and sims return to the lot.
Notes: 1. Sims will not age on community lots but they will age when they return to the home lot. (even though they will be off-world). 2. If they stay on the community lot when they should be at work/school, they will miss the carpool/bus on the home lot and be penalised. 3. Community lots can not be saved unless they are owned business lots for that sim family. 4. Motives are set to what they left the community lot with, but are made static while off-world. 5. Only drivable cars are affected in v0.4a. (Requires NL). Taxis are affected in v0.5 up. 6. Sims that remain on the home lot will not be able to visit community lots, by any means, until the car returns to the lot. (This will not be the case in the future) 7. Is prevented from working on UNI lots because the time will pass TWICE. (I am looking into this)
Rules for testing 1. Make backups of the game BEFORE installing the hack. Tokens are added to sims with this hack that will be saved in backups. 2. Ensure 'BOOLPROP TestingCheatsEnabled true' is in the userstartup.cheat file. The code runs close to lot transitions and log files are needed. 3. Error reports will require detailed information and relevant error logs.
Basic error information Nature of problem (Error log/Inconsistency/..) time leaving home lot. number of sims from home lot. number of other lots visited. times that each lot arrive/depart and who drives. Nature of each lot visited. (i.e. downtown maxis) Any other information of an unusual nature.
Involvement Anybody can supply/create code for the project. Links to any relevant code can be placed into the documentation or the code can be uploaded here.
Disclaimer If your game ends up in a BFBVFS, it's not my problem.
Version history 0.6 BV updates 0.5a Cleanup of wait code. 0.5 Added support for Taxis. 0.4a Fixes motive decay for petz
« Last Edit: 2008 March 13, 03:01:47 by crammyboy »
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 929
Unrepentant Inteenimator User - Kitten Killer.
DL - I will test this out just as soon as the blasted EP arrives (tomorrow I hope).
Inteen for AL, yay!
Round Mound of Gray Fatness

Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
> If they stay on the community lot when they should be at work/school, they will miss the carpool/bus on the home lot and be penalised. I should think so too! Brilliant, thanks very much for this 
 \"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Li'l Brudder
* Lil Brudder prods lightly with a large stick. I'll try it.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
6. Sims that remain on the home lot will not be able to visit community lots, by any means, until the car returns to the lot. (This will not be the case in the future)
Does this include carpools for work?
No, it's only things that cause a lot transition. "Goto Work", "Take a spin", "Sneak out", etc, will still be available.
Okay, silly question time. The slash between Pets and Seasons in the above title leads me to believe this can installed with either as long as I have NL. I have Pets, but I don't have seasons yet. Right? Wrong?
It can be used with pets as there was no code changes between pets and seasons.
Saying that, this may not be the case in the future when more functionallity is added.
Li'l Brudder
I noticed that it doesn't sync when there is more than one person traveling.
Is this a bug or a feature?
How did they travel? I think I tried it with groups and had it work, but maxis may have changed soimething. I'll have a go again at some point.
Li'l Brudder
They arrived at the time when they left and they weren't delayed or anything. They traveled in a car they owned, the minivan, not custom.
One more thing: When I had it work, the sims that stay home weren't allowed to use 3x Speed. It would work in bursts and return to slow speed.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 164
finally someone made it :-) works fine for me so far.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Dude, wait...what??
I was so glad to see this so I decided to test it too.
The only problem is when I drive to a comm. lot, it acts as though I've came to the lot through the Neighborhood View. My sim is not there and I have no control over the Live Mode, just Buy and Build Mode. I have to exit to Neighboorhood and when I do it, I get the dialog box as if my sim is there and not leaving by the method they came there. Does that make sense? It only does it with custom vehicles. Maxis vehicles work fine.
Li'l Brudder
Are you OFB? p0?
That sounds suspiciously like a OFB p0 problem.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 164
are you sure the hack is responsible? that reminds me of a problem I used to have some time ago.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
So far this is working well for me. I have only had one instance where the sim came back immediately, which I believe was due to him driving a custom motor cycle. I am going to try him again with a different vehicle. So far all of my other custom cars work fine. I send them camping for two or three days straight if they have the time off. No errors or glitches. The timing seems to be fine. I take screenshots of when they leave the house, and then leave the community lot to keep track of that. This was greatly needed, and is greatly appreciated. Baaaaa!  Piper: I vaguely remember that issue with OFB, too. I have around 15 custom vehicles in my game. Haven't checked with all of them yet, but I will be.
Crammyboy welcome back.  Just have to back up my sims folder then I will try it out.
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ---Gandhi
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 164
ok I found something: I sent two sims with 2 dogs to the park, maxis car. When I was back, the two sims needs where static as intendet but the pet bars kept droping, I hat to use tentingcheats to get them up or they would have been taken away. I also noticed the speed keeps turning back to 1, but thats no big deal.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
This is definitely more awesome than me.
Eagerly looking forward to testing this over the weekend, I've wanted a feature like this for a long time and it has always pained me to avoid community lots simply because of how out of sync sim's needs become.
ok I found something: I sent two sims with 2 dogs to the park, maxis car. When I was back, the two sims needs where static as intendet but the pet bars kept droping, I hat to use tentingcheats to get them up or they would have been taken away. I also noticed the speed keeps turning back to 1, but thats no big deal.
The speed reset is intentional, I'll look into making it a one off. I have never been to a community lot with a pet. This will be looked into. (Fixed v0.4a)
« Last Edit: 2007 March 10, 17:24:23 by crammyboy »
Okay, here is my report. Using this with all expansions, incl. Seasons, and no stuff packs.
I just played Tawny. Took her to her clothing store. She worked from 10 am to 6pm. Took her home. She arrived right away, AND had a basket of groceries in her hand that she put away in the fridge. I had NOT taken her shopping or had her order groceries online at any point. They are new to this house, fridge has not run out yet.
So I tried again. Sent her back to store. Worked her from 11am to 6 pm. Went home. Still arrived right away, but with no groceries this time. Oh! The first time I sent her, I had her buy clothes for herself at her clothing store using Christianlov's clothing rack, before she opened business for the day. Perhaps that is what triggered the grocery basket?
I know this mod works in my game because last night's session, I sent a Sim to her bookstore, played her all day and she came home with the delay.
The only thing about this house that did not work is Tawny lives there with her son. When she left, her son was at school. So perhaps the fact that there were no sims at home when Tawny came back? I am grasping at straws here. Just trying to give you as much info as you need.
So I will let you know if more wonkiness happens.
There is a bit of strangeness that happens occasionally. I am still looking into it.
There is a new version up that now affects Taxis. You can pick one to test.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
I haven't had the grocery weirdness at all. Seems that the one who arrived back immediately was just a random thing not related to the motorcycle, and it only happened that one time. I have successfully sent other sims on the same one and it works fine. Still no errors, and so far it seems to be working great. I send them out for 3 days straight to visit multiple lots while they are gone (like to the lake, then to the campground, back to the lake, to the motel, to the diner, etc.) without a hitch. Will test out the taxi version.
ETA: I have Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, and Seasons installed.
« Last Edit: 2007 March 11, 14:02:29 by Nec »
Vren Lyet
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 78
Bug (?) report: Just got version 0.5. Have all available EPs installed. Had the Ramaswami family move into a clean downloaded lot in Veronaville. On the second or so day I had Sanjay go to some Maxis comlot make some new contacts and buy some groceries. Everything worked as intended. After leaving the comlot he stayed away until the designated time. When he finally got home he went straight to the fridge and dropped of the purchased groceries. Some sim days later (Saturday) I took him fishing on another small comlot I created for that (weekend fishing) purpose. As he was supposed to be at work around 13:00 I let him go to the comlot early in the morning and got him to leave there around 12:00 so he wouldn't miss it. This time he came home *without the intended delay* - he parked and got out of the car immediately after the home lot had loaded. I have no idea what could have caused this second "misbehaviour" but here is some information on what might possibly be a reason: - They just got a baby (about a sim hour ago). Mommy was about to feed the little girl her first bottle when daddy went fishing. - The gardener had just arrived when daddy was about to go fishing. - He went fishing and was successful: one boot and one fish in his inventory. Hope this helps. I love this hack! 
Black holes suck!