No worries. I'm safe at my house in Wylie (northeast of Dallas), just waiting for the Johnson Space Center to reopen so I can get back to work.
I was lucky. When I got to work on Wednesday morning my boss told me to secure my machine, fill out my time card for the rest of the week, and get the heck out of town. I did exactly that, and called all my troops and told them the same thing. I had already packed the car and secured the house so I was out of town before the big traffic jams happened. Traffic was heavy but not much slower than I-45 usually runs on a busy day.
I have no idea how my house down in El Lago (just east of the Johnson Space Center) fared in the storm. It's surrounded by huge tallow trees, and tallow trees tend to break, so I wouldn't be surprised to find that it got smooshed. But if so, all I stand to lose is a pile of dirty socks that I didn't bother to wash and an easily replaceable bed. All the good stuff is still up here in my house in Wylie, waiting for the moving van to pick it up next month.
We nattered about the hurricanes quite a bit starting with
this message in the "Real Life Adventures" thread at the Hullabaloo. I posted that note the night before I left town and just kept on blathering about it once I got up to Wylie.
(As with most BBS conversations, that thread also ventures into other amusing areas, including puzzling over global warming, ice ages, and the virtues of minivans. Earlier in the thread you can read scintillating conversation about my day job and Philly cheese steaks.)