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Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
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Topic: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for? (Read 222224 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26291
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #325 on:
2007 March 19, 11:34:00 »
I wasn't aware that problem was EVER fixed despite Maxian claims to the contrary, and the fix is thus still current.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #326 on:
2007 March 19, 11:34:50 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 19, 11:08:07
They don't? I thought they DIDN'T gain fishing skill, which was fixed in the recent comm-skilling update, but I saw no code pertaining to the non-keeping of fishes. Did you leave your neighborhood file open in SimPE, thus preventing the inventory from being written?
I have the comm-skilling installed - which would explain the skill building - and no exotic hacks that I can think of.
The lot was an owned community lot, where I brought and adult (not the owner) and two kid sims. When one of them caught the first boot, I checked its inventory and it was empty. At that time I was hoping their inventory would be "fixed" when returning home.
I waited long enough for the bronze badge, at which time all three had caught enough fish for a whole week, or so I thought. When they returned home, I re-checked the inventory and it was still empty.
And I never run SimPe or other heavy program while playing the sims.
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #327 on:
2007 March 19, 12:31:46 »
Quote from: Pyromaniac on 2007 March 16, 23:58:33
The visitors passing by all had colds, so that may have partially caused it. Also, I realized I installed both your warmth fix and DJ's hot-tub-isn't-hot mod.
Blegh. The colds stopped coming after I removed it.
That mod was beta anyhow and I never released it cause everyone and their dog were making warmth/cold changes, (plus I wanted an official awesome version) but I don't see how it would conflict with Pescado's mod, unless his mod also edits the Relax BHAV from the hot tub semi-globals.
Nifty Sims hacks and programs at:
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Jake Lucas
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #328 on:
2007 March 19, 14:23:23 »
Hi Pescado
I was wondering if u could possibly do more choices of veggies/fruits as I would like 2 have more of a choice, I know 6 plot choices and 3 trees r plenty but u know what us sim addicts r like, we always want MORE MORE MORE!
Ta muchly
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #329 on:
2007 March 19, 14:43:41 »
I totally support this request, just imagine what a full harvest of poisonous mushrooms can do for your game!
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #330 on:
2007 March 19, 14:45:07 »
Quote from: Theo on 2007 March 19, 14:43:41
I totally support this request, just imagine what a full harvest of poisonous mushrooms can do for your game!
Ooh, nanny food :big evil grin:
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #331 on:
2007 March 19, 14:47:06 »
The produce grower is firmly non-modular and does not lend itself to modification.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #332 on:
2007 March 19, 18:30:54 »
1. The matter of finances is greatly unrealistic in the game, and many of us are already bored with gorgeous mansions, private bowling alleys and Ferraris in every newlywed couples' home. Perhaps much could be changed with an (optional) simple hack. Let me explain.
I'd really like to have a "hardfistedEmployers" aka "noPromotionBonuses" mod, as a good pair for no20Khandouts (that is one of the best hack ideas if you ask me - thank you, JM!). Or at least a reduced bonus, perhaps around 25% of the new salary? This would reduce the cheatish way "get a job, go up the ladder quickly, then quit and get another job or start all over" of playing, that I admittedly do too - just because it's hard to find motivation to keep one career, if the best career is to always change the jobs. (I know I can deduct the bonus with FamilyFunds, but it's not the same).
A new family or lonely sim/ university graduate, as for now, is a challenge and fun to play only for the first 1-2 sim-weeks. After that, the astronomical promotion bonuses give to sim/family too much of money too easy too soon. This hack would make the sims really work hard (and caffeinate or energise or juice-ise) after their dayjob - they should paint/write, garden/fish, produce/serve or have private/home businesses etc., in order to afford a better life for themselves and for the children. Also, it would make them to choose between skilling, socializing and resting for faster promotions, or doing more side-job at home or private business for better life sooner. This again would make the career advancement slower and more realistic, as they simply have no time for fulfilling the mandatory requirements.
Also, it would give some sense for college years, as a good and free time to skill and socialise for the future life. Together with noAgeDiscrimination, it would as well create a more realistic situation, where people can really start to "live off" and have more expensive houses and stuff only when they reach their senior years and are already sick and frail.
Perhaps some young parents would find it even more comfortable to dump their children on grandparents to raise up (the daughter moves in with a child, then reconciles with the husband and moves back with him, "forgetting" the child to her parents). Or the adult children would have a good reason to whine until they have some expensive gifts from Gramps ("Mom, little Pete really NEEEEDS a new bed, and I know that you CAN afford! And while on that subject, I really NEEEEEED a new Ferrari, too, to impress and have the promotion!"). This way, the hard-earned money of the seniors would have a good use, and the grandparents could end up broke, selling the house and moving on a 6K lot, finally dying with nothing to hand down to other children, as it is often IRL.
It would also foster the social inequity between those who have living parents and those who have not. And social inequity is a Good Thing, I believe JM agrees on that.
Also, marrying/moving in with another sim, rich or not, would be a great financial relief, as it is IRL, too. The college graduates would be forced to start their life as roommates, especially if they had not much (or at all) scholarships, college semester bonuses or rich parents - because alone they can't afford even the minimal house of few thousands.
Last but not least, it would - as we all like it! - stop the happy careless childhood of the children and teens, and make them rather a free labor for their parents, preventing to have all 7 skills maxed out already in the mid-teen, because the children had instead to fish, garden and paint their asses off in the sun, rain and snow. The children who work have no time for stupid things like teenage crushes, dating or crappy jobs outside the home. When in college, there would be enough time to catch up the skills, or perhaps at the end of the semester to produce/create something that would accumulate the money for independent life after college. (I hate it that I skill the teens up for 8 points in everything, and then they have big scholarships and no skills to develop in college or after).
I understand that people have different styles of playing, therefore it could possibly be a buyable object rather than just a mod, that many might catch inadvertently with Director'sCut. If it is not technically possible to remove the bonuses, then what about adding the amount of the bonus to the next bill, as an income tax? This would create the tension of the temptation to spend the immediate money, even though you know, that a big bill is coming or already about to become overdue... sort of a credit card trap, or an investment loan if you use it wisely and can pay back in time.
Repo Men, whom I have never seen, would become good acquaintances, or one should often sell the few days old expensive bed for little money and sleep on the floor, just to buy it later back for full price.
Obviously, also the chance card monetary bonuses should be reduced the same way (directly or via bills/tax). I don't know if it's possible. But the 50 000 awards are really injust - you can ask the relatives or neighbours, they will say the same!
Edit: Now if I think, perhaps the finacial bonus just for the final promotion would be good to remain as it is now, because it would make reaching the top of career more fervently waited for (Daddy got the promotion, daughter can go to college). The many aspiration points we might receive now (through the respective Want or LTW) are not motivating enough - for the time we reach the top, we have already more than enough of them.
2. A College Entrance Fee, to be paid once from parents's pockets when a teen of the family goes to college. It could be quite expensive (10 000?), perhaps less for public school students (4000?) and more for Private School students, assuming that the latter go to more expensive colleges. The lonely teens should create a business or something, otherwise no college. If there is no money accumulated enough by the family, the teen is prevented to "go to college" and grows up to be an adult with modest prospects (like one who has no high grades enough). This would reduce the temptation to send the teens to college in their mid-teenage time. Also, it would make the teens to forget the joys of child-/teenhood and work for their college fee already since entering the elementary school, instead of accumulating all skill points and 150 000+ aspiration points by the time they go to college. That makes college years and new life as an adult very unchallenging for those who are born in game. Only work and no play is good for your child, because it prevents the teen pregnancies, drugs and piercings!
3. In Macrotastics, I'd be happy to have, if possible, the "Bake Stuff" macro for children. Since the toy oven costs just 100 and the muffins come for free (probably they get the instant flour mix from social services office, that makes sense), exploiting the children as the muffin-winners could help the poor family w/children over the worse times, without any need for other kind of kitchenware. The muffin is one of the lowest Hunger Efficiency foods, taking long time to eat and giving only low satisfaction.
As for now, it's highly annoying to Bake/Get Food manually for all the family - you only can watch the baking child. Btw, the muffins should probably be placed on the floor nearby, since I assume they cannot "make many" and put them in inventory.
PS. I don't remember what was the thing with ContinuousPainting. I think that if it would be possible, it would already be a macro in Macrotastics, right? It doesn't even have to include taking care of the needs, just simple paint/sell/paint/sell would be enough.
4. A Wallet. I.e. an object like the Money Order letter now, that one could add the funds to from family funds, and place it in one's inventory (and it would not lose the value over time). The use is very obvious. But I suspect that if it would be possible, Pescado would have already made it. :S
Edited: minor corrections.
Last Edit: 2007 March 19, 19:53:52 by snowyrat
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #333 on:
2007 March 19, 19:19:24 »
(I'm not going to quote from that manifesto
1) are you using harderjobs? That removes most of the uni job bonus, so they don't start almost at the top of their career.
4) Monique's computers over on MTS2 already have a 'bank account' function where you can dump money into individual accounts.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #334 on:
2007 March 19, 19:35:25 »
Thanks for your reply and pardon my manifesto...
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 March 19, 19:19:24
1) are you using harderjobs? That removes most of the uni job bonus, so they don't start almost at the top of their career.
Yes, thanks, I am using it. But with really good mood / all motives full (plan well or go to Energizer just before going to job), they will anyway get the promotions practically every single day.
I am easily challenged, so I try to go through the career as quickly as possible, but I'd like it to be more impossible due to the practical reasons.
4) Monique's computers over on MTS2 already have a 'bank account' function where you can dump money into individual accounts.
Yes, but the problem is that if you remove the Downloads folder (for patching, upgrading etc), EVEN if you put it back before restarting the game, the Monique's bank accounts get reset. The simple object in inventory would be so much easier - no need to remember to whom the money belongs - it belongs to the one who has the wallet. Every salary/semester bonus etc. cold be put in the wallet of the respective sim, and thus prevent the confusions with splitting the money when the sims graduate in different times or the roommates with different monetary contribution move out to live separately.
Thanks anyway.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #335 on:
2007 March 19, 19:39:23 »
You know, a wide variety of objects exist in any number of denominations. Just buy one and stick it in your inventory. Why make this harder than it needs to be?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #336 on:
2007 March 19, 19:51:03 »
Quote from: snowyrat on 2007 March 19, 19:35:25
Yes, but the problem is that if you remove the Downloads folder (for patching, upgrading etc), EVEN if you put it back before restarting the game, the Monique's bank accounts get reset.
Easy solution:
1) backup your hoods
2) remove downloads (if you must -- I never do -- I only remove the hacks I know won't be compatible)
3) patch/add ep/whatever
4) restore downloads and restart the game
5) exit the game and restore your backed-up hoods
That keeps the tokens from getting wiped out.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 19, 19:39:23
You know, a wide variety of objects exist in any number of denominations. Just buy one and stick it in your inventory. Why make this harder than it needs to be?
Yup; another easy solution.
Many a uni student brought home an expensive TV or two to preserve their funds before I discovered Monique's computers...
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Save the kittun!
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #337 on:
2007 March 19, 20:03:51 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 19, 19:39:23
You know, a wide variety of objects exist in any number of denominations. Just buy one and stick it in your inventory. Why make this harder than it needs to be?
Because of the simple reason: except the most expensive sculptures, the other things lose in their value. So for instance in the college, I can't save up for the house - the money goes to the common kettle, and if the sims are making some other money apart the bonuses, it is soon a mess and nobody knows who owns how much.
As for now, I keep manually the book (write it down in their Biography and add the sum every time they earn something, but this is very annoying way). It would be great just to take the wallet, add the money, and put it back to pocket.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #338 on:
2007 March 19, 20:08:11 »
I didn't have any problems with sims bringing fish home in their inventory from a community lot.
My sims autonomously take the trash to the composter, too. In fact, they do this every time, and never just throw it out anymore. I think they should compost the garbage as long as the composter is closer than the garbage can on the curb.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Save the kittun!
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #339 on:
2007 March 19, 20:12:34 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2007 March 19, 19:51:03
Easy solution:
That keeps the tokens from getting wiped out.
Thanks, so at least there is a way to keep the tokens.
I'll make use of it.
Edit: The clear disadvantage of the money computer is the long time it wastes to use it.
Last Edit: 2007 March 19, 20:25:20 by snowyrat
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #340 on:
2007 March 19, 21:24:52 »
Quote from: snowyrat on 2007 March 19, 20:12:34
[Edit: The clear disadvantage of the money computer is the long time it wastes to use it.
Offset by the advantages of buying clothes, electronics, and other stuff online, saving the loading time of going to a comm lot. Oh, and the ability to skill on anything, including all the badges, so a sim can use away-from-business time to improve register, stocking, sales, and the like.
It may not be awesome, but Monique's computers are one of my must-haves now.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 416
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #341 on:
2007 March 19, 21:57:59 »
Quote from: snowyrat on 2007 March 19, 20:03:51
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 19, 19:39:23
You know, a wide variety of objects exist in any number of denominations. Just buy one and stick it in your inventory. Why make this harder than it needs to be?
Because of the simple reason: except the most expensive sculptures, the other things lose in their value.
While in the inventory the items do not lose value.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 97
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #342 on:
2007 March 19, 22:31:07 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 17, 04:46:31
I use that, yes. It never seems to show up at the time you need them, though, which is usually "Yesterday". I usually wind up replacing the fridge because I need it NOW, not 4 hours from now.
...That's what the Low Food Warning hack is for...
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #343 on:
2007 March 20, 09:46:37 »
Would it be possible to make practice piano playing fun again? This had been fixed once, but is broken again since seasons.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 19, 11:34:00
I wasn't aware that problem was EVER fixed despite Maxian claims to the contrary, and the fix is thus still current.
Well, it must have been fixed
, because my sims definitively
fun practicing before I installed seasons...
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26291
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #344 on:
2007 March 20, 09:50:47 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2007 March 20, 09:46:37
Well, it must have been fixed
, because my sims definitively
fun practicing before I installed seasons...
The Piano isn't always not-fun. Initially, the piano remains fun until about 24 hours without the object being reset, after which the attributes are corrupted with garbage and the piano ceases to be fun.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #345 on:
2007 March 20, 09:57:37 »
I see - so what will reset the piano? Would be leaving and re-entering the lot enough?
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Asinine Airhead
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The Sims In My Head Made Me Do It
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #346 on:
2007 March 20, 10:34:56 »
Quote from: Assmitten on 2007 March 17, 20:49:48
No eat crap should work with a hack that would cause sims to put their half-a-plate of uneaten sparkly food back in the fridge.
Yeah, that'd be nice! And speaking of noeatcrap, I think it might need an update for Seasons - almost all my sims, regardless of neatness/slobbiness, are eating beyond when their bar is 100% full and then standing up and getting fat. This seems to happen only with the sparkly food, so I'm guessing totally at random that the extra food value of "fresh" meals is missing from the calculations about how much they can actually safely eat without exploding out of their clothes?
- /\/\sB -
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #347 on:
2007 March 20, 10:51:35 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2007 March 20, 09:57:37
I see - so what will reset the piano? Would be leaving and re-entering the lot enough?
I think Shift-click + "Force Error" should suffice.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #348 on:
2007 March 20, 10:57:39 »
Quote from: MsBarrows on 2007 March 20, 10:34:56
I think it might need an update for Seasons - almost all my sims, regardless of neatness/slobbiness, are eating beyond when their bar is 100% full and then standing up and getting fat. This seems to happen only with the sparkly food, so I'm guessing totally at random that the extra food value of "fresh" meals is missing from the calculations about how much they can actually safely eat without exploding out of their clothes?
Isn't noeatcrap dependent on how
a sim is? I rarely play sims with less than 6 active points, and they all stop eating as soon as their hunger bar is full, no matter if sparkling food or not. I have noticed that
sims (say, 4 active points or less) have now a higher chance of overeating, though, even with non-sparkling food.
Quote from: Theo on 2007 March 20, 10:51:35
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2007 March 20, 09:57:37
I see - so what will reset the piano? Would be leaving and re-entering the lot enough?
I think Shift-click + "Force Error" should suffice.
Good idea - i'll try that
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Seasons: What mods are you already begging for?
Reply #349 on:
2007 March 20, 11:16:43 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2007 March 20, 10:57:39
Quote from: MsBarrows on 2007 March 20, 10:34:56
I think it might need an update for Seasons - almost all my sims, regardless of neatness/slobbiness, are eating beyond when their bar is 100% full and then standing up and getting fat. This seems to happen only with the sparkly food, so I'm guessing totally at random that the extra food value of "fresh" meals is missing from the calculations about how much they can actually safely eat without exploding out of their clothes?
Isn't noeatcrap dependent on how
a sim is? I rarely play sims with less than 6 active points, and they all stop eating as soon as their hunger bar is full, no matter if sparkling food or not. I have noticed that
sims (say, 4 active points or less) have now a higher chance of overeating, though, even with non-sparkling food.
That's right, active is the determining factor here, and it presently works fine in the most recent versions.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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