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Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
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Topic: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for? (Read 222195 times)
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #400 on:
2007 March 25, 22:22:23 »
That's right, there used to be evil sim clones - one of the potions, wasn't it? An evil pod person sounds great but what would happen with the character files?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #401 on:
2007 March 25, 22:26:47 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 March 25, 22:22:23
That's right, there used to be evil sim clones - one of the potions, wasn't it? An evil pod person sounds great but what would happen with the character files?
I think there might be a mirror somewhere that can do it. Possibly a potion as well. If it was done right it wouldn't mess up any character files, I don't think--just copy the Sim's genetics and outfit, and maybe interests and skills, into a separate Sim with a nastier disposition. (Or a maybe a nicer one, if it happened to be a nasty Sim to begin with.) XD I don't know if memories, relationships and so on could be copied safely. Some more awesome modder would have to be consulted...
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Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #402 on:
2007 March 25, 22:29:33 »
Sorry, forgot to mention, I was off on a trip down memory lane then with Sims 1. There was a science lab where you could create 7? different potions - I thought the evil clone outcome was one of them.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #403 on:
2007 March 25, 22:44:37 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 March 25, 22:29:33
Sorry, forgot to mention, I was off on a trip down memory lane then with Sims 1. There was a science lab where you could create 7? different potions - I thought the evil clone outcome was one of them.
It was. The clone 'disappeared' when it left the lot, I think. I vaguely remember that being somehow buggy, one time the clone of one of my other Sims wound up with the surname 'Newbie', as if it lived in that household... Any actions it performed to affect the relationship with other Sims seemed to affect your Sim's relationship with those same Sims.
I liked the 'Monster' potion on that. I'd lock them in a room with only easels, and they'd go nuts painting.
But don't let them near anything breakable, or it'd all wind up broken!
What else was there? Love potion... Invisibility... Mood boost... (I forgot the others... Google to the rescue!) Mood drop. Reverse personality (How could I forget the fun I had with that? Making a no-personality Sim and maxing them on that.) And the one that cured sickness.
I was so excited to see the Science career reward, but it turned out not to be the same. I miss the Sims 1 version.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #404 on:
2007 March 25, 22:51:56 »
We were considered the Addams Family of our neighborhood and my mother drove a hearse, so we weren't very normal either. lol
But getting back on topic, I realize that many people do enjoy being out in the rain or during storms, and it's not unusual. I personally enjoy listening to them and watching them, but the topic of the thread was what mods are we begging for since Seasons came out and that's what I would beg for it is was possible... because if you didn't want them running inside, then you wouldn't have to download a mod that makes sims run inside during a storm, would you?
Quote from: Kyna on 2007 March 25, 21:50:29
Quote from: Jron on 2007 March 25, 19:49:07
I guess I should have been more clear then and said "Normal" people Don't,
I'm quite proud of the fact that I'm not normal
It's a family joke that whenever we want to insult each other my adult kids and I call each other "normal".
Getting back to topic: many people do enjoy being out in the rain or during storms, so it's not unusual. Personally, if my sims are skilling outside then I don't want them running inside due to the weather. A lot of players may want their sims to be outside during a thunderstorm, particularly if it's a knowledge sim with the want to be hit by lightning, or they may want to terrorise a sim of another aspiration with the fear. A mod that makes sims run inside during a storm would be annoying.
I just felt heat and saw white. Everything turned white and there was a vibrating buzz and then I was looking up and my parents were hysterical. It had thrown me several yards ... and I couldn't talk or anything and don't remember the first few days afterwards but it had entered at my neck and exited at my heel and I have nerve damage from it. I was unable to walk for 6 months.
Quote from: witch on 2007 March 25, 20:28:39
Quote from: Jron on 2007 March 25, 19:49:07
I was struck by lightening though, so I have an aversion to my Sims standing out while it flashes around them. lol
What did it feel like? What happened?
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #405 on:
2007 March 25, 23:24:48 »
Quote from: Jron on 2007 March 25, 22:51:56
I just felt heat and saw white. Everything turned white and there was a vibrating buzz and then I was looking up and my parents were hysterical. It had thrown me several yards ... and I couldn't talk or anything and don't remember the first few days afterwards but it had entered at my neck and exited at my heel and I have nerve damage from it. I was unable to walk for 6 months.
Wow. Just, wow. Glad you survived it, how old were you? Maybe an adult would survive it better with a larger body mass.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #406 on:
2007 March 26, 05:26:02 »
Quote from: Jron on 2007 March 25, 22:51:56
because if you didn't want them running inside, then you wouldn't have to download a mod that makes sims run inside during a storm, would you?
The thing is, on this site, the mods are designed to work together and as a package. Pescado doesn't do requests, he only makes stuff he wants in his game, and then shares most of it with us. If you can convince Pescado that he wants his sims to run in out of the weather then you may be in luck. But I wouldn't get your hopes too high ... after all he did add smite to the lot debugger.
Quote from: Kyna on 2007 March 25, 21:50:29
I just felt heat and saw white. Everything turned white and there was a vibrating buzz and then I was looking up and my parents were hysterical. It had thrown me several yards ... and I couldn't talk or anything and don't remember the first few days afterwards but it had entered at my neck and exited at my heel and I have nerve damage from it. I was unable to walk for 6 months.
Sounds similar to what happened to my brother. He got electrocuted by some faulty machinery at his workplace. The electricity entered through his his thumb/palm of his hand and exited through his heel. He suffered muscle damage to his thumb, palm and heel as a result. The doctors said he was lucky to have survived.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 415
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #407 on:
2007 March 26, 17:55:36 »
I see at least one other person has asked for 'no autonomous water balloon fights' and I will second, third or whatever that... in fact, I'd pay for that mod. I am so sick and tired of my sims meeting someone for the first time and their next autonomous action with that person is to slam a water balloon into their face. Works so well to 'win friends and influence people'...
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 58
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #408 on:
2007 March 26, 18:16:15 »
I'm also really sick of the autonomous water balloon fights. My Sims will go outside in the rain and snow to throw water balloons at each other. It gets especially obsessive if the Sim is even a little bit in the red, temperature-wise. I'm always X-ing out stupid water balloon fights and directing them to get a drink of water out of the sink. Why in the world can't they just autonomously do that instead of trying to goad other Sims to hit them with a water balloon?
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 213
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #409 on:
2007 March 26, 18:45:23 »
Monique over at MTS2 has done this mod. It is is her no autonomous hacks thread.I don't have the link right now. Just doa search for monique.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 415
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #410 on:
2007 March 26, 19:27:27 »
Thank you for that information...will save my sanity and a few exasperating sims, too.
My other obsession
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #411 on:
2007 March 27, 00:24:10 »
Only mod I am begging for the Seasons' return of (at the moment) is Dizzy's No Attraction mod. Farting hears all over the place. I forgot how annoying it actually was.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #412 on:
2007 March 27, 06:33:06 »
How about an non-autonomous 'clean-up' if there is food still on the plate. I love having a pond and being able to fish. It fills them up so fast. Even in the lighter red, they rarely finish the plate. But they get up automatically and clean-up if I'm not vigilant. I'd like for them to put it away automatically instead of cleaning up. I'll never have to re-stock the fridge....
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #413 on:
2007 March 27, 06:35:10 »
Quote from: Sisaly on 2007 March 27, 06:33:06
How about an non-autonomous 'clean-up' if there is food still on the plate. I love having a pond and being able to fish. It fills them up so fast. Even in the lighter red, they rarely finish the plate. But they get up automatically and clean-up if I'm not vigilant. I'd like for them to put it away automatically instead of cleaning up. I'll never have to re-stock the fridge....
Yep, I'd like a hack for that too.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #414 on:
2007 March 29, 02:36:01 »
Quote from: gypsylady on 2007 March 26, 18:45:23
Monique over at MTS2 has done this mod. It is is her no autonomous hacks thread.I don't have the link right now. Just doa search for monique.
Squinge has also made a no autonmous waterballoon fight hack.
However, rather than seeing it squashed altogether, I'd rather the game do a check for appropriate season (Summer), location (outdoors) and perhaps even body temperature - a sim who needs cooling down should be more likely to participate in or initiate this activity than a sim who does not need to cool down.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 80
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #415 on:
2007 March 29, 23:43:30 »
Amen. It's only the waterballoon fights in the cold that really bother me. Seriously, who does that?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 88
"And we don't want any of that nonsense, do we?"
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #416 on:
2007 March 30, 14:38:49 »
Quote from: nataku on 2007 March 29, 02:36:01
Quote from: gypsylady on 2007 March 26, 18:45:23
Monique over at MTS2 has done this mod. It is is her no autonomous hacks thread.I don't have the link right now. Just doa search for monique.
Squinge has also made a no autonmous waterballoon fight hack.
However, rather than seeing it squashed altogether, I'd rather the game do a check for appropriate season (Summer), location (outdoors) and perhaps even body temperature - a sim who needs cooling down should be more likely to participate in or initiate this activity than a sim who does not need to cool down.
Agreed! I also have guests swimming at night while there is 3 feet of snow on the ground
I would like...a no fire hack...for the cooker and the fireplaces and anything else than can and does catch fire.
Edit- A fire hydrant for dogs to use (instead of the path and garden) I think the Sims1 had one of these?
Last Edit: 2007 March 30, 15:49:41 by MyPrecious
A definition of loafing is; when you can't be bothered to open the curtains so you click the Glastonbury festival web cam to check the weather…
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Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #417 on:
2007 March 30, 17:41:38 »
Quote from: MyPrecious on 2007 March 30, 14:38:49
Agreed! I also have guests swimming at night while there is 3 feet of snow on the ground
Well, they get around that by saying the pools are always heated.
But yea, the sims would get pretty cold running from the pool to the house in their bathing suits...
Excelsior, you fathead!
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #418 on:
2007 March 30, 19:32:36 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 March 30, 17:41:38
Quote from: MyPrecious on 2007 March 30, 14:38:49
Agreed! I also have guests swimming at night while there is 3 feet of snow on the ground
Well, they get around that by saying the pools are always heated.
But yea, the sims would get pretty cold running from the pool to the house in their bathing suits...
I know this from personal experience...on my honeymoon at the end of February in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
It was warm in the pool and the pool was inside, but we had to run outside all the way to our "room" (it was a train made into a hotel with each room one end of a train car.) It had been rather nice during the day, but at night it gets chilly up in the mountains.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #419 on:
2007 March 30, 21:08:16 »
I reeeaaaalllly want a hack that will stop my sims from wanting a bath or shower every time they get warm or cold .... is there such a hack/mod out there already
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #420 on:
2007 March 31, 04:07:32 »
They heard me
The Sims 2 Seasons CD/DVD Patch
Instructions: Save the file to disk and then run it to install the patch.
Please make sure you have your game CD's available during patch installation.
Download The Sims 2 Seasons CD/DVD Patch
(Note: This patch is compatible for all languages)
Complete list of changes:
Custom objects will now be preserved when uploading Lots to the Exchange.
Musician Career Track career reward (Rock Hammer) now has audio functioning correctly.
Sim Babies no longer cry excessively.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #421 on:
2007 March 31, 07:48:35 »
Yes, you must be *VERY* special...
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 88
"And we don't want any of that nonsense, do we?"
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #422 on:
2007 March 31, 09:12:30 »
Quote from: RainbowTigress on 2007 March 30, 19:32:36
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 March 30, 17:41:38
Quote from: MyPrecious on 2007 March 30, 14:38:49
Agreed! I also have guests swimming at night while there is 3 feet of snow on the ground
Well, they get around that by saying the pools are always heated.
But yea, the sims would get pretty cold running from the pool to the house in their bathing suits...
I know this from personal experience...on my honeymoon at the end of February in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
It was warm in the pool and the pool was inside, but we had to run outside all the way to our "room" (it was a train made into a hotel with each room one end of a train car.) It had been rather nice during the day, but at night it gets chilly up in the mountains.
You have a point, the pool was always warm in Spain even at night when it was chilly. I did wonder if they would freeze to death as they oftan stand around and play red-hands or something afterwards but it seems that no real harm can come of it so I stopped worrying
A definition of loafing is; when you can't be bothered to open the curtains so you click the Glastonbury festival web cam to check the weather…
O môr henion i dhû:
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #423 on:
2007 March 31, 10:31:41 »
Quote from: MyPrecious on 2007 March 31, 09:12:30
You have a point, the pool was always warm in Spain even at night when it was chilly. I did wonder if they would freeze to death as they oftan stand around and play red-hands or something afterwards but it seems that no real harm can come of it so I stopped worrying
Real pools, even if unheated, will remain warm at night if it was warm during the day because water has a high specific heat and cools very slowly as a result. There's a lot of energy stored in that pool and it will take long time to lose it all. This is why places near the ocean tend to have lower temperature fluctuations: That huge ocean acts like a giant heat sink. Compare to, say, deserts, where the sand is not a very good heat sink and thus the desert goes from broiling to freezing very quickly at nightfall.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 88
"And we don't want any of that nonsense, do we?"
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #424 on:
2007 March 31, 11:08:01 »
I should have realised that as a gardener, if there is water in a greenhouse (like Kew Gardens in London) the mean temperature is always higher and more stable, they nearly lost their orchids by forgetting this and draining the indoor pool. Plus my garden has a huge pool and in the summer it's always warmer and more humid in my garden than my friends even if the night is chilly.
A definition of loafing is; when you can't be bothered to open the curtains so you click the Glastonbury festival web cam to check the weather…
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